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Hi!  I found out 4 months ago that I have an MTHFR gene mutation.  I have had nearly 2 decades of progressing symptoms of this and it was after another miscarriage that I was tested.  After an initial period of "oh well, just another thing wrong with me," I started my research and supplementing.  I am feeling like I am ready to make food changes because with this gene mutation it really won't matter how much supplementing I do, I need to change my food intake.  My 4 months of research have convinced me that the Whole 30 is the best system for beginning to deal with my gene mutation.  I feel ready. But, I have been ready to do other diets before and have failed.  Actually, I have failed at every diet and exercise program I have ever tried.  I feel so defeated already and I am not even starting until May 1st.  Unsure if I should do this and if I do what can I do to go into this with a better attitude and less fear of failing yet again. TIA

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'Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right'

A little mantra I try to live my life by and it's always served me well.

If you come into this thinking you'll fail then you will. You need to stop looking in your rear view mirror at your past - you're not going that way. Look ahead to the healthier, better version of you - visualise your goal & keep your focus there.

You CAN do this.


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don't think of it as a diet to fail or succeed at, but as a perspective change. A change from food as equal parts reward and punishment to food as fuel. The eliminating and reintroduction allows you to learn how food impacts your body and your health. What feels good? What do you need to be your most healthy you? We are all unique in how foods impact our health. This is your time to be a scientist and discover your unique responses. And scientists don't think in terms of failure, just experiments and discovery

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This is easier than most because it is so black and white. You can either eat it or you can't no grey area. You never have any need to feel hungry. It just takes planning and a little determination. And there is so much support here all you have to do is reach out (as you have :))

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