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Can't get over snacks


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I'm on day 11. I eat 4 eggs for breakfast (around 7:30am) and can't seem to make it to lunch on that. I always end up grabbing some fruit or a Larabar, or almonds. Do I really need to be eating more food for breakfast? 4 eggs seems like a lot to me. I've tried 4 eggs with green chili salsa, 4 eggs with avocado, and a few other things ... no matter what I'm still "starving" by 9:30am. I force myself to wait until 10:30 because I work out at 11:30/noon, so I like waiting until then so I have the energy for the workout.

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Sometimes with eggs as protein, they only get you so far.  Myself, I can eat 3 eggs or 6 eggs, I never get past the satiation level of 3 eggs.  I like to use a couple of eggs and another protein like cooked chicken or ground beef. Then about 3 cups of veggies to go along.  You may also need an additional fat source.  Increasing eggs might not help you get from breakfast to lunch but increasing your meal as a whole probably will.  You don't mention veggies at all, those are the bulk that will keep you full as well.


Fruit, almonds or larabar are not suitable snacks, all they do is keep your blood sugar fluctuating.  We recommend a mini meal of at least protein and fat, ideally also veggies.  

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I can go 4-5 hours on 3 jumbo eggs and a big serving of sauerkraut as my breakfast. I'm not sure that the veggies in my breakfast are magic, but I am sure it helps. 


If you are working out at 11:30/noon, you could eat a serving of protein and fat like a boiled egg or two as a pre-workout meal. The meal template coaches you to have a pre and post-workout meal: http://whole30.com/downloads/whole30-meal-planning.pdf


I find that I need to eat enough at all my meals to stay satisfied. For example, eating really big at breakfast can't make up for eating too light at supper the night before. You might need to look at the volume and composition of all your meals to find the right balance to carry you through. 

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Fat and fiber as part of the bolus (aka lump of various food bits) affect the rate of nutrient absorption and digestion, so that is why the meal template works well: making sure each meal has enough fat and veggies helps ensure one can make it meal-to-meal without snacks.

Also with this new way of eating, you may learn to differentiate from feeling satiated vs. feeling full.

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