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I started Slaying the sugar dragon yesterday and it is on!!!!

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Im nervous and really excited.  Im a 45 year old mom of 5.  Got divorced after 17 years  of marriage.  Stayed single for a long time then got married past september to a much younger man!  yeah me!  hes amazing and since we have met he has lost about 40 lbs and drank the cross fit koolaid.  he looks amazing!!!  We started working out together bc I was at that time a triathlete.  Sprint tris but hey....i have 5 kids!!!  My ex started stalking me and basically made me have panic attacks and at one point think maybe I was agoraphobic  Cant even go into what he has done to my kiddos.  4 of them dont speak or visit him! I have allready suffered with migraines for years.  Got a 2year restraining order but after the years of abuse i put on 40 lbs.  40!!!  Im totally inflammed and in menapuase I want to eat anything sweet and it shows!!!!  I need this whole 30 badly!  I want to succeed!  I want off my medicines for anxiety and to get back to teaching cycling 3 times a week.  Stick with me on this .....I want to slay the sugar dragon that i have allowed to take has so much away from my kids and my life ....and ME!!!!

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