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Snacking at work


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HI all I am looking into starting the Whole 30 challenge or Lifestyle change. I am excited to see what this may hold for me. I am going to speak to my DR about starting it tomorrow  ( 1-27). I am a diabetic with high chol. with thyroid issues... oh my list goes on and on... 


Any who the reason for my post.... I work in a contact center... and when i find my self stressed or bored I turn to food.. this isn't just while I am at work... its at home... driving home... out and about... I could have eaten 10-15 mins ago and my stress go from a 1 to a 6 and find my self hungry. I have lost 32 lbs this far since August 2014. I am very proud of my self. But my snacking is 100 times worse when i am at work... So after beating around the bush my question for everyone is... what do you recommend for a snack while at work for a diabetic?!?! 

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Hmmm....I'm going to say this and then run back behind said bush because I don't think it's going to be popular.


You would probably benefit immensely from creating meals that satisfy you for 4-5 hours, mini meals of protein and fat if you need it and then....wait for it.....not snacking to eases stress and emotion.  


And friend, let me tell you, that is one of the most trying and emotionally draining and difficult aspects of the Whole30 if you are an emotional eater.  It requires that you actually feel your emotions because your old (bad) friend food isn't there to comfort you.  YOU are there to comfort you.  


So there's that. :mellow:  


To expound on the "snacking" that Whole30 is fine with, it's always a mini version of a template meal containing protein, fat and veggies.  It is not fruit alone or nuts alone or nut butters out of the jar.  Sorry.  :(

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As others have said, the key isn't to find the "right" snack, it is to find a way to cope with your job without turning to food.  That can be very difficult, but it is worth doing the work.  If you are truly physically hungry, then sure, you should eat.  If you are stressed though, you should look for something else you can do to cope.  Can you walk around?  Go buy a lottery ticket?  Surf the internet?  Run to the bank/store?  There has got to be something you can do that won't harm your health and will help you deal with stress.


Personally, I usually end up on a forum (like this one), or on amazon where I use the "look inside" feature to read the beginning of a book.  I'm stuck being at work, but I don't have to let it ruin my health by snacking mindlessly to cope. 

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Welp.   Most places won't let you cruise around on the net while on the clock.   Throw yourself into your work and learn to love every aspect of it.   Dig deeper,  help the boss...think of things to do at your job before you ever have to be told.   Support the mission statement and become the employee of the month.   Channel your focus from food onto your job.   Your boss will love you and even if you don't feel like it....fake it til you make it, pretend until it's a reality or work your faith.    It all leads to new patterns that will knock food cravings right out of your life.   You have to eat 3 whole meals every day with all of the correct elements.   


P.S.   There's always somebody watching your work performance.  Even if everyone else is using the company's time for personal biz, the IT dept. knows where everybody goes.   It may be allowed but the boss may pick you....give you favor, favor if you care about the company's dollar.

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