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Did you find yourself sweeter and kinder after Whole30 reintro?


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Food Sober

After months or years of sugar abuse, the brain and body has learned to live with a consistent supply of sugar.

Your brain chemicals are all shuffled around. It's the same with alcohol, little difference. Everything is out of sync.

When you deprive the body and brain of sugar and/or alcohol, there's more wild swings UP and down.

These side effects can drive someone back to binge eating or binge drinking.

Going Cold Turkey can cause those with the best of intentions to throw in the towel because of acute withdrawal symptoms and side effects.

Making it through 1 year of being food sober and/or alcohol sober decreases the chance of a full blown relapse.

I knew that after seeking help for food addiction.

The chances of relapse are less than 50% for those who can make it through a year of being food/alcohol sober.

Those who can make it through 5 years of being food/alcohol sober the chances of relapse are approximately 15%.

Quitting drinking or binge eating outweighs every negative side effect from both of them.

Food and alcohol are everywhere.

Binge drinking is risky behavior and binge eating is, too.

Alcohol and food, when they crossover into fully vetted addiction - they rule your life.

They become the priority.

Recovery from addiction is not a road you have to travel alone. 

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The chances of relapse are less than 50% for those who can make it through a year of being food/alcohol sober.

Those who can make it through 5 years of being food/alcohol sober the chances of relapse are approximately 15%.

Quitting drinking or binge eating outweighs every negative side effect from both of them.

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Dry Drunk = Trying to cope on your own. White knuckling it with willpower that runs out.

A food dry drunk constantly starts over and over and over again.

Food is ruling your life and it's all that you have on the brain. You're thinking about food while someone is talking to you.

You're constantly thinking about how to amass great quantities of food and how the process of eating it will FEEL.

FAT is not a feeling.

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Dry Drunks start over every single Monday. They eat their way through the weekend with "Cheat Meals".

Cheating their way through life and cheating themselves out of food addiction recovery.


It takes 3 years of being food sober before the body will quit fighting so hard against you.

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My body and mind wouldn't care if I ever quit digging deeper holes but my spirit says...

If you're in a hole you should quit digging.

Well, I've ruined this entire day so I might as well engage in a full blown bender. All or nothing. Black and white thinking. Research it.

Monday is the busiest day at the gym. Enrollment for dieting programs soars on Monday.

Food Logs = Monday is the day of the highest level of food compliance.

Monday is a fresh start, always and forever available.

It's never more than a week away.

Monday Mindset manifests itself in remarkable ways. Cheat your way through the weekend and start over and over and over again on Monday.

Come Monday, everything will be alright.

I'll take things seriously on Monday.

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Monday Mindset won't fix a food addiction or any addiction.

When you STOP starting over, you quit thinking or obsessing about the FINISH LINE.

Consistency gives you the best strategy for lasting success of the rest of your lifetime.

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It's time to reflect on independence. Food Freedom Forever.

Food Prison or Food Freedom Forever

You have to know that you're actually locked up before you can set the captive free.

I hold these truths to be self-evident.

All foods are not created equal. The food addict has to have wisdom to know the difference between deliberately engineered to be craved chemical formulations and real food.

We. Are. Completely. Responsible.

For our choices and consequences. For the powers we grant to chemical sheetstorms we can no longer manage.

We the recovering food addicts are endowed with certain rights.

Among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happy Awareness.  We have the ability to just say NOOOoo

to the Pusher. 

The Pusher of multi-crap foods coming around every corner. 

Dejunking your life is something you learn to manage. Love for chemical sheetstorms doesn't live here anymore. I've been doing fine without you. 




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“Shrinking?” I ask. “I thought it was getting larger.” The whole ascent-of-man thing.

“That was true for 2 million years of our evolution,” Hawks says. “But there has been a reversal.”

If Modern Humans Are So Smart, Why Are Our Brains Shrinking?

John Hawks is in the middle of explaining his research on human evolution when he drops a bombshell. Running down a list of changes that have occurred in our skeleton and skull since the Stone Age, the University of Wisconsin anthropologist nonchalantly adds, “And it’s also clear the brain has been shrinking.”

I could've told you that for crying outloud.


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He rattles off some dismaying numbers: Over the past 20,000 years, the average volume of the human male brain has decreased from 1,500 cubic centimeters to 1,350 cc, losing a chunk the size of a tennis ball. The female brain has shrunk by about the same proportion. “I’d call that major downsizing in an evolutionary eyeblink,” he says. “This happened in China, Europe, Africa—everywhere we look.” If our brain keeps dwindling at that rate over the next 20,000 years, it will start to approach the size of that found in Homo erectus, a relative that lived half a million years ago and had a brain volume of only 1,100 cc. Possibly owing to said shrinkage, it takes me a while to catch on. “Are you saying we’re getting dumber?” I ask.


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Recent MRI studies, according to Jantz and other scientists, show that brain volume really does correlate with intelligence—at least as measured by that oft-celebrated but widely criticized metric, the IQ test. Seen from that perspective, a bigger brain sounds like good news.

Then again, if aggressiveness rises with the brain size, not.

Nadda, zero, zip.

Highly reactive vs. reflective.  There's your sign.



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Are you healthier than thou?

It can become a struggle of egos of who's doing it right and who's not. Feeling like others just don't get it?

You're edging up on healthier than thou. There are many telltale signs that will bring you right back down to the mat.

Pride comes before the fall.

You are more than your progress belly selfie.

Constantly giving your folkaronies unsolicited advice. Do you know how many chemicals and sugars are in that commercial paleo dessert?

IBS....Ooooo, that's easy. You've got a gluten sensitivity or it may be that you need to give up all wheat products. Forever.

Do you get a thrill from reading all of the ingredients in your shampoo, conditioner and organic makeup bottles.

You may have stepped over into the snob zone. Do others run when they see you coming. No invites out for lunch. There's your sign.

Are your food demands so restrictive that no one wants to wait on you.  Smoke signal.

Are your birthday cakes made out of dates, pinecones, dirt, grass clippings and old tennis shoes. Sign.

Are you more enlightened than everyone else? That's stink on stink.

Health snobs abound and your family will tune you out. Everyone rolling their eyes, you're going sideways.

The pressure to be healthier than thou only adds to stress and anxiety. Constantly preaching but can't practice what you preach.  Sign.

Don't take yourself so seriously and get yourself some humor. STAT.

While you're tooling along on your pathway to healing, don't get so full of yourself that you think you're morally superior to anyone.  Stink. Massive. Stink.

Don't shove your luxury health food store items into anyone's cart and keep your hands and coconut oil to yourself. Find exercise you enjoy and do all of it on your own terms. Afford others the same rights.




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The traveling food snob is always looking out of the corner of their eye at your food and snacks. The side-eye stink-eye.

Your popcorn and soda pop is not grass-fed. It can become just as contentious while trying to travel with spelling and grammar blunder snobs.

Constantly correcting others? You're going sideways.

That's not freedom.

There are people all over the world who are struggling to get by. Have you ever felt pressured to buy and do things you didn't want to do all in the name of weight loss?

Sign up for many gym memberships and then kick them to the curb. Wondering how you can make it to 10 classes in 2 weeks.

Are you free of cruelty, harm and injustice when you choose your food sources?

Do you eat only raw veggies because that way your vege was not gulp...killed? Are you afraid of a chopped salad?  You're going sideways.

Are you being driven by 'pure' concern.  You are a clean eater and your food is pristine clean and you're pure as the driven snow. 


After all, they say that people who eat white bread have no dreams. 

We project how we feel about ourselves onto others. If you are a food addict or recovering from any addiction, anything you've had a serious struggle with - you have to keep an eye on yourself that you do not judge others for the same addiction or struggle.

When you start becoming overly concerned by the choices of others, you're going sideways.  Highly reactive vs. reflective - there's your sign.

It's fear.  Out of fear of falling backwards into food addiction, disorder or obsessions - that can turn into abnormal judgment of others.  When you start seeing yourself in and through others and it makes you feel sick, upset.... smoke signal.

Over preachy and very rigid.  Black and White Thinking. Research it. Seeing the world in absolutes. Find someone. Sit down and deal with it Face-to-Face. 

Food addiction can crossover into clean eating snobbery.

Watch yourself. Pride has a way of putting you right back in your place.



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Food addiction relapse dreams are common while you're in recovery and tooling along.

They represent everything from our past relationship with food to the present. Today.

We experience the dreams to reconcile our life. Even the nightmares serve to move you out of food addiction.

Everything we do in the name of weight loss is a nightmare.  The temporary weight loss is amazing until it isn't.

If you are remembering your dreams, those are strong smoke signals and strong medicine.  They reveal that you and your mind have much work to do.

These dreams will unfold all of the possibilities and roles that food has played in your life. Center stage. Always.

Food addiction has multiple layers upon layers. Addiction of any kind is not so simple as a substance, behavior or crossover behaviors.








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The multiple layers of food addiction may be clear to the food addict. Or not.

You can live in the land of excuses and massive rationalization for an entire lifetime. You choose. You decide.

You may fall back into food addiction relapse. Relapse after relapse.  Rebound after rebound.

I'm so glad I'm not there anymore.

Pride will take you right back down to the mat.

Relapse Dreams taking you back into a Downward facing dog pose after years of solid food addiction recovery remind us why we work so hard to stay out of food addiction.

Harbingers of truth. 

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I have an actual doctor and he's not a quack. He's the best in the west. Runs a really big addiction outfit. You never know who you'll meet running around out here in the sagebrush. 

The food addict is going sideways when they start to forget how destructive the addiction really was. You are edging back into the danger zone.

The eating all the things in the unconscious remote control stage.

We have to constantly remind ourselves why we work so hard to stay out of food addiction.

The subconscious mind, my spirit has memory of how destructive food addiction was and how wonderful recovery is. 

It takes 3 years before the body and mind quit fighting so hard against you.  Food Addiction Recovery is a passage in life that you cannot afford to forget.  Not one single day.

Does it take all this?  It takes this and more.


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I can handle the truth about food addiction.

If your are a full blown food addict and you want to swim in the sharky waters on the weekends or make plan for a food fest on every holiday and celebration...there's no such thing as a vacation from food addiction recovery.

There's no Finish Line.

The food addict has to take the tiger out of the cage 3X day to eat but that doesn't mean the tiger is then free to roam - seeking whom and what he may devour.

The food addict or any addict depends/relies on their belief system. We all have faith. Even if you believe in absolutely nothing, it takes faith to maintain that faith in nothing is truth, too.  All or nothing. 

You choose.  You decide.  

All or nothing. That's Black and White Thinking.  Research it.  It's a thing.

I have faith.  Many addicts in recovery believe that addiction is a spiritual battle, along with a physical and mental battle.

Body. Soul. Spirit.

Relapse dreams or often seen by the addict as a warning that the addiction wants you back in a big way. Again.

Overall health and Wholeness doesn't happen overnight. Not for those with an addiction.

We have to keep our awareness so alive that we don't fall back into repeating our history - over and over again.





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