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W30 number three......


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Hey, Everybody

Checking in tonight-I can't spend too much computer time every day, so I try to stop in when I can.

My husband surprised me last Friday by taking the day off and taking me out for the day. We haven't been out alone in quite a while. For several years we went away for the weekend for our anniversary, but haven't been able to afford it the past 2 years. I've really missed that time together. Maybe down the road we can start again. Anyway, we went to Mystic Village and walked around for a few hours. Had lunch at a seafood place-I happily stayed 100% compliant with my foods, but did have a glass of wine. I haven't had any since the beginning of August. He was so excited to order wine with lunch :lol: . Weird thing-I really didn't like it ! I couldn't believe it-it tasted so strong,though it's the same wine I could easily drink 3 glasses of two months ago. I didn't make a big deal- my husband was so happy to have it. It was "eh". I am actually pretty happy about that. I think wine will be not nearly as frequent as it used to be ! After lunch, we walked on the beach at Hammonassett state park. It was simply beautiful, so quiet and peaceful, nice breeze and the water was lovely. I didn't want to leave ! We stopped at DD and got unsweetened iced tea, then slowly headed back home. Love my kids, my dog, my 3 cats,but a day away was a real treat for me. My husband said he was going to try to surprise me more frequently. Good idea !!!

On the food front, I have been pretty much sticking to my whole30 menus,with the exception of the wine I had. I am going to keep going, and consider any treats before I have them.

My son who is 20 asked me the other day what I've been eating,etc. I briefly explained the whole30 to him, and he was very interested. He's been eating whatever I eat since last week. He works at Whole Foods, on the salad bar. They have 2 in his store-one is greens, and all veggies, the other is grains and grain salads, tofu,etc. He knows to stay away from THAT one ! He just told me that one of his co-workers saved him a piece of her birthday cake for him yesterday. He ate it, but said he felt sick to his stomach shortly afterwards, and it was way too sweet. This made him pretty happy-that he feels a change already.

Well, off to fold laundry and see what else I should be doing instead of hanging out here

i'll check in tomorrow, hopefully- Good night !

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Ok, so I made some chili yesterday and loaded it with veggies. It's not chocolate chili, which means it is sad, but it's doing the job of getting the veggies in. Thanks chocolate chili for ruining all other chili for me!

Yesterday's log:

Late breakfast: chili

D: pork steak, cauliflower, sweet potato fries. My daughter seasoned the fries excessively and they were so good that way! She's going to be a great cook one day. ;)

Snack: bacon and eggs.


B: homemade sausage, zucchini and egg scramble with cherry tomatoes

L: chili

D: going to be salmon, brussels sprouts, and another veggie which I'll pick out of the freezer when I'm cooking.

Bridget - that sounds like it was a wonderful surprise! What a sweet thing for your husband to do.

Donna - you were doing physical therapy for a hip issue, weren't you? Did it get a little worse before it got better? The PT I'm in involves a lot of strengthening exercises and my hips just feel so sore all the time right now. I'm hoping it is just because this is new stuff for my body and that my hips will improve soon.

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Hi everybody!

c4life, welcome...the chocolate chili is OMG delish....I fill my bowl with romain, onions, avocado and spice it up with chili sauce! YUM.....

As for pole walking, (sounds like pole vaulting) I meant to say Nordic pole walking....I ordered Nordic trail poles...I read it revs up your metabolism 40% more than regular walking and works on your core muscles while also taking stress of your joints. I notice alot of geriatric walkers use them. I saw alot of people hiking in various national parks but they were for trails. Lately I see people on the road walking with them...so I googled it, what the heck is with the poles???? I got my answer! http://walking.about.com/cs/poles/a/nordicwalking.htm So I ordered a set on amazon....I love to walk, but get a sore back and joints. This is supposed to help. I can use this on the trail by the towpath as well....

Casey: Hip got worse before it got better.....but it was bursitis and I had to just rest it for 6 weeks with no PT to aggrevate anything...it is completely healed and I am running 3 miles 3 days per week but will only add 10% per week to avoid injury again. Sometimes I get cranky too because I feel so limited from the rest of society especially glaring at get togethers but when I eat like that I feel sick and it's for my health and I get that now....I am also a carb addict and can ill afford to tangle with them.

Bridget: Nice job on the anniversary trip and happy anniversary.

Bree: busy lady, nice to stop in and give us your encouragement and your food for the day and I will do the same:

Day 26


Salad greens, chocolate chili

Lara Bar

Grilled GF steak, green beans, sauteed swiss chard, grilled veggies

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Hi guys,

Just checking in, wanting to see how you are all doing.

Donna, let me know how the poles work for you. I've only ever used poles for snowshoeing.

Bridget, congrats on a lovely day away!

I've been doing slightly better with my eating over the last couple of days. I shopped on Monday and have been cooking up a storm here. All the meat has been compliant, except for the pulled pork with a commercial sauce. But most of my goal while here is to feed the kids and make life easier for them for these 2 weeks.

This morning I had my typical at home breakfast of spinach and sweet potatoes with eggs and sardines, which was delicious. My 2 1/2 yr old granddaughter enjoyed it with me, although she wasn't hot n the sardines so much :)

I'm ready to go home, even though I'm enjoying this time with the kids immensely. I need to get back to exercise, clean eating, and sleeping again. The good news is that only a couple of days of better eating and my jeans fit again and the ginormous zits are gone:)

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Hey all! A cold is sweeping through our house so it's been cranky times for the toddlers and parents alike. I'm ready for those stronger immune systems!

Today is Day 26. So quick this time. Donna, you must be nearly done!

Today I listened to the Paleo View podcast on nursing and it does sound like I shocked my system with the drastic carb reduction. So bring on the fruit, peeps!

B: egg and sweet potato fritters

L: leftover pork chops with ginger roasted plums, green beans

S: larabar

D: roast pork tenderloin with broccoli, asparagus, and a big bowl of fruit for dessert

Hope everyone's doing great.

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Wow, everyone's Whole30 is coming to a close. Great job, ladies!

Ok, so I fell off the wagon. As in, I have made mashed potatoes (with olive oil and coconut milk - go figure, it's really good!) three times this week. And, I made paleo ice cream with is technically Whole30 in ingredients, but not in spirit. I also got a small tray of sushi (only non-compliant ingredient was rice, no soy) from Whole Foods yesterday. I learned that rice does not agree with me. This makes me sad because of how much I love sushi (with rice!), but it's reality.

Oh, did I mention that I found out I was pregnant this week? Yeah, this is why I off-roaded - but not severely. I have to be honest, I freaked out about it. I spent two days feeling totally overwhelmed and scared, which is weird because this was planned. I think I was dreading pregnancy more than I realized (not new baby, just pregnancy). But, I've come to terms with it so I'm excited now.

Here's the thing - I promised myself and my husband that I would stay paleo - and as clean as I could - through this pregnancy. I had horrible depression during and after my first pregnancy, so I really hope clean eating will help with. Not to mention, it's best for baby. I totally bombed the whole paleo thing because of morning sickness the first time around, but then again, I was still nervous about eating fat and didn't eat any starchy carbs. I know I can do this the second time around because I am much better educated about paleo eating.

Ok, so I'm cutting myself some slack for my paleo - but not Whole30 - indulgences. Although, rice is off the table now because I reacted to it. I'm going to stay as close to W30 complaint as I can, but if a white potato saves the day right now, then I'm great with that. I definitely do not want to start reaching for the white bread or pastas ever again!!

Wow, you know, I may have technically "bombed" this Whole30, but it is pretty clear I gained a lot from the August W30 if I'm able to keep myself honest and in check so well, and am staying paleo!

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Congrats Casey!! You dropped a few hints so I was wondering if this was your news. Wonderful! Happy and healthy nine months!!

We were at a wedding this morning - so awesome - traditional Hindu ceremony. But it lasted 3 hours, for which I was unprepared! Luckily i had a larabar in my purse. Tonight is the reception and it's reputedly an all-vegetarian spread from the best Indian caterer in town. This will be tough! Rice is never a temptation for me, but naan...ohhhhhh boy.

B: banana, eggs, broccoli

S: larabar

L: pork tenderloin, sweet potato, apple, green beans

D: will eat some chicken before we go, then stick to veggies, no legumes.

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Casey, congrats! How old is your little one? Babies are such an exciting blessing:)

Bree - hope the reception is not too tempting and you enjoy the evening!

I'm heading home tomorrow. Ive thoroughly enjoyed being here and I am really ready to go home this time. I'm in desperate need of getting back to my normal routine, Rick has all but quit smoking ( after 30 years of smoking, quit in the 2 weeks I was here) and is on board with doing as close to a whole 30 as he can. I'm even happy to be getting back to work.

There is also a great joy in being able to be here and see my children doing well and raising a new generation of children, and even though they are young, they really have their priorities straight. It's very comforting!

Now to get home and try to get prepped for the week!

I picked up some close to compliant beef jerky and some nuts for the trip home tomorrow. This will hopefully save me from running to Popeyes on my way through Dallas ft worth!

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fell off the wagon on day 29!!!! True confessions. Can't believe it. I was having a terrible day at work and the cafeteria was open for 5 mins and I was starving and ran in to buy my salad (always bring my salad) and they were put away....only thing left was a slice of pizza....I was like, oh well....gotta eat something. and BAM....off the wagon. As if that wasn't bad enough my hubs bought home a pumpkin roll from the farmer's market and I swooped in on that thing too....So never completed my third W30....but hey, it's not a loss. I still gained all the merits and positive things from the 29 days....and today I am back on track! Yesterday....(not so much). I am jumping back in again...it was a crazy week and I didn't have enough supports in place on day 29 and wham....there you go.

Casey: Congrats, I saw on FB but waited until you told her yourself to congratulate you here! Awesome....

Bree: How is the milk coming along?

Melissa: getting back home will help with your eating habits but you are blessed to have grandbabies.

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Thanks! My little girl turned two in July, so they'll be pretty close to 3 years apart when the new baby comes.

My brother's wife is 9 weeks away from her due date on their first baby and when I called to tell them, she was so excited that she was screaming the whole time in the background. It was like she had won the lottery. Too funny. It will be neat to have cousins very close in age, I think.

Bree - that would be something neat to see - a traditional Hindu ceremony. I hear you on the spread on these kinds of things. Every time we head out to the Buddhist temple, they have a vegetarian lunch that is so delicious, but has so much wheat and soy in it.

Donna - oh no! On Day 29, too! It happens, but you did 29 days so hopefully it will be easier to get back on track!

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Howdy all! Been traveling with the baby so no posting. But YAY, made it to day 30!! Woot! Of course I then promptly reintroduced too many things at once and was horribly ill. Way to follow directions, right?? Gluten in particular makes me so sick. I was so surprised because I've never had any indication that I have gluten issues before now!!

So I'm going to get right back to this, mostly. I did really miss my yogurt and lattes and they seem to be ok in terms of digestion, so I'm going to keep small amounts in my diet. But even in thes few days I've stopped. Eating so many veggies - not good.

Hope everyone is doing great! Donna, I like your attitude about what you got out of the 29 days!!

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I'm back..... It's been a long week! Got home late on Sunday and needed to go shopping etc. Rick welcomed me home with a very nice bottle of wine, he didn't know I was going right back on a whole 30. So I've enjoyed and savored it. I have stayed mostly compliant, but I am honestly not on a whole 30 yet. But lots of what I ate in Colorado was just crap and since I've been back the only 2 things I've eaten that we're horrible were ice cream and wine. Beyond that I've been pretty compliant. And I know these are 2 things I need to be moderate about, but I won't be cutting completely out of my diet. When I did drink wine this week, I didn't have more than one small glass at a time. The fact that I've learned moderation with alcohol feels like an accomplishment. I don't use it to unwind, de-stress, or otherwise cure whatever is going on in my head.

I've made a couple of indulgences for Rick this week as he's been very good about being mostly compliant as well, with no complaints. He's also gone from a pack of cigarettes a day to 2:) I'm really proud of him! We had pumpkin custard the other day and I put a little real maple syrup in it. And yesterday we had hamburgers for lunch after shopping and I bought sprouted wheat rolls. He wasn't impressed and I could have gone without, so next time I'll buy him (or make him) the real deal and just not bother for myself. His only statement about our food is "does there always have to be green stuff?". I said yes, he said ok.

Oh, and I got on the scales after I got back from Colorado, I'm not sure why. Maybe because I felt miserable and needed motivation to get back to it? Anyway, I was 7 pounds down from where I had been Pre whole 30, and now I feel like I could just throw out the darned scales and not ever weigh myself again.

Donna - congrats on making it to day 29, sorry that wagon hit a pothole and bounced you right off... But it's all about the journey to better, healthier living, right? Sounds like you've already dusted yourself off, good job:)

Casey - my kids were all close together and we also had sets of cousins, and it was awesome. They are still all close, even as adults.

Bree - congrats on making it through your entire whole 30! Adding other stuff in too fast is easy to do, and I agree that one of the bad side effects of that is lack of good vegetables. And I notice a huge difference if I don't get enough good veges, even if I stay complaint.

Ok guys, I'm off to finish the weekly cooking, which I will post about soon in meal planning. Then I am getting outside to enjoy the beautiful new England fall weather! I should have ditched all my responsibilities today and gone to the renaissance fair:)

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I have been absentee and apologize. Was away for three days on a retreat with 18 of my closest lady friends. Fabulous spiritual experience. The place is called Eden because it is supposed to be a retreat in the woods away from the world. The food is fabulous but....it's vegetarian only....So knowing that, I knew I would be off my beam and had it planned before jumping back in tomorrow. The food was great but included home baked breads and quinoa and one night we had bowtie pasta and also tofu.....So I can tell you all this....I was a bloated and gaseous mess. I couldn't wait to get home to my old way of eating....my stomach was gurgling and I was soooo gassy the whole weekend. I ate oatmeal, granola....etc

So this SOLIDIFIED that vegetarian eating patterns don't work for me when they include pasta, whole grains et al.....I missed my organic grilled proteins. So although it was spiritually uplifting, it was detrimental to my diet. Also, I slept horribly and I think it was associated with the gluten. So I am back for more paleo/whole 9 tomorrow...I challenge myself to get back on the horse and look forward to doing what makes me feel the best!

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