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Dirty Thirty "Roundup and Ride"!


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Good morning! Well, I'm all dressed for the heat they promised us and I'm looking out on grey skies, and I've closed my office window...... My boys finish up school today for the summer - eight whole weeks - oh, to be them..... They're off camping for a few days with their day tomorrow, then we're on countdown for our own little trip at the end of next week.


Bring on the summer!




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Thanks MeGA - that should have said with their Dad up there ^^ - and today, not tomorrow!! - he's picking them up from mine this evening.... I always miss them when they're not there, but I'd never begrudge them that time or experience....


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Kelli I think you may want to thumb through some others and Meadows earlier posts here you may find them helpful


Thanks MeadowLily for leaving some posts to educate us :)



Good morning Mega... went out and read this thread and the links that went with it... do you have an opinion about Whole 30 with a ketogenic twist? (put the lime in the cocout, LOL).

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Hi Kelli good morning

No I don't have an opinion because I've never tried that yet it works for others

Idk I'd rather do a complient W30 and then reinto before I attempted that

As far as Booch no way I do like the idea if trying it already made but I don't think I could stand the mother or Skokie whatever it's called!

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Thanks MeGA - that should have said with their Dad up there ^^ - and today, not tomorrow!! - he's picking them up from mine this evening.... I always miss them when they're not there, but I'd never begrudge them that time or experience....



I aways missed my daughter when she spent time with her Dad too. The best thing I did was not to complain about him in front of her. That way she was able to figure it all out for herself... the true nature and charater of her Dad.

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