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Almost done with the 1st week


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Super slept in today, which was GREAT. Not great was discovering we were out of eggs when I went to cook breakfast. So after a shower, etc and a trip to Publix it ended up being brunch.

Brunch- mushroom, tomato, black olive, and bacon omelette, cup of tea.

Supper- pork chop, grilled pineapple, awesome tossed salad with vignette.

My back is on the mend, still have to take it easy for 2 weeks though. Getting ready to ice it one more time before bed.

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I bet you loose a ton of weight but it won't be because you followed a whole30, it'll be because you ate like a humming bird.

Sore back or not you need the nutrition.  I understand your not hungry, none of are hungry much eating this way, but you 

still need to fuel yourself, your back will heal faster if you feed it.. Anyway,  I'm thinking on taking bets on what your

final numbers will be..  Anyone want in on the pool??   And before anyone has a high speed come apart I'm being silly. 


Good luck to you Glen, Hope that back is better soon.. 

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The back is on the mend for sure, thanks! I'm supposed to take it easy for another 2 weeks. And, last night was the first night I made it all the way through the night w/the CPAP machine. That equals more energy today! My back is actually the worst in bed now. Last day of no lunch; my vacationing employee comes back to work tomorrow.


CaGirl, I started this month at 350 lbs or better; I can miss a meal or 100 and still be fine. :)  Currently, I can't recall a time in my life when I've had such a great relationship with food, where I'm in control of it and not the other way around. That was the whole point of doing this.


I've contacted a local business that does cooking lessons but it's stuff like 'Let's make Chicken Parmesan' or something like that. I explained I wanted more than learning to make a dish, I want basics like knife skills, how to shop for produce, how to cook w/o destroying the entire kitchen, etc. and I mentioned we're doing more of a Paleo diet. They responded about getting a class along those lines next month, so that will be very cool. Wish I could've done that a month ago.  :D   :rolleyes:

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B- mushroom, black olive, salsa and bacon omelette, cup of tea.

S- spaghetti squash, meatballs(made them myself with organic ground chuck, organic ground veal, and spices), organic marinara sauce.

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It's interesting doing a challenge like Whole30 while also facing a challenge like learning to use CPAP. I knew CPAP was not going to be 'plug and play' but on the CPAP forum one guy said it took him 3 years to get a good night's sleep. THREE YEARS!!?? :o I'd quit or kill myself before that time line passed. At any rate, Last night I made it all the way through w/the mask, again, and I know I can do this but it won't be easy. So, out of the 24 days of Whole30 I've done so far, today would be day 1 or 2 of getting balanced diet in with meaningful rest.

My wife enjoyed her long weekend off Whole30 but was back on it as soon as she came home. I think she feels her biggest accomplishment this past weekend was on the last day, after lunch, when home made pound cake and home made ice cream was offered, she willfully declined. She didn't want it. She says that's a first.

Today is my son's last day on Whole30 and his plan is to go with some friends, at midnight, to Taco Bell to get some new thing they have that he hasn't been able to try yet. Again, he's not overweight, out of shape, etc., he just did this to support me and learn to like salads. He's been a trooper. Of the 3 of us, he's been the only one to ever be hungry because he didn't really follow the template unless he was eating with us. I have 6 days left and my wife is back on it with me until the end. I'm only about half way through the book so far, not near the chapter on 'reentry'/life or eating after Whole30. On a daily basis the only things I wish I could change would be to have my eggs with some cheese and wrapped in a tortilla for a breakfast burrito. I love those. I don't really like omelettes so this morning I'm even going to try to change that up by just scrambling all the stuff instead of making it an omelette. I might even pre cook the veggies a bit more to get more water out of them.

The other big challenge for us will be to come up with menus that let us do most of the cooking on the weekends. My wife is a teacher and having the Summer off is great for all this cooking and cleaning but once school starts back the temptation would be to go back to frozen and prepared meals/foods. Don't want to do that!

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Glad to see you've found a way to have some lunch in there. Did you notice a difference in how you felt?


I love eggs, but don't really like omelettes at all. I find the texture weird. However, I love scrambles because the eggs are fluffier. (I always put in just a tiny bit of water in my eggs before whisking.) Maybe try some avocado with your eggs to get that creamy mouth feel like you like from the cheese? You could even wrap it in prosciutto to make a burrito!

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I do miss my breakfast burritos!

B- scrambled eggs with mushrooms, black olives, salsa, and a cup of tea.

L- grilled chicken, baked sweet potato with ghee and cinnamon.

S- spaghetti squash, meatballs, organic marinara sauce.

After a theatre program one of my kids was in I came home and had a handful of pistachios.

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B- scrambled eggs (only 2 in the house), with mushrooms, black olives, salsa and bacon, cup of tea.

L- grilled chicken tossed salad.

S- hamburger, baked sweet potato with ghee and cinnamon.

Day 25 is done!

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5 days to go and this is the toughest stretch. My son's girlfriend, whom we're meeting for the first time, is here for a week so there's cause to eat out and we'd much rather take her to local places to experience this part of the country as opposed to chains. Not really anything to choose from out of our favorite local places. My parents come into town tomorrow and mom has retired from cooking so they like to go out a lot and again, there's really not that many choices. I'm just glad this will be over with for the 4th of July and when I go on vacation the next day. We take a Paleo cooking class the 3rd week of July and are getting pumped about that. We've all agreed to be Paleo post Whole30.

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You're so close!! Don't give in to all of the temptations that will likely be thrown your way in the next 5 days. You've come so far! Sometimes when I know that I will be dinning out, I'll eat a healthy portion of protein and fat before going to the restaurant so I am already feeling satiated and won't be tempted. Hope this helps! Good Luck!

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Oh, I won't cave in; It just kind of sucks. But, it doesn't suck as much as his girlfriend losing her suitcase yesterday. Airline has no clue where it is. She has to go shopping today for everything, including a new suitcase.

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So, I had to wear a belt starting today. :)  The pants demanded it. I've had no less than half a dozen people tell me I look like I've lost some weight. That number isn't really important to me, yeah it's a measuring stick but I'm much more concerned with how much energy I have, how my clothes fit, moving back in to smaller sizes, etc.  I don't have a goal or target weight; I have 'Feel good, look good, be healthy.' whatever weight that is. I certainly know I'm a long way from it.

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I doubt that, but again it's really not that important to me. I've been on so many different plans, programs, diets etc. I just learned to stop caring about the scale. But I know people will ask how much I lost so I will get on a scale and find out.

B- scrambled eggs with mushrooms, black olives, salsa, cup of tea.

L- pork chop, steamed broccoli, cantaloupe

S- Chipotle pork bowl w/lettuce, guacamole, and salsa. Mixed fruit.

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B- same as the last 3 days

L- hamburger, broccoli, cantaloupe.

S- pork chop, sweet potato

I had some pistachios for a snack today.

I'll have a bunch tomorrow and then a very late supper. Day 27 done!

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Brunch was a steak with steamed broccoli. I had a banana late afternoon for a snack and then later I had a supper of my normal breakfast. My wife waned me to cook that for her. Well even with a pear that want enough for me I was still hungry so I heated up a burger. Satisfied. 2 days left!

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B- eggs, mushrooms, bacon, tea.

L- hamburger, sweet potato, handful of almonds and hazel nuts.

S- chicken, green beans, sweet potato disks, handful of grapes.

One more day. Got a Paleo crock pot cook book today. The first of a few Paleo cook books to come I'm sure.

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Last day

B- same as yesterday

L- chicken, sweet potato buttons, green beans

S- crock pot roast beef with mushrooms, carrots, and celery. Handful of grapes.

I'm done. But tomorrow's breakfast will be the same, lunch as well. Supper will be dinner out, pizza. Since this will now be a much rarer treat for me I'm going to order exactly what I want which will include as many veggies as I can and a few meats. Maybe a salad too, who knows? Then back to whole 30 for all of Thursday then I will have a bbq lunch on the 4th. Then, vacation, where I will be as Paleo as I can with an occasional indulgence. When I get back from vacation it's strict Paleo. For the rest of my life. I can do that, easy.

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Glenn! Congratulations on finishing! You did a lot of great work here, but you are not done. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do a proper reintro, which means taking one type of food at a time. If you have pizza tonight and react, you will not know if gluten or dairy are issues for you (at least not which one). It is really helpful to know this when it comes time to make choices in the future.


Reintro guidelines are to introduce one food for three meals in a day, take two days strict whole30, then try a different food.

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