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Up all night- can it be gluten or dairy?!? I thought I was crazy before


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I didn't follow the re-intro to the t because of a birthday celebration and am now trying to decide if I want to do another whole 30 wth proper introduction.

Last night, because I hadn't had one since December and I wanted to be "bad" since I was so good with the whole30( I know very silly logic since I learned so much about food and my relationship with food for the whole30) I got a menchies frozen yogurt with a few toppings. This was one of the worst decisions I've made in a long time. Diarhea,cramping,general unwellness, gas, extreme nausea, and I still don't know if it's the lactose, gluten or both. This crazy because on the whole30 I only had gas a few times, compared to before where it was a multi hourly thing. Now I had to be so stubborn and self righteous because I didn't follow the reintro properly so I thought I could eat whatever I wanted.... Ahhh silly,stubborn Irish blood!

The worst part is I used the sleep bad during the night, which I attributed to My crohns and pcos, but it got considerably better over the 30 days. I thought I was crazy a few times, there is no way that food alone can. Keep me up...is there? My question is I have been wide awake since 2:45. Am and can't get back to bed...is this just a coincidence or can eating what I did cause me to stay up all night ?


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Yes! For years, my nights looked like this: fall asleep exhausted at 10, wake up at 2am, be restless until 5am, fall asleep again, alarm goes off at 6am. I gave up gluten long before W30, and within days of giving up gluten, I started sleeping solid through the night. Not saying that gluten is the culprit for you, but yes, a single food thing can make an impact.

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