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I'm new to this and apologize, I'm only about 1/2 way through the book, hoping to start Aug 1.


I may be asking something that's been asked before but just in case- can I use a packet of Emergen-C in the morning? I have been mixing 1 packet in my water each morning since January and no cold this season so I'd like to keep using it.


I already figured out I can't have my Crystal Light ( :o ) or carbonated flavored water ( :( ) but is one of those Emergen-C packets per day ok? (i'm at work and don't have the box with ingredients to check). It's orange or tangerine flavored.





PS- for those that say I won't need that once I'm eating better----I have been eating lots of fruits and veggies for MANY years now and before this always got 1-2 colds a year except for this year so clearly it adds something for me since I work retail and am around sickly people often. :rolleyes:

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I thought what i had was flavored seltzer water, maybe i'm mistaken. I have those generic carbonated flavored waters from Walmart. They come in 1L bottles. There's "nothing in them" on the nutritional label, but I did see aspartame (I think that was the artificial sweetner) on the ingredients list.


So- where do I find flavored "seltzer" water? and do you have any stores/brands you recommend? I generally don't like carbonated water, the walmart ones are about the only ones i DO like (honestly i prefer crystal light in my water, heavily diluted BUT realize that's a no no too.... :unsure: ).




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I thought what i had was flavored seltzer water, maybe i'm mistaken. I have those generic carbonated flavored waters from Walmart. They come in 1L bottles. There's "nothing in them" on the nutritional label, but I did see aspartame (I think that was the artificial sweetner) on the ingredients list.


So- where do I find flavored "seltzer" water? and do you have any stores/brands you recommend? I generally don't like carbonated water, the walmart ones are about the only ones i DO like (honestly i prefer crystal light in my water, heavily diluted BUT realize that's a no no too.... :unsure: ).





The ingredients list is where to focus on your Whole30. Something containing aspartame or any sweetener is out for a Whole30.


For compliant flavored seltzer waters, Polar beverages makes options, as does LaCroix.

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If you want a replacement for your Crystal Light, you might like infused waters -- there are several recipes on this site, or just google infused waters. Just make sure they don't add sugar or sweetener to them, and they usually don't even actually juice any of the fruit, just let it sit in the water. My favorite in the summer is just to put a couple of slices of cucumber and maybe a slice or two of lemon if I have it on hand into my 32-oz water bottle, it's very refreshing, and I can just keep refilling the bottle with cold water all day at work, and then toss the cucumber and lemon and wash the bottle out when I get home in the evening. 


You can also infuse any plain sparkling water or club soda, if you're wanting carbonation.

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