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I made an unconscious mistake during my Whole30!

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I don't know what to do, guys! I just realized that I drank some coconut water that has sugar in it and I'm on Day 4 of my Whole30. AND I had the same coconut water the other day! I just thought about it when I was drinking it just now, flipped the bottle around and saw the nutrition info! It didn't dawn on me to check beforehand!!!! What does that mean?!?! Do I start over or keep going?! HELP!

Wait....I just looked at the bottle again and it says "Natural Coconut Water" under ingredients, so there's no added sugar..but the nutrition facts say 12 grams per bottle. I'm confused!

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even if it doesn't have added sugar, coconut water is not something you should be casually drinking during a whole30. It's fruit juice, essentially. Save it for really hot days and hard cardio workouts.


That said, accidental sugar is not really that terrible. Just brush yourself off and carry on. Who knows, you might feel so good you want to do 34 days anyway!

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It's really up to you. Sugar is one of the few things that doesn't demand a restart, but since you're so early on perhaps you'd like to start again and make it a clean 30 days. Being super careful about checking labels, of course.

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Wait....I just looked at the bottle again and it says "Natural Coconut Water" under ingredients, so there's no added sugar..but the nutrition facts say 12 grams per bottle. I'm confused!


The ingredient list is what matters on a Whole30.  If there is no sugar listed in the ingredients list, you're ok.

However, missmary's 1st point on coconut water in general still stands. Check out the Whole30 Can I Have Guide for more details: 

"Coconut Water: Read your labels

Most coconut waters are technically compliant, containing only natural sugars from the coconut. However, some brands add sugar to their ingredients, so read your labels. Anything with added sugar is out for your Whole30. Tip: Coconut water is essentially a “light” fruit juice. If you’re involved in endurance athletics, work in a profession that leaves you prone to dehydration, or just want a refreshing treat, coconut water can be a fine choice for rehydration. Just don’t let coconut water take the place of plain old water in your daily routine." - See more at: http://whole30.com/2013/06/the-official-can-i-have-guide-to-the-whole30/#sthash.PG443U0U.dpuf

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