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McJule's Post-Whole 30


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I ended up starving after lunch so I had some popcorn -- I feel like I'm still struggling with what foods will keep me full all afternoon and I haven't figured it out yet.


Breakfast:  the usual plus fruit

Lunch:  meeting a friend, will have a salad

Dinner:  probably salad again, also have leftover sausage

Workout:  weights

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I didn't post yesterday because I was out for a school field trip.  Weight is continuing to tick down so that is good, even though it's still not back to where I want it to be.  Today's eating is a food fail.  I realized last night that we have zero vegetables in the house, including sweet potatoes.  I should have made a point of going to the store but I didn't realize it until it was too late. So I have two non-gluten grains today, which I try to avoid eating more than one of in a day, and no veggies.  I'll get some food before dinner.


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, oat bran w/almond butter, coffee w/cashew milk

Lunch:  rice w/sausage

Dinner:  unknown

Workout:  weights

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Just checking in here.  On Saturday my weight was only one pound up from my July low so I was thrilled and naturally now it's another couple pounds up.  Weekend was fun by busy.  Went to a party on Saturday night where I avoided gluten and sugar but did have a little wine.  On Sunday we went to a friend's house for dinner and they had pizza (always a hit with the kids).  I was just going to have salad but I did have one piece.  And more wine.  Not surprised my weight is up.  And now I seem to have caught a cold.  It started yesterday when I got a sore throat but I'm feeling worse today.  At work but feeling eh.  Hoping it gets better and not worse!

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I ended up being out sick with a bad cold last week.  When I am sick I don't want vegetables or meat so I had a bunch of non-gluten grains.  No sugar that I can recall.  Got a bunch of sleep and I am starting to improve.  Exercise obviously took a dive too -- I still got in a lot of steps, but no yoga/weights/elliptical.  Trying to get back on track this week but haven't had a chance to hit the supermarket so it's out to lunch for me!

I've lost track of my no sugar and my no gluten!


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/cashew milk

Lunch:  will report back

Dinner:  salad

Workout:  weights

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So I didn't lift weights last night.  The cold is still lingering and at night it's the worst -- very congested and hard to breathe.  Weight is in a good place (relatively speaking, still 7 pounds above goal).  I went to the store so I have more options for food.  I'm hoping my cold won't be a problem at yoga -- we'll see!


Breakfast:  the usual

Lunch:  ham, kale salad

Dinner:  salad

Workout:  yoga

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Well, this week has been crazy -- very busy at work, lots of kid stuff going on, and husband at work/events every night until past my bedtime.  But the good news is that my weight is going down!  I think having no one to cook for helps!


Breakfast:  the usual plus fruit

Lunch:  ham, kale salad

Dinner: probably a salad again

Workout:  weights

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Weight is up a couple pounds for no reason -- I ate almost exactly the same food two days in a row.  This is a reminder that a)  it's silly to weigh daily and B) weight fluctuations sometimes happen for no reason!


Breakfast:  the usual

Lunch:  spaghetti squash w/sausage

Dinner:  salad

Workout:  yoga

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Jen, I hear you.  I was thinking that the other day.  My "goal weight" is less than 10 pounds from what I weigh now. This is not a crisis!  I need to be more chill with my weight.  It's just that I feel like I've been trying to lose 5-10 pounds for the past eight years and it's frustrating that I can't (on the other hand maybe that should tell me that this is where my body wants to be!).

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Weekend eating wasn't ideal but I didn't go totally off the rails.  We had a kid Halloween party Friday night, brunch with friends Saturday, and a neighborhood party on Sunday evening.  I did have some sugar -- the desserts at the neighborhood party were to die for.  I could have had just one instead of three, but I didn't go crazy.  I had some wine, but not too much.  A little gluten.  Weight is up two pounds but I don't think I've ever had a weekend where it wasn't up a bit.  Two pounds is not bad.  I was at my low on Saturday (my post-whole 30 low, which is good).  This week is more normal after two weird weeks -- sick much of the week followed by a crazy busy week.

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Thanks Jen.  I was SO upset yesterday because I forgot my yoga clothes so I couldn't go to yoga.  I've also been too tired to do weights this week.  Not good!  My eating has been fine but working out has been non-existent.  I must do weights tonight.  I'm also exhausted, which I don't totally understand.  I must be going to bed too late.


Breakfast:  the usual plus fruit

Lunch:  ham and kale salad

Dinner:  salad

Workout:  weights

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Finally getting to yoga today -- brought my yoga wear!  Weight is creeping up this week but I can't figure out why.  Eating has been good, sleep and exercise are a little lacking.  Maybe that is the problem??


Breakfast: the usual

Lunch:  chicken and rice (meant to bring a salad but I ran out of time)

Dinner:  salad

Workout:  yoga

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Weight is still up from last week by a pound.  Not any reason that I can see.


Breakfast:  the usual

Lunch:  spaghetti squash w/sausage and tomato sauce

Dinner:  unsure, out of salad, probably a veggie

Workout:  weights

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I ATE NO CANDY!!!!  So proud of myself.  It was actually easier than last year because the store-bought candy just didn't look too tempting.  The one moment of weakness I had was when one of my kids tried some candy and didn't like it and then handed the rest to me.  My first instinct was to eat it myself but then I got smart and threw it out.  Despite my "good" Halloween I did not avoid sweets altogether this weekend.  I went to a baby shower on Sunday and had some cake.  I usually avoid cake (it's not my thing) but this one just looked so beautiful and had all these strawberries.  Anyhow, I'm not beating myself up over it (although again I need to learn to have a bite rather than a piece!).  Week should be good.  I'm hosting a girls' night on Friday.  Most of the food is going to be good (i.e. no gluten, no added sugar, no processed food) but there will be wine and I have to serve dessert (making a flourless chocolate cake).  


Weight is the same as last week -- it didn't fluctuate much last week.  It's still up 1 - 2 pounds from a couple weeks ago but still on the lower side.

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Great job!  A real victory.


As for the cake, sounds like it was what a treat should be.  I have read that taking 3 bites and really enjoying them can leave you satisfied from a treat perspective.  I have found it works in varying degrees.

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Great job!  Sounds like a mirror of my weekend - no candy, but cake. :)  Three bites doesn't work for me.  I so wish it did.  I keep thinking that I can learn to enjoy a few bites only, but I keep proving to myself (over and over and over again) that I can't.  Sigh.

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Thanks Sara!  I am feeling proud about the candy.  I'm going to keep working on the three bites.


It hit me yesterday when I saw some Christmas treats in the supermarket that the holidays are fast upon us!  I've conquered Halloween and Thanksgiving isn't usually too bad because it's just one meal and I'm not hosting, which means I won't have a bunch of leftover pie tempting me.  What is hard is the Christmas season because it's weeks of parties and yummy treats.  Last year my plan was to allow myself occasional treats -- not every party, not every treat -- and that worked pretty well although I ended up eating more AFTER Christmas, which was odd and unexpected.  


Weight down a pound from yesterday -- eating on track.  The usual foods during the day and yoga.

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I struggled last year over the holidays as well.  My sister came in from Ireland for Thanksgiving, so that was almost a mini-Christmas,  Then Christmas.  I also want to find a way to let myself have a few treats without going over the top.  Work in progress for me for sure.

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I forgot to post that yesterday was my anniversary -- we had take-out and I had a few bites of no-flour chocolate cake (SO proud for not having a whole piece!).


Eating on track today, which feels good.  I'm trying to be extra clean in preparation for Friday night's dinner party and Saturday I have TWO kid parties. 

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