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Day 20 feeling Worse

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I'm on day 20 of my first whole30.  I went through the detox, hit my low point on day 8, and have been feeling great since then.  clear skin (for the first time in quite a while), falling asleep quickly, lessened anxiety/depression and for a while I even had no bloating, could tell I was losing weight (bonus!), had loads of energy, and was very happy.  Hitting day 20 I have still been sticking with the meal template but am feeling worse.  My face broke out in the last two days, have lots of bloating and fluctuating regularity, lower energy, crabby, and feel like I could sleep most of the day.  I also sometimes feel like I can't eat all my food but if I quit when I'm full I'm hungry an hr later.  If I force myself to eat it all I just feel sluggish and lousy.

Two days of meals:

M1: three eggs with sweet potato and coffee with coconut milk

M2: egg salad with approved mayo, carrots, coconut flakes, and spinach

M3: pork chop, coconut flakes, green beans, baked potato plain


M1: sausage, sweet potato, coffee with coconut milk

M2: grilled chicken, asparagus, spinach, compliant oil dressing

M3: turkey lunchmeat, carrots, coconut flakes, grilled zucchini, green beans 

Can't say this was my best weekend (long training days) but it was all compliant, I ate until I was full, followed the template sizes for most meals (except when I couldn't finish a meal), and was making it several hours before feeling hungry again.  


Just wondering why I'm feeling worse this late in the game after I've already starting feeling great again? Is there something I can do to change this?  I don't have any cravings but am considering going to a slightly less strict paleo-type plan in an attempt to feel better again if I can't resolve these issues.

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The composition of your meals looks fine. The fact that you are eating a starchy veggie every day is good for energy. Nothing about this explains why you are feeling worse with low energy. 


You mention long training days, but no pre- or post-workout meals. Training while eating only three meals per day would mean you are not adequately nourished for your level of activity. That would explain low energy, but not bloating or problems with regularity. 


Are you eating more of something now than what you ate before? Maybe you are sensitive to it and have surpassed the threshold to experience symptoms. 

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Thanks Tom.  Should have clarified that, it's workshop training not exercise training.  In terms of something I eat more of now...eggs.  I'm rather tired of them :)  Would I need to continue my Whole 30 to a whole 45 or something if I've developed a sensitivity to eggs?  Or just cut them out for the remaining ten days and go from there?

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I would actually suspect the coconut at least for the bloating. You are eating it at almost every meal. For some, it causes stomach issues. I am 100% fine with coconut oil in my cooking and coconut milk in my coffee, but flakes or coconut butter make my stomach bloat. Try cutting those out and relying on another fat source like olives or drizzled olive oil or ghee.


And I second the post-WO meal idea after your workouts.

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I don't have any input on what you're eating but I will say I felt horrible the last part of my whole30 (which I started feb 1 and have continued)

30 days wasn't enough for my body. I didn't start to "turn around" till maybe day 40-45?

I am glad I've kept going because I feel better now. Don't get discouraged maybe 30 days just isn't enough for your body either

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 Don't get discouraged maybe 30 days just isn't enough for your body either

Yep, sometimes depending on what is going on with your body, it can take awhile for things to get balanced and start to feel good.  Everyone is a unique snowflake and we are best served by checking in with ourselves as we go to see what it is we really need.  


Plus, you will never, ever go wrong eating protein, veggies and good fats so even if it takes a bit longer to feel the magic, it will come!  Hang in there!

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