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Corn - Not a grain


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I am not trying to be a doubter, but I like the scientific facts brought forth.  The link is interesting, but no where that I have found in the scientific community does it state Corn as a pseudo-grain.  I haven't and won't eat it just to be on the safe side, but I like to be informed with evidence as to why a food is off limits, especially one that is actually a fruit. I would appreciate it if proof could be found from a reputable source as to corn being a non-gluten grain. 



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You can find various articles and studies that refer to corn as a vegetable, a fruit and or a grain. Let's not split hairs.  It's not much different than many people considering tomatoes a vegetable when in fact they are a fruit.  The title doesn't really matter, call it what you like if it makes you feel more accurate.


The fact is that on the Whole30, corn is classified as its widely recognized title "grain" and is not permitted.

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Corn is banned during a Whole30 because it creates trouble for a surprising number of people. Almost no one thinks corn causes them problems until they remove if for a month and then eat some again. You might not have a physical problem with corn, but the only way to know for sure is to remove it. 

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