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Supple drink?


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Hello everyone. My mom and I are on day 2, headed into day 3 of our whole30. I am totally fine with water all day, maybe some kambucha and a coffee or tea, but my mom is really struggling not to have her variety of

Starbucks, diet coke, Supple, and water. I nkw the first 2 are off limits but Supple is a joint glucosamine supplement so she is saying because it's medication she should drink it. I saw a bunch of stuff in the ingredients that I'm not sure a out. Could anyone tell me if it's whole 30 approved?

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I can't actually find a list of ingredients for this product online, but I'm guessing it's probably got some kind of sweetener in it, since it's flavored and would therefore not be compliant. If it doesn't have a sweetener it would have fruit juice, and while fruit juice is technically allowed, it's intended to be used in recipes, not to drink on its own.

There are exceptions for ingredients in medications, but supplements, unless they are prescribed by a doctor, aren't medicines. If she feels she needs the supplements in this drink she should look for a compliant version of them, but in general eating a variety of proteins, fats, and vegetables should provide most people with the nutrition they need.

Water will always be the best option to drink, but for variety, she can try herbal teas; sparkling water,either compliant flavored ones like la croix brand or plain ones with a squeeze of lemon or lime; or infused water.

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Two forms of Supple...one in the can and other in the container 


001.png   Maltodextrin is sugar.





supplement_facts_powder.gif    supplement_facts_liquid.gif



Here's some further comments you can read about it.   There are similar supplements that come in pill form rather than drink form at your health food store.  


Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid, and Rebaudioside-A






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Supple is kind of the opposite of what the Whole30 is about. Supple is a highly processed food product. If a person lives on donuts and coffee, Supple provides some health benefits. If a person is eating eggs, broccoli, ground beef, carrots, salmon, red leaf lettuce, etc, Supple actually subtracts a small amount of health with each sip. 

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