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Acne + Anxiety/Depression

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I'm on day 16 of my first whole30. I use Aczone and Dapsone gel to treat my cystic acne, and it works really well minus some random pimples that turn up now and then. My acne has flared up in the last two days, though. I have new pimples forming all over my face. I've also noticed my mood has worsened significantly while on whole30. I'm not sure if it's external factors not related to the food or if anyone has experienced this. I'm hoping to hear that my mood and acne will improve! 

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Please post what you have been eating for the past 2-3 days. Every person eats differently when they follow the Whole30 rules. Some approaches work much better than others and we can probably advise improvements you might make in your meals. 

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I'll do my best remembering everything I ate. I post most of my meals on my blog, but not all.


Day 13:

Breakfast- homemade hashbrown waffle, two eggs over easy

Lunch- I can't remember this meal

Dinner-Taco salad: ground beef, romaine lettuce, tomato, red pepper, whole30 ranch (coconut milk, garlic, onion, salt, pepper, lemon juice, chives)

Snack- bananas cooked in ghee with cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt


Day 14:

Breakfast- 1 white grapefruit, 1 kiwi, 4 strawberries

Lunch- zucchini and carrot noodles with mushrooms and grilled salmon with whole30 BBQ sauce

Dinner-Ground Turkey, red bell peppers, baked potato, ghee


Day 15 (yesterday):

Breakfast: Ommlette with leftover ground turkey and bell peppers with mushrooms

Lunch: Grilled salmon with green beans and whole30 ranch, orange

Dinner: Garlic shrimp and oven fries. Apple slices with almond butter.

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How does the above differ from how you usually eat? Are you eating new foods or eating more or less of something than usual? Depression and anxiety can be linked to carb consumption with low carb exacerbating symptoms. If you've gone from pizza and candy to Whole30 then even with potatoes and other tubers, it's still a dramatic change in the amount of carbohydrate you're consuming.


When it comes to acne, it's not unusual for it to get worse before it gets better. There is a process that goes into the formation of acne which begins underneath the skin and takes awhile to erupt into visible blemishes. When you do things that promote skin health and skin turnover, your skin has to first get all of the "ick" to the surface before it can get rid of it. Are you continuing to get new blemishes or has it plateau'd off? Where are you in your menstrual cycle?

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I have celiac disease so I feel like my carb intake was moderate. I would only sometimes eat gluten free toast or gluten free pizza. My diet was naturally gluten free foods. Even quinoa and rice were pretty limited. However, in the first week of whole30 I realized how bad my sugar addiction was. I wasn't eating candy bars or anything, but I was always craving something sweet like fruit snacks or fruit bars. 


My menstrual cycle starts on the first of the month (I'm on continuous birth control) so I'm almost half way. I haven't noticed any new pimple today. 

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My acne has also flared up over the last few days (I'm now on day 12). I'm also on birth control and the menstrual cycle 'schedule' of symptoms is going to be different because of that than for someone who isn't on bc. I am hoping that it's because of the toxins leaving my body (gotta get out somehow...) and that after a while it'll clear up and not come back. I am almost certain that I am sensitive to dairy, and before starting Whole30 I'd mostly cut this out (except for goat cheese and cream in my coffee, or the infamous fast food slip up where there'd definitely be cheese and a whole slew of other crap...not my finest moments)...I also think I react to sugar and alcohol - before doing this I'd had some friend's house wine on two occasions and ended up with new zits shortly after. What I'm doing with my Whole30 is I'm not eating much fruit. I'm definitely eating some fruit, but usually only with one of my meals - either some with breakfast or some berries after dinner. In general, having gut dysbiosis and the process of it being repared/healed, as well as correcting a bunch of hormonal imbalances I think wreaks a little havoc on our bodies before it gets better. I took "before" photos of my acne and I'm interested to see how my skin looks at day 30. I may even extend this to a Whole45. I'm doing this because I've found it so hard to pin point what reactions are due to what foods.


Good luck :)!

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