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First Whole30 Started July 5/14


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I have been planning to start the Whole30 program for a couple of months now, but I let vacations get in the way.  So, following the July 1st holiday (I'm Canadian) my husband and I started the Whole30 program together (on Saturday July 5th).  I had great plans for grocery shopping and preplanning my meals but again, I let life get in the way, and I wasn't prepared as much as I would have liked.  


But I did start with what I had in the fridge  :)


Day 1

B - Tilapia with evoo, carrot fries (w30 recipe), steamed green beans, orange   

L - Tilapia w evoo, mixed green salad with bv/evoo

D - carrots, cabbage, broccoli mix (all steamed together) with canned salmon

Evening (at a party) - raw veggies with salsa (no sugar in salsa)


Day 2

B - 3 poached eggs. thumb-size nuts and mixed fruit (was at a restaurant and they didn't have salads so no carb :(

L - tilapia w evoo, iceberg salad with bv/evoo dressing

D - salmon, zucchini noodles w evoo/garlic, pistachio nuts (hand full)


And that takes us to the end of today.  I think I ate ok - I didn't actually measure anything but did use the guidelines in ISWF (my nut portions were off - I will check to see how much I should eat).


I don't have an issue with any of the limitation of the food as I typically ate relative clean foods (I tried to stay away from bread or didn't eat many sweets) but I did indulge in wine/beer and of course lots of cheese!  oh, and nachos and popcorn.   But I can and will do this for the next 30 days.


Typically I don't use fats in my diet (ie evoo or coconut oil) so using them is hard.  I'd use water to 'fry' things.  I'm adapting but I hope I don't use too much.  Maybe I shouldn't eat nuts if I'm using oil in my recipes?


One last thing, I do crossfit 3 X a week (Mon, Wed, Fri) at 7am.   Tomorrow will be my first workout and I did read about the Pre and PostWO meals.  I will have to review to confirm, but I think it will be...


PreWO - a hard boiled egg and a couple of nuts about 1hr 15 minutes before hand (I wasn't eating before w/o so I'll try)


PostWO - on the way home, following w/o I will eat another egg and couple of nuts.  


Breakfast - and then about 45min to 1 hour later I'll eat my breakfast.  My big concern, is that will be too much food!  I'm just hoping that's ok? 


Talk to you all soon.


I did take measurements and weight - its going to kill me not to step on scale or measure but I can do this - I'll post the before and after pics when complete Whole30 :)

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Welcome as a whole30er.

I can so relate to the fat issue. I kept on measuring and wondering if it was not too much... After a few days I realized that I was doing ok. Don't stress over this. Remember the template and relax.

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Thanks for the update on the PostWO meal.  I will do the startchy veg for my w/o on Wednesday.


Today is day 3 and I really haven't felt bad today.   Mind you, I did have problems staying a sleep but that could be attributed to the severe thunderstorm that we had last night and the sound of the thunder/rain/branches breaking in our area.  But on the other hand, I won't rule anything out.  I'm not cranky/moody yet either.  So things r looking good and I'm happily on my way (as well as my husband - who by the way wants to weigh himself already!).


I did my crossfit class at 7am this am and I didn't feel sluggish or have a lack of energy.  Actually the opposite.  I had energy.  But I must say that I had an egg and a few nuts, one hour before my w/o.  This may have helped as I usually w/o with eating nothing.  I'll see how it goes on Wednesday. 



Day 3

PreWO (1 hour prior to w/o) - hard boiled egg and a few nuts

w/o from 7am - 8am (crossfit - high intensity)

PostWO (15 minutes following w/o) - hard boiled egg and a few nuts (I now know this was wrong; will correct for next w/o)

B (about 1 hour from PostWO) - Tilapia, 1tsp or so of mayo (W3 approved), cucumber, blueberries, nuts 

L - Tilapia, salad of broccoli, cabbage, zucchini, onions with mayo and ceviche (W3 approved)

D - salmon, mixed greens with mayo and Moroccan sauce (W3) and sweet potato w Moroccan spices (W3)


All in all, feel good.  Not necessarily any better than I started but definitely in a much better head space knowing that I'm doing this  :)

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On day 10.


It is going well - I have been following the program with 3 meals a day with the exception of last night (but I stayed whole30 though).  


I went to a movie at 5:30pm and I was getting hungry (or somewhat hungry) so I brought with me a banana and a Lara Bar and ate it during the movie.  It was good to hold me over and I then had my dinner late (9pm).


I don't eat fruit every day so I thought this was ok to eat. And I wanted to ensure I ate my third meal as I was working out at 7am the next day (protein, veg and fat).


I feel good so I think I did ok.  


Moving forward....

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