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W30 number three......


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Hi all:

Back for my third W30.....a bit of advice to the crew.....don't introduce wheat or sugar into your diet after a successful W30....For this gal, I must say it was downhill after that. I went on a cruise with my hubs and unleashed the sugar dragon. After that, what the heck did the wheat matter? Go full bore said my body and off to the races I went.

So back I come....certainly inspired by my forum friends who have been my support network. Thanks to Casey, Katie, Jen and Ellie for making me accountable. I am happy to report I signed up for the monthly newsletter as this has been the key to my bud Casey's success this W30....So why reinvent the wheel? I will follow in the footsteps of successful folks.

Today is Day Zero not because I am not following W30 but because I want to sync with my newsletter daily....Join me on this journey. After two W30 successes I am psyched to begin my third but need to keep those cravings at bay with some support and freindships.


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Okay, after reading my newsletter, here are my SMART goals:

S: Specific: Weight train 3 days per week and walk 2 miles daily outside. If not walking, take a Yoga class for inclement weather

M: Measurable 3 days per week weights / 7daily walks/ alternate Yoga as wanted

A:these goals are attainable and I am undershooting a bit but school is starting and I get hooked into a ton of overtime in September

R: Relevant: I am not going to parties or gatherings at school which will yank my chain and scream for me to off road. I will bring my food and be less social for the 30 days or socialize while bringing my own.

T:Timely: by the end of my W30 I will have stayed away from sugar, grains, dairy for 30 days thus allowing my body to heal and detox from my addictions.

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Hi Donna! Today is my Day 30, and tomorrow will be my day 31. It's extra motivating that you're starting right at the end of my Whole30 because I really need to stay on it for a number of reasons. The biggest is that I haven't resolved an issue I've been having with my hips yet (which is devastating on sleep), although I'm finally getting the doctor on board to solve this. I think eating very clean can only help this situation.

Let's rock these next 30 days!

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I like that you did the SMART goal setting thing. Did you see the link to the worksheet? I never filled that out last time, but this time around I'm reading it again and seeing that I actually should fill it out because I am working on goals in a lot of those departments. So here goes:

Nutrition Goal: Incorporate organ meat into the weekly meal plan. I want to have organ meat at least once per week.

Sleep: Continue going to bed by 10:30 p.m. (This is a new goal I actually started this last week, and I need to continue it)

Stress Management: My husband and I are currently working through a meditation book together. I want to continue to make this a priority this month.

Exercise: Go back to the gym and start following my old weightlifting routine. Yoga a minimum of once a week and continue cycling/walking as I currently do for recovery/sprints.

Personal Growth: I will invest no less than 3 hours a week on reading non-health/nutrition related literature. I have plenty of science and science-fiction books I need to pick up and read.

I'd set a goal for Fun and Play, but that's a requirement of my day so luckily I don't have to worry about it. ;-)

I'm glad I just took the time to think about this stuff and write it out. I didn't do that in August and probably should have!

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day one success!

B: grilled grass fed burger, apple

L: Salad with veggies and chicken

S: handful of cashews

D: Chicken breast scampi over spaghetti squash

Phew, did it, but the tougher days are ahead, I hate day 2 and 3 and 4.....oh and 5 B)

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Great job!

Remember how I was training for a Tough Mudder in October? Well, that just got totally derailed today.

I saw my doctor about this hip pain I've experienced at night since I was pregnant, and found out my IT bands are very under-worked from years of cycling and pregnancy. Running aggravates this, so my doc wants me to stop running while I work on strengthening these muscles. I'm starting physical therapy next week.

At least I have an answer. Wish I had known this during pregnancy. I had a very miserable time because I could not lay down to sleep over this pain. I was told to just deal with it back then.

I think the fact that my Whole30 was complete got to me today and I wound up eating the one of the few things I was thinking about being ok with occasionally after this Whole30 business was over - french fries. We got lunch at a burger place today and I got a lettuce wrapped burger with avocado and french fries. The seasoning had soy in it, but no wheat, sugar or corn. I didn't expect any noticeable ill-effects and I haven't noticed any yet. But, I want to cruise through September on another Whole30, so after that one diversion, I'm right back on board. To be honest, the french fries were very disappointing. They were so boring compared to sweet potato. I didn't even finish them, and I was surprised at just how unsatisfying they were.

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glad for answers! have you ever tried Feldenkrais?? There is a guy Charlie Murdach who has videos on youtube....ATM with Charlie Murdach. I use it for my IT bands which are shot from running. Yoga is my new fave! But I miss my endorphin rush from running. Okay, so French Fries is not so horrible but watch that slippery slope. I am speaking from experience! I am not feeling especially cranky today but the week is young!

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Oh, I know what you mean about the slippery slope! I almost made a bad choice at dinner time, too. I went out to get us dinner and I was going to just get chicken wings from the pizza place (and bring home pizza for my husband), but who knows what's in even the plain ones. I thought about this on the way there and decided that a better idea would be to go to the grocery store. There, I actually ran into a friend and when he asked about the Whole30, I declared that I am starting a second month right now. Then I went home and told my husband that I'm starting up again. So there, committed!! And, my husband was actually very cool about us eating leftovers instead of pizza. That was nice, too. He's being very supportive now, seeing how dramatically happier I am eating this way.

And, I ended up feeling kind of crappy after all over those french fries. My husband also noticed I was very cranky this afternoon/evening, so maybe that was it because I was in a great mood earlier. I notice my mood gets really impacted by some foods (namely sugar!).

For that endorphin rush, can you ride a bike? That's how I get mine. ;) I think I would have cried if my doctor told me cycling was out. That's awful that you can't run right now. I know you were running a lot before. Will you be able to go back to it eventually?

I'll check out the videos on youtube. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Okay so it's Day 2 today....feeling psyched for this next W30. A nice man asked a valid question on Melissa's FB page....why three W30...My answer was simple.....to slay the sugar dragon!

Both times vacation menu items caused me to slip off track. Voila, I was hooked. This will detox my body from those "opiates" that are screaming my name. For me that is mainly sugar and wheat but I stay away from dairy and everything else on the list for a full detox effect. Now, just an FYI, in that short time, I had more orthopedic issues while ingesting gluten and sugar. Joint pains, back pulls, plantar fascitis. I swear this is all related. Even hip bursitis!!!!! Let's see if this changes things too.....Looking forward to the cleanse!

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Yippie skippy, first 3 mile run in 4 weeks. Left hip bursitis pain GONE.....YAY!!!!!!

Today's Menu

B: Ground grass fed beef and an apple

L: Leftover Chicken scampi with spaghetti squash

D: Chicken Sausage, home made primavera sauce, spaghetti squash, swiss chard in olive oil and garllc

S: nuts

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Ok, back to Day 1 (I'll just count it like that, sure). Today we have people over for a chili/crock-pot "cook off." Not really a cook off and I think I'm actually the only one providing chili, but we're calling it that. I made a batch of chocolate chili last night and have eaten it twice now. I hope there's enough because I plan on eating another big bowl tonight!

I'm not worried about any temptation at this thing because no one is bringing anything I really would want, to be honest. I mean, you can't really beat chocolate chili!

B: eggs ... yep, we had a rough night with the baby so that's all I felt like making

L: chocolate chili with butternut squash (these two combined are amazing!)

S: leftover Mexican beef soup with zucchini and tomato in it.

D: gonna be more chocolate chili, some fruit and whatever veggies I can put together.

I did a kickboxing video that did a lot of side/hip movements in it. I don't start physical therapy until next week, so in the meantime I'm just going to do the best I can to exercise my it bands. I'm icing them as I type!

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Isn't TCMTG Chocolate Chili delish? I love it. As a matter of fact, you have inspired me to make a pot tomorrow. I pile lots of fresh veggies, avocado, on top....YUMMO. Tonight my hubs got some GF steaks and is replacing my chicken sausage plan. Says we have more time today and the sausage is a great throw in the oven after work thing....so there you go. The best laid plans....Casey, have fun. If you lived closer, I would bring some chili over....enjoy your buds!

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Okay, I remember this happening in previous W30....wacky dreams and sleep....disruptive. As I detox off all the sugars and carbs my body goes into a crazy release of some sort when I sleep. No panic! Just know when I get though the next few days of disruptive sleep, I will begin to sleep like a baby in a deep nutritive sleep. The first week is a real challenge but onward and upward!

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I'm the opposite - I sleep great the first week, then my sleep gets really disrupted. Then, I have tons of energy, but it doesn't want to shut off at night, then I wake up too early. So, it's a crazy ride for me! I think my sleep finally started to settle right in time for the hip pain to start up last week. Last night was better, though. I iced my hips like the doc said and I slept like a baby!

So, there was a BIG temptation last night. A friend brought over paleo brownies. I'm like, WTH!!! But, I realized that I was seriously having a problem with them tempting me. I couldn't ignore them. That tells me that I'm absolutely not good with that stuff, if after 30 days I'm still having that strong of feelings over it. I fed some to my daughter to make me feel included in that, but didn't eat it myself. I had to explain to my friend why I couldn't eat it. I think she felt dumb that she made them, but luckily everyone was very impressed by them. I tried to soften the blow by telling her that I appreciated her making them because now everyone can eat a healthy desert, including my daughter. I think regardless if I ate them or not, it's a good sign when your entire dish gets eaten. So, they were gone at the end of the night. I hope that made her feel better!

I totally ate too much fruit yesterday. I ate, I think 4 bananas by the end of the day. Those things totally disrupt my gut, I'm realizing. What a shame, I love bananas so much. But, I wonder if I'm treating them like candy sometimes. 4 in a day? Yeah, I don't have a good reason for that other than sugar cravings. I'm going to have to lessen the fruit and do sweet potato instead. I think that works better for me, if I'm being honest. I always thought it was the other way around, but this last month I think I've realized that fruit is hard on me, not sweet potato.

Meal planning today and grocery shopping. We have the hurricane rain coming through, so I might even get prep done!

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Casey, the ole "sex with your pants on" desserts. Paleofied. How sweet she did that for you. What a kind gesture. You did great, I am very proud of your resolve, especially while feeding it to Vega! 4 bananas may be a bit extreme....but hey, it's not a snicker bar! Don't beat yourself up too much. Glad the ice helped your hip issue. You guys are going to get socked today. I too am heading out to Trader Joe and Whole Food. Want to make some Chocolate Chili today and get a pork butt in my crockpot for some pulled pork tomorrow on Labor Day! I was able to run 3 miles again today. My hip was fine during the run but here and there I feel a tweak. I will take the next few days off and do Weight training and YOGA and maybe a spin class! We are going to begin to get rain here all week as well....

The good news is.....I am back to my pre cruise weight (weighed myself today just for a baseline). I never hop on the scale anymore but you really want some baseline stuff, right? So I am not tempted by the scale this W30 so that is a good thing. I feel good, and my clothes fit great. When I started this all in January I was a size 16. Then a 14. All summer I have been in a size 12. I will be happy to go down another size but at age 53, I'll take what I can get. Just grateful to feel good again! Great work Casey......be safe with the tornado warnings, etc....

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Today's accountability menu:

B: ground GF beef and banana

L: Salad greens with sm amt of leftover steak and olive oil

D: Chocolate chili, chocolate chili and chocolate chili!

S: nuts

My husband got some bone broth going on the stove for me tomorrow......yay.

Ran 3 miles this am.....

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ok Casey, here is mine:

Nutrition Goal: Get more veggie varieties in my diet. Eat more veggies, colorful ones!

Sleep: Bed at 9pm and read til 10pm and sleep 8 hrs….once in school move that up a bit….

Stress Management: Centered morning prayer daily for 20 minutes.

Exercise: Run/Walk/Yoga/Spin daily and strength training 3 times per week,

Personal Growth: I am going to the museum to see Van Gogh pieces as I have been reading a 900 page book on his life. Hitting MoMA and Metropolitan Museum of Art to absorb some post impressionist paintings!

Fun and Play: I have a very happy sheltie who requires play and fun everyday….I also will be going to some of my student's sport events at the high school.

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