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W30 number three......


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I'm so going to make that pulled pork recipe after we get our 1/2 pig this month. That looks awesome!

Day 11:

B: eggs and sweet potato

L: hamburger salad

S: pecan-crusted salmon and frozen veggies

D: making right now - leftover eggplant strata and sweet potato

I just did a yoga class, so I'm hungry! Waiting for the microwave to finish my dinner. You know you're hungry when you catch yourself meditating on bone broth and sweet potato. Mmm.. I'm going to go look for some bone broth now.

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Forgot to mention....I went back to the gym to do weight training....I ran over the weekend with no hip issues....I have been walking 2 miles a day as well....I have to start putting my exercise in....too busy to think sometimes....this early back to school weeks are killing me....

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Love this thread-I have been reading for a while, but haven't been posting (I tend to get long winded-and spend too much time at the computer when I do start to post ! :D )

Sounds like everybody here knows what they are doing-I am on day 27 and have done really well all things food wise. I have cut back on the exercise this round, trying to really focus on food and sleep and distraction techniques (saw a nice post on that here as well). I am planning to dive right into round 2 for a few reasons:

#1-I LOVE eating this way and do not miss the little sugar demon

#2- I want to continue eating how I have been, while incorporating daily exercise and see if I need to up food intake to correspond-I am concerned about getting tired and stressy and needing to eat more-but finding the right balance. I have been so relaxed and awake all day-I used to crash by early afternoon when I worked out in the morning, which is the most convenient time for me. I can't afford to be tired and crabby while trying to teach the kids. But I do enjoy exercise and like how I feel when I am active. i am going to think of a couple realistic goals that I can work on in that dept.

#3- I am on a roll, and there is really nothing I care to incorporate back in at this time- dairy has never been a biggie for me, sugar is OUT for now, and the only other thing that I would consider is wine. Part of me is not too interested in finding out how I'd feel after having some. I guess I'll cross that bridge when/if it comes up.

Please keep the great insights coming, ladies !!

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Hi Bridget! Sounds like you have some excellent introspection going on. I love the feeling of being on a roll!

As part of my de-stress goal, I'm trying not to automatically reach for the Internet whenever I have a moment of downtime. And I'm leaving my phone in my bag as often as I can. So far it's interesting - I definitely think I'm a little addicted to the mini rush of checking email, Twitter, etc. this will be a much harder habit to break when I go back to work and have the pressure to always be accessible, so I hope to make progress now!

Yesterday was day 9:

B: eggs scrambled with sweet pepper and chicken sausage, broccoli

L: sardines over mixed greens. Oh my I love my sardines.

S: pistachios

D: chocolate chili over spaghetti squash (half beef, half bison), figs roasted with osemary and prosciutto, bowl of berries with whipped coconut milk

Today is day 10:

B: smoked salmon, avocado, two fried eggs

L: roast chicken, broccoli, some cacao energy bars that are farrrrr too crave-inducing, yikes

D: will be chicken fajitas sans tortillas, with fried padron peppers

I'm going to get a massage now! Leaving the baby with the new au pair, so nervous....

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I need to go back and read all of the posts I missed, but I needed to throw this up first. Monday isn't went fine, I had my glass of wine and I enjoyed it but I was good with a little.

Tuesday i stayed compliant with food all day, although I can't remember what I ate, even though it was yesterday. Then on the way home from work i found out I needed to go have a difficult conversation with a good friend. I had a spa appointment first, and they serve wine there. So I had a glass while I got my pedicure. And then after I had to stop at home to let the dog out. And I grabbed the rest of the open bottle of wine and took it with me. And, of course, drank it. The whole darned thing. And I've felt completely wretched all day, my skin looks awful, I feel crappy, I'm foggy. And this morning it would have been easy to just go down the slippery slope I was on, but I didn't. I drank a ton of water and ate compliant foods all day. However my cravings were awful even though I didn't give in to them... And I don't like feeling like that at all. And I don't want to feel that way again. It was a total emotional drinking event and I know better. I'm smarter and stronger than all of that.

Me and the wine need to come to an understanding or it's out the door.

Ok, I'm not going to log my food right now, it was compliant and colorful. I'm going back to reread posts.

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Donna you are so right! One glass of wine wasn't a big deal until it turned into a few, all that sugar and alcohol just mucking up my whole system.

And congrats on being back to the gym. Any change in schedule is tough, and takes some adjusting time. Glad you are already finding your way through it.

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Bridget! Welcome, please join us in our quest to slay the sugar demons....'tis a noble cause. Support is where it is at.

Bree....a massage! I need one so bad and I hope you really enjoyed it. You deserve it with all your running around lately.

Melissa....I can't drink wine....as a matter of fact I don't because it makes me crave ALL kinds of food. It's like, the total ability to eat moderately goes away and I pig out...it sets off a monster in me....I wonder, because it is made of sugar if it is a danger to those us us who are 'sensitive' to it...Your experience is very important for you in the process of saying, is it worth it? I don't want to feel like this anymore....that is why we give it 30 days to detox and then we recognize the changes like a hammer over our heads.

Casey: Where are you???

Well, I just got in from a back to school night for my work....off to read my 900 page book on Van Gogh which is most excellent....night to all....

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Day 14

B: omelette and watermelon

L: greens with sauteed filet mignon, banana

D: grilled lamb, cauliflower, grilled veggies, swiss chard with olive oil and garlic

S: nuts

Weight training at gym for 1 hour....feels great to be back to the gym this week, missed it last week.

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Ok, I swear I've been paying attention and eating well, but every time I try to log here I get interrupted!

What is it, Day 14? Cool!

Bridget - welcome!

I'm pretty much a Whole30er for life at this point. I think the only thing I'm going to loosen my reins on is white potato, occasional use of vegetable oils at restaurants, and maybe white rice (still not sure on that one). But, as many times as I've quit sugar this year, to finally be 45 days out from sugar, there's no way I'm going back again. That stuff has ruined my life for too long!

So, doing another 30 days after your whole30 may be just the right thing to do! Why ruin a great thing if you feel no pressing need? Also, I think adding exercise is a great idea. Have you looked into what Mark Sisson recommends? If you sign up for his newsletter, you can get a free copy of his recommendations at marksdailyapple.com. His style of staying fit probably would help energy levels more than hurt. It's possible you've just workout harder/longer than you need to in the past.

Bree - I totally get where you're coming from with the internet. I told my husband yesterday that sometimes I want to just be monk-ish in my life. Shut off from all electronics, spend a lot of time being quiet and meditating, and living at my daughter's pace, basically. I find the days I do things like this, I feel the happiest.

Melissa - I second what Donna says about this. Glad you're being very mindful about how wine affects you and learning from those experiences.

Donna - yay for 900 pages and gym time!

Ok, so it is looking like fruit/coconut milk is the culprit. My guts have been feeling way better the last couple of days, then I ate a banana last night and started feeling icky soon after. Hmmmm... Well, I'm glad I have a suspect.

Also, I'm about to run an experiment on my sleep. I'm waking up for hours at a time at night and starting to really stress about this. Last night, I just got up, meditated, and played with that cat (she thought this was the greatest thing ever). After about an hour and a half, I felt really tired and went back to sleep. At this point, it was almost 6 a.m. I slept until almost 8.

I'm deciding that I'm going to practice embracing the odd hours I wake up in the night. I'm going to start reading fiction books and meditating during that time instead of trying to force myself to fall back asleep and stressing about it. This could be really beneficial for me in another way, considering a lot of times I feel like I don't get enough "me" time. I don't imagine I'll get much interruption at 2 or 4 in the morning.

Ok, so Day 13 log (I probably missed Day 12, but can't remember):

B: cube steak and leftover pork "fried rice" recipe from Well Fed

L: leftover eggplant strata and beef broth

S: sweet potato

D: we went to a lake by us and BBQ: pork sausages with green beans in them, asparagus, salad and banana

Day 14:

B: egg, veggie and sausage scramble

L: it's going to be buffalo chicken salad

D: not sure yet, maybe salmon burgers, frozen veggies and sweet potato fries.

I don't know what it is, but I'm suddenly on a beef broth kick. I just want it every day. Guess that's a really great thing except for the fact that I'm almost out and need to acquire some bones - fast!

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Casey! I love the fact your are embracing your mid night awakenings and using them as a benefit. I think it is part of doing the best with what you've got...consider it a little gift of YOU time you never get during the day....and besides, the cat is really enjoying the attention....

Bananas, hmmmmm......amazing how this way of eating makes it easy to isolate foods one at a time for reactions.....pretty cool stuff I think....I was just raving about this way of eating to a friend who is allergic to Wheat, Dairy and Eggs....she is intrigued and going to look at the W30...so today is:

Day 15

B: eggs, compliant sausage meat

L: salad greens/ chicken

D: Salad greens/ chicken

yes, same thing for lunch and dinner, but it's all good!

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Yikes, like Casey I keep getting interrupted when I sit down to type! Last two days have been mostly leftovers of this or that. I've let the two-veggies-per-meal rule slide and I need to step it up. If for no other reason than that I have a fridge full of bulky produce that needs to get eaten! Does anyone else get satisfaction from thoroughly cleaning out the fridge, freezer, whatever? I love it.

Casey, love the wee hours philosophy. I want to return to getting up early to work out. I love being awake before the rest of the household and really, it's the only way I can be consistent with exercise. (I think it was Donna above who commented that my exercise goal was maybe a lot for my current schedule and you were SO right.) plus getting up early will force me to go to bed earlier. It all fits into that yearning for a monkish lifestyle! I think I will start that tomorrow.

I too have problems stopping at one glass of wine. One always wants another to keep it company. Last night was my ladies' wine club and my goodness, I have never eaten so many baby carrots in my life. Everyone was eating cheese and crackers, then pizza and cookies, and I was throwing down baby carrots like candy corn. I think I'm good on beta carotene for a while!

So weird, I have been feeling a growing urge to go jogging on the trail through the redwoods behind our house. I am NOTa runner. What's going on there?

So today is day 13 and it is/will be:

B: sugar snap peas, eggs scrambled with mushrooms

L: last of the chocolate chili over spaghetti squash, salad

D: slow cooker chicken adobo over cauliflower ice, roasted beets and fennel

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Hey, Bree-Great job with the carrots ! ;)

I am starting Whole30 #2 on Monday (today is day 30 of my first) I am going to start getting up early and working out again-I used to be so good at it ! But my eating was crappy, so my results were not all they could be. Now that I feel I have the eating thing going really well, time to get moving. Early morning is the only real "only me" time I have all day, so I need to start taking advantage of it. I homeschool the kids, so am with them all day and try to give them all the attention I can, as well as get their help with chores,etc. I like to go to bed early,with my NYT crosswords, and my husband,whenever possible-usually in bed by 9-I LOVE IT !!! So, mornings are definitely best.

I have had the urge to jog/walk the windy roads around here lately- so I may add that in with weight lifting.

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fabulous weather equals easy runs....two days worth of 3 milers.....no hip pain so bye bye bursitis. Now, not to get too crazy with ramping up my mileage more than 10% per run/week....and all should go well.

Today is Day 17


B: leftover cabbage, pork and aminos stir fry

L: salad with ground GF beef

D: not sure but think chicken sausage and a ton of farm veggies

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Day 15:

B: eggs and sweet potato hashbrowns

L: chocolate chili with butternut squash

D: buffalo chicken salad

Day 16:

B: chocolate chili with butternut squash

L: yep, same as breakfast...

D: to be determined, but I image we're either going to eat out or bbq.

I made the chocolate chili for a potluck that my sister-in-law had last night, but I ended up calling it an early night and going to bed instead of heading out there.

Friday night, we went to something called the Balloon Glow - which is held the night before a big hot air balloon race that's held every year. Basically, you can come out and check out the balloons, and occasionally they will light them all up. Plus, there are fireworks. It's a really neat thing and my daughter loved it (except for the fireworks). But, we got home late and I ended up not getting enough sleep Friday night. By early Saturday evening I was ready to just call it a night and went to bed early. So now I have all this chocolate chili to eat. What a tragedy, I know.

This morning I got up, ate some chili because it was easy, and went for a 30 mile bike ride. Which explains why I also ate chocolate chili for lunch. Yes, for dinner I will eat something else, and make sure I get plenty of veggies. ;) I should start adding more veggies to the chili, really.

Donna - yay for your hips feeling better! I'm sure you're feeling great getting out there and running.

I tore up my abs a couple weeks ago at the gym... on my very first day back in it. So, I've been healing this month. I think I may be ready to go again, so I plan on getting in there a couple days this week and working out. I'm trying out EP Life Fit, which is an online program from the lady who wrote Everyday Paleo. I haven't actually got to do any of those workouts yet, because of my abs, so I'm excited to try it out. It's pretty similar to what I was doing training for the Tough Mudder, only it takes a third of the time to do and actually utilizes equipment instead of being all body weight exercises.

Hope everyone's having a great weekend!

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Casey...I could eat that chocolate chili morning noon and night....I swear I love it.....I used to play a game with my kids and their friends...if you could eat only one food, three times a day for the rest of your life, what would you pick???? I always said sushi....but now, chocolate chili is a contender :)

Great 30 mile bike ride Casey....awesome stuff.

My hubs and I walked for 2.5 miles on the towpath with our dog....Tomorrow to the gym for weights. We have off for 2 days for Rosh Hoshana so I get some rest and relaxation and an opportunity to move summer clothes out...and winter clothes in....2 Gorgeous Days here in the north east US....crisp blanket weather in the evening and....leaves are starting to fall. Fall is my FAVORITE season of all...

Take care!

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I love fall best, too. The kids' Halloween costumes arrived and are super cute - The twins will be sharks and the baby will be a sushi roll. :)

Happy Rosh Hoshana, Donna!

Busy busy day, like always I guess. Got up with the baby early and did a HIIT workout in the garage while he watched!

Day 14:

B: eggs with mushrooms and asparagus

L: chicken breast with curried eggplant, two small apples

S: larabar, more chicken breast

D: will be taco salad with lots of crunchy veggies.

How long did it take for y'all to take to eating non-traditional breakfast foods? I keep thinking I'll try it, and then I can't face pot roast in the morning.

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