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Day 9 - I am amazed...


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Nine days ago I started the Whole30 program wondering how am I going to be full without bread or cheese?  Not to mention my chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, or cake...or chips?  I currently weigh close to 300 lbs - the most I have ever weighed in my life (I used to be a competitive swimmer and very healthy), I'm on 5 different meds, and my legs and feet are swollen constantly.


I went into this prepared for all kinds of inner emotional and physical turmoil, but the only "side-effects" if you will, have been increased energy (not a crazy amount, but enough to make me feel like I can get through the day), sleeping great, candida is GONE, the swelling is going down slowly but surely, and have had no cravings for anything except for wanting some major comfort food a.k.a pizza, after a bad day at work, but I had food in the fridge and ate that instead...besides, my dogs are the best medicine for a bad day!  :)   As I'm pretty sure the Paleo Gods did not single me out for this great experience, I started thinking about it and realized that I had already eliminated the majority of preservative and chemical-laden foods from my diet as I had horrid reactions from eating anything that had nitrates, certain preservatives, etc., and already ate clean, and organic, for the most part, even my deserts were organic and sugar-free.


Bread and cheese, I don't care how you put them together, I don't care if it's melted/toasted or not - I love my crackers and cheese.  So, today I was at my local mostly organic grocer, and was getting hungry.  I had a cooked chicken breast at home but nothing to eat with it so wanted to get some roasted veggies.  I almost wanted to go and lie down in the case...quesidillas, cheesy enchiladas, "homemade" cheese pizza...OMG, it smelled so good!  But as I stood there waiting for my turn, I looked at each one in turn, and said "maybe another day, but not today." I didn't want it, I didn't have a craving for it, it looked and smelled delicious...but I feel so good, and I know it's because I have eliminated breads, dairy, and all sugars.  Even my alter ego was quiet and not trying to "talk" me into getting it.  She seems be on vacation or maybe has moved on permanently - though after only a week, not sure about that.  But, most importantly, I don't want to start over again and let myself down, again.  I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but for today I am so enjoying this new me.

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Wow, it's great you feel such a big difference right away. I was a cheese and bread girl (living in France-I kid you not) so giving up those two major staples of a French meal is like starting a revolution. It's amazing how you get satisfaction out of a scent. I can walk into a bread and pastry store, inhale and leave without even wanting some of the goodies. Love being in control!

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