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Eating the template minimum but hardly ever hungry for next meal

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Hi all,


I'm on day 29 and I think my hunger cues are still messed up. The first few weeks, I ate the middle to high end of the template because I wanted to make sure I was getting enough of what I needed in order to heal my metabolism and get my hormones back to normal. The last week or so, I've lessened my protein and fat intake (while still eating the template minimum) to see if I can find the right amount of food in order to be hungry for the next meal. I'm not sure what to do now, as I am rarely physically hungry at this point.


In addition to continuing hunger and satiety dementia, I no longer fit in the pants that I wore when I started my whole 30. I have not weighed myself, as that is not what is important to me at all and I started at a normal, healthy weight, but I am discouraged about going up a pants size or possibly two. I certainly did not want to gain weight and it's definitely not a result of gaining muscle.


Seeking encouragement and advice,



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I am 2 weeks out of my Whole 30 and I had this problem and still do. I think it is a by product of the high protein diet. I just eat the minimum, and I have continued to lose weight after finishing. I try to eat in reasonable intervals 4-5 hours and look for other hunger signals. 

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If you read the Whole30 timeline you will see this is a normal step in the Whole30 process. Just because it may have taken you a little longer to hit this step than defined in the timeline does not mean it is an abnormal step.

Not looking forward to this part of the process myself.

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Rachel - I think this will level out if you go back to the template minimum of protein and fat. If you're not feeling hungry for your meals at all, you've likely got too much of one (or both) of those happening.  Hunger/appetite can be fickle, so I'd suggest reducing one or the other of those at each meal until you're hungry again, and then build up from there if you need more.

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Nikki, your advice seems sensible, thank you.


TJ, it's not food boredom per se, if that's the step you are referring to. I love the food I'm eating. It tastes really good, and once I start eating I generally don't want to stop. That's part of my dilemma: I rarely feel hungry and never feel satisfied. It's crazy when just the act of eating triggers cravings. Maybe continuing beyond 30 days will help with this.


Robin, thank you for your guidance. I will do what you suggest and see what happens. I will have the right amount when I am hungry in time for the next meal, is that correct?


Thanks again,


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Another thought would be to consider what else is going on in your life? Are you particularly stressed? are you getting enough sleep? how frequently/intensely are you working out?


If you're overreaching/overdoing things, your body's going to switch into "flight or fight mode," not "rest and digest," so your hunger cues WILL be messed up unless you address that stuff.


Or Robin could be right and you just need to cut down to the minimum protein and fat combos

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I'm having a similar problem. I'm on Day 18 and I'm at the point where I'm completely disinterested in food. I've cooked a ton of delicious meals, but when I sit down to eat, I get through maybe 4-6 bites before I feel like I'm done--it's a weird combo of disinterest and satiety. I'm a little worried that I'm not eating enough, but I'm trying to listen to my hunger cues and not over-eat. And the thought of forcing myself to eat more makes me feel sick. Any thoughts as to what's going on?

I should also add that I rarely feel hungry at all.

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