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Gap days during reintro?


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For reintroduction, is 3 days a necessary gap between trying different things? Would having one day off instead of two between trying new things not be enough to tell if something is ok or not? Usually when I have issues with a food I can tell within the next few hours.

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My youngest son had multiple food intolerances as a baby/toddler & we spent many, many hours with dieticians & nutritionists. The rule of thumb we were given when introducing a new food was one every two weeks. If he reacted we eliminated again & waited a further two weeks before trying anything else new. For him even a condiment like pepper was classed as a new food so you can imagaine how frustrating it was.... I think you can & *should* wait out the three days - the thinking being that it can take some time for any kind of a reaction to build up in your system.

Good luck with the reintro!

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