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Pot Luck Ideas?


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So I'm on Day 5 of my first Whole30, and for someone who generally struggles with challenges like these, I'm loving it. I've been trying to avoid situations that would tempt me to go off track (last night at my local bar trivia night I brought green beans in case I got a little hungry instead of reaching for the nachos that were bound to be there!) However, next week at work we are having a pot luck and I'm struggling with what to make that is compliant but also something that's pot luck friendly...any ideas??

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I would vote for something substantial like the chili noted above...because chances are, what you bring is all that you'll get to eat.  Potlucks in general are a personal pet peeve of mine.  I always manage to get irate that I make an effort to make something delicious and healthy which takes money and time and others bring a carton of cheap cookies from the corner store and then get to eat my delicious whatever.  (yes, I have some outstanding food anxiety issues)  ;)

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I'm gluten-intolerant so even outside of a Whole30 potlucks are kind of an ordeal. My rule is that I always bring what I know I'll want to eat, i.e. I usually need a protein/main dish, sometimes need a side dish (if no one is bringing a salad), and/or if it's an occasion where I intend to eat dessert (not applicable for Whole30) then I'll make sure that my contribution covers those needs/wants.


I like to do casseroles because my pyrex is easier to haul around than my slow cooker. I've made Buffalo Chicken Cauliflower Casserole for my husband and for guests and it's been well received. I've never bothered with the bacon (although I'm sure it would be awesome) and you can just leave off the cheese. I like to make extra of the sauce mis and add extra cauliflower too.


Other ideas: big pan of roasted veggies, diced roast potatoes (sweet, white, whatever you're in to) or potato salad, fresh fruit, spiced nuts, guacamole.


None of  my work crew has special diet considerations or particularly focused on "healthy eating," but I've noticed how quickly the veggies and other better choices get gobbled up. Even when we have chips and cookies, the home-cooked foods are the first thing to go. I think people still really appreciate a home cooked meal and if you make something that YOU want to eat, you'll probably be surprised with how well-received it is.


Well, except for sardines. That might be over the line for some folks.

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I just went to a potluck over the weekend and I took a bunch of cut up veggies and some compliant "ranch" dressing I made as a dip (which was a huge hit with the hostess because she can't eat dairy and was so excited to have a ranch-style dressing!). I also made some guacamole deviled eggs. I didn't bring home any leftovers BUT... I wish I had made (or at least brought for myself) something more substantial because I stayed longer than expected and thus missed dinner. There was nothing there I could eat other than what I brought so I was very hungry. Just something to think about when you're planning! 

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