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Starting Again Feb 16


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Hello Newbies! I'm on Day 23 and came across some hidden sulfites. Darn those suckers! So I'll be starting over again. Third time is the charm eh? This will be my third start on my first try. I'm not going to get down about it though since all my fat pants are too big. Something was working! I just want to get the full benefits. I want to get rid of the redness on my face (sulfite related perhaps?) and have my glucose run again. I imagine its gone down even with the sulfites but I can wait another 30 days to lose some blood. Have a great day everyone!

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Iam down with you, LissFish...except for the 23 days...what a bite!!! Good for you for starting again!! I got all geared up to start on the 9th, actually really sorta started on the 7th...but EACH of the first thee days I got tripped up by forgetting something I couldn't have...YIKES! It takes some real focus, and maybe a bit more obsessiveness than I can muster, to read EVERY label and question everything!! So, I am starting over..,I thought right away again tomorrow, but the. I saw your post and decided to really get even better prepared...make sauces, etc...not just steam sautee veggies...So. Tonight I had a glass of wine and some sugar in the form of chocolate covered almonds...and will give myself through the weekend to REALLY prep, MEMORIZE the list and READ labels.

So, a short break, time to refocus, and gather my attention soI do better next time, starting on the 16th. What, by the way, are sulfite a and how did you ingest them??

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Yes @mergthemagnificent I am a believer also! I thought I'd go off plan since I need to start over and had 5 Girl Scout Samoa cookies yesterday. They tasted awful and made me feel yucky! Even my tongue felt tingly like I had a reaction. I might have a slice of pizza tonight though. I really miss pizza. 
So I googled sulfites to give you a definition:
"Sulfites are preservatives and antioxidants. They're used to keep dried fruit like apricots from turning brown and to prevent unwanted bacteria from spoiling the wine. They also occur naturally in foods."
During Whole30 added sulfites are non-compliant. However, there are naturally occurring sulfites in balsamic vinegar which I have been religiously using as a salad dressing with olive oil. I didn't realize that the sulfites in the vinegar I was using were added and not natural until I dropped the bottle and got a good look at the label. I guess I assumed since balsamic vinegar was on the ok list and had natural sulfites that I failed to read the label before using. You're completely right about read EVERY label and question everything! My first slip up was a week into it; so I could have my Whole 30 done by now if I had done just that. It's ok though because I was planning to keep going and do a 60 or 90. After the cookies and pizza I think I'll be even more motivated to do so. I'm hoping that without the added sulfites I'll feel some of that Tiger Blood they talk about next time. I didn't feel any of it this last 23 days. 
ps. After your Whole30 look for sulfite free wine. I imagine you won't feel so crummy after an occasional glass. :)

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Wow, LissFish, another incredibly demanding even of compliance attention: must read labels on allowed food as well??? Oy. I dunno...I am game to try and believe in the result potential, but I really hate having to be so vigilant all the time. I'll get geared up here...still on a bit of a bender after I decided to let the Feb 9th whole 30 go...and that was only three days!! You are an inspiration.

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Wow, LissFish, another incredibly demanding even of compliance attention: must read labels on allowed food as well??? Oy. I dunno...I am game to try and believe in the result potential, but I really hate having to be so vigilant all the time. I'll get geared up here...still on a bit of a bender after I decided to let the Feb 9th whole 30 go...and that was only three days!! You are an inspiration.

Fresh meat, fresh veggies, fresh fruit and good fats don't have labels, therefore no diligence in reading is required.  ;)


Seriously though, I know it can feel daunting but after the first week to 10 days you get into a routine of the things that you will use and that you need to know the contents of.  The less packaged product you are buying, the better off you are.  And in the majority of cases, compliant things that you have to read labels on are probably not your best choice (eg, dried fruit, while compliant, not ideal).  Coconut milk, your cooking oils, a good balsamic and a compliant dijon are worth checking labels.  Canned tomatoes, tomato sauces and spices need their labels checked but are pretty easy to find compliant brands.


Honestly, if you stick to meat, veggies and fat, your label checking really would be at a minimum.  :)

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Good-day LissFish and mergthemagnificant!


My name is Amanda, I've been planning for a week to start my 1st Whole 30 tomorrow and would like to join your thread for inspiration, guidance and cheer squad!  :D


I've been sick with the flu the past 4 days, and had actually thought "the heck with it" and thought I'd figure it out at a later date.... but I'm happy I stumbled upon you today and pray I will be ready for tomorrow and feel like cooking and can taste something.  Was REALLY hoping to start a weight and new running program too, but I'm thinking that part might have to wait a few days til the chest thing is cleared up and I feel stronger.


Here's to US!!  and an impeccable 30 day journey!  :)





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Good-day LissFish and mergthemagnificant!


My name is Amanda, I've been planning for a week to start my 1st Whole 30 tomorrow and would like to join your thread for inspiration, guidance and cheer squad!  :D



Welcome Moff7!! I started yesterday and am feeling good about going at it again. What I learned most in my first attempt is do not get discouraged. I had 3 slip ups but learned from each of them and kept going. I'll admit, it was nice to be able to go to a restaurant with my honey for Valentine's Day this past weekend without stressing over the menu. But to be honest the food tasted just ok. After 23 days I think I prefer cooking my own wholesome meals.


I also received a big compliment on my honey. He's lost some weight running and eating the meals I make even if I make him a side of non-compliant carbs to go with it. Someone noticed and he told her "My lady is keeping me healthy." Woot. Yay Me! haha. 


ladyshanny is right! It's so much easier the less packaged products you have. But sometimes it's just boring... so I'll be more diligent about ready labels when trying something new. 


Happy Whole30! 

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Hey LissFish and Moff7 - good to catch up with you and to see the process underway.  I am actually going to be a couple of days behind you - probably a start on the 19th...finding that I am having trouble getting up the mojo to launch into it, even though I know the benefits will be sublime.  So I'll be watching you, LissFish and with you there soon.  Moff7, feel better soon.  The flu that has been here has been brutal and way too long-lasting.

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Ok mergthemagnificent I'll be checking back in with you in a few days  ;) I don't know why I was so happy to start again - could be the groceries I still have in my fridge that need to be used or the fact that I lost 11lbs even with eating crap these past few days. I'd like to lose a few pants sizes but that isn't not my main reason for doing Whole30. 


moff7 I'd wait to see how you feel before starting the weight and running program. It's a lot all at once. It took me a good 2 weeks to feel like I had a handle on grocery shopping/label reading, cooking and eating enough on top of feeling tired the first few days. 


Looking forward to you both starting and posting updates!

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Thank you ladies, feeling better (day 7-blah), but the cough, sinus and weak is lingering.  Yesterday I just wasn't hungry at all and made myself eat dinner.  Still drinking lots of water and green tea.  Today was much better, but I had to make myself eat something for breakfast and lunch, still just not hungry. 


I could not for the life of me fall asleep last night!  Totally wide awake until 2am!  Any thoughts?  My guess is that I didn't take my melatonin because I was afraid maybe it wasn't an approved W30!?



I'm thinking LissFish, I'll start with walking to begin, I'm already having headaches, so will not push anything.


"With brave wings she FLIES....." 


We've GOT this!  :D

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mergthemagnificent - You have to read the ingredients on supplements for non-compliant items. There's a post in the forum on approved supplements. Gelatin is non-compliant but I read in the forum that if supplements have them as casing its ok. Something about people using gelatin to feed their sweet tooth was why its not allowed and it's so minimal in supplement casing. I had to give up my probiotic bc it is dairy based and I'm still trying to find one compliant that I can get here in town. I bought Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega and folate last weekend but I keep forgetting to take them.   :lol: I do drink Natural Calm daily - it's supposed to help with sleep but I've never had much trouble sleeping. 


Moff7 - My guess would be you're all out of whack partly bc you're not eating enough. I know how it is when you're sick though. I wasn't eating enough this last time and had to find a way to add more food even though I was feeling less and less hungry. It's hard. If you want to post a pic of your melatonin label I'd be happy to look at it and give you my opinion. Maybe one of the moderators will chime in too. 


Have a great day!

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OMG!  Is there a prize for the most false starts in W30 history?  Had a great start of the day today - cabbage and steak for breakfast, lunch was spinach with salmon and avocado...not even reallt hungry at lunch.  No desire to snack or anything - then WHAM - at a bodywork appointment I got a tickle in my throat and took a cough drop without even thinking about it....SUGAR of course.


UGH.  Well the good news is that my probiotic is compliant - and each time I burst out of the starting gate and then fall flat on my face, I learn of something else to which I must attend. Hopefully, by the time I START FOR GOOD I will have made most of the mistakes possible and gotten them all out of the way...whew.


I am loving the book....glad I got it and think it will prepare me better.  So, I postpone again and hope that by next week at this time I am on track and fully informed and prepared.


LissFish, I hope you are doing well.  I am so excietd for the changes this can mean for me...


Go for it and show me how!!



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Gelatin is non-compliant but I read in the forum that if supplements have them as casing its ok.

Gelatin is fine on your Whole30. You might be mistaking it with glycerin which is common in supplement casings and is a sugar alcohol.

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I'm sorry Merge!   Don't be discouraged.... START 2morrow.....  These things are SOOOOO habit and 2nd nature!  I am dying (or so I think LOL) for gum and it is SO habit to just reach for it and go... I have REMOVED it from my purse, house etc. !!  I'm chewing on anise seeds instead.  :) YUM.


Thank you Liss, I did check my melatonin and actually had been taking the MagPlus and loved it, will start again on that.  I've also started back up to listening to a "sleep induction' binaural beats which usually help, will keep that up too.  And you are so right, I hadn't been eating enough... hoping that will kick in too.  Other than that... all is good and moving forward.  Keeping it pretty simple with meat, veggies and fat, and not getting into the recipes, because I know that's where I'd get into trouble.



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Just keep going Merg! Moff7 is right... things are just habit. I too had the biggest issue with missing/wanting gum the first time around. Thanks for the idea with anise seeds, I've just been packing a toothbrush/paste in my purse. It helps with the freshness but not the chewing factor. I love recipes but I search most of them on Pinterest with Whole30 as my first search word.


With the help of my cousin I created an amazing rib marinade. I bought baby back ribs at Sprouts bc they were on sale $2.99/lb. I've been buying all my meat on sale and then figuring out how to cook them later. LOL 


2-2.5 lbs baby back ribs

2 cups Whole Foods Orange Juice (no pulp)

1/2 cup Coconut Aminos

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

minced garlic (to taste)

cumin (to taste)


Marinate overnight. I wrap them in saran wrap and put them in a glass baking dish. Then I cook for 2 hours at 200-250 degrees.  :wub:

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Good Blustery Day ladies!


So far so good.... other than still craving things.... not even sure if its a craving or more of a "I don't like rules" kinda thing.  HAHA!!!   would really enjoy a piece of 100% dark chocolate and a hard cider.  I didn't eat or drink them on a regular basis mind you... just want it because I can't.  LOL


Found myself hungry the past couple of days.  Not sure if it was actually "hunger" tho because I had just ate a salad the size to feed a small nation!  BUT, again. it wasn't "satisfying" because all of my taste buds didn't get hit... such as the SWEET one.  :(  So, I know its a matter of feeling better and taste buds adjusting and getting out of the "norm".  I can definitely already tell a change in my bloatedness and jeans feeling loose.  Still not sleeping as well as I'd like, but praying that will be coming.


Keeping meals really simple, so there isn't any question as to any hidden stuff.    Today I have a couple beef hearts cubed with spices and onions in the crockpot and will enjoy over spaghetti squash.  Spaghetti squash is definitely a staple in my day. 


Hope all is well with you both and we are on our way to a Rock'n 30 Day good time!  :D


Best wishes,


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Way to go, Moff. I had the chocolate urge today too, and am also feeling better and a bit slimmer already! Listening to the book is inspiring and helps to make all the rules make sense. Meals are simple for me too...lots of protein cooked up in advance, same with veggies...will need to reload this weekend. Anyway, I am a believer and hope I've learned my lessons on start one, two, and three to make this one stick,

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