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Not enough time


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Ok, so my husband, my oldest daughter (13) and I started a Whole 30 last week.  I have a feeling my daughter has problems with gluten, but I'm not sure.  Everything was going fine until we settled on the date she will go visit family in California.  She leaves during reintroduction.  She would leave on the day of the last food introduction.  Ideas?

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I would introduce gluten before she goes and save some of the less suspicious foods for later on after the trip. Otherwise she could have a nasty time on her trip if she has a reaction to something with gluten in it. I introduced dairy and gluten first to have them done before the long weekend just because they were the biggest suspects and I rarely eat legumes or non gluten grains except for rice, which is usually not an issue for most people.

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I was thinking about doing gluten more early on.  Thing is she is going to my mother in laws and I guarantee she won't be serving anything close to compliant.


yeah she could probably do the gluten first, then a whole 7 or 14 later.  



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I'm a heretic, you could also just cut her short a couple of days, say she does a Whole27 or something and complete the reintroductions... 


I'm a believer in not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good - she's a teen heading to a hostile food environment, while she's in the swing of it she's probably more likely to be compliant with the program & reintroductions than a big break and trying to get back for a Whole 7-14... (I have a 14 year old stepson and can't even imagine him being willing to try this, so bravo to you mama!)

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I'm a heretic, you could also just cut her short a couple of days, say she does a Whole27 or something and complete the reintroductions... 


I'm a believer in not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good - she's a teen heading to a hostile food environment, while she's in the swing of it she's probably more likely to be compliant with the program & reintroductions than a big break and trying to get back for a Whole 7-14... (I have a 14 year old stepson and can't even imagine him being willing to try this, so bravo to you mama!)


I've been known to dabble in heresy as well, but in this case, I disagree. Better to finish the Whole30 and adjust the reintro than to adjust the Whole30 to complete the reintro. There's just a bigger sense of accomplishment to a Whole30 than a Whole27.

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well, now you guys are all confusing me.  all ideas I've had.  She wanted to try it.  I think originally to slay her sugar dragon.  Pretty sure she immediately regretted the decision.  She has those bumps on her arms, I have heard that's from gluten.  12 days in they are still there....not sure.  Guess it could take a while to exit her system.  But she is going to a very hostile food environement.

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Is it not possible to contact the family she's staying with and tell them she'd on an elimination diet so they could fit in with that? I know if one of my nephews or nieces came to stay with me and their parents told me they couldn't have XYZ I'd go out of my way to do it. And if she makes choices that are outside that, then she's 13 and can make the connection to any consequences - esp as it was her choice to whole 30.

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