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raw Cacao nibs and bra fit.


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Hey all, I'm on day 14 of 30, I've got my Tiger Blood and feel great! Less one thing.

CHOCOLATE! It is in my head every day. In my old eating habits I'm a boredom eater/grazer; and normally when bored,I'm on the prowl for chocolate. 80% Dark is my preferred chocolate, BUT Whole30 rules say nothing with any added sugar. Well today at my local spice shop I found raw organic cacao nibs. no added sugar, basically a chocoholic's dream. I bought some but have not tried them yet, because, well, I'm a chicken, and I wanted to get an opinion on if I should try them. I'm more than willing to finish out my 30 and then try them. I've moved a short way past wanting something sweet. I'd rather have some tea with lemon, or peppermint essence in a glass of cold water (helps kill the voice in my brain saying: "chocolate. Ooo with almonds. Hey there's hot cocoa! I want chocolate chips. Chocolate milk? Chocolate sauce? molè?")

So, I'm asking if I can have the raw Cacao nibs or should I wait? (Won't hurt my feelings to wait One bit.) :) I'd also like to know if there's anyone else out there who has the cookoo for Cocoa bird in their head all the time.

I put the bra part in the title because I wanted to share a non scale victory. All my life there have been standards and rules about how a bra is supposed to fit. The straps shouldn't dig, the band should be supporting the booby weight, the under wire should sit flat against your rib cage from between "the girls" to under your underarms. Well, I have found that I have reached the bra fit mecca! No double boob less back fat, the under wire doesn't poke or dig, and lays comfortably against my rib cage. WOO! THE WHOLE30 IS AWESOME! ♡

Thanks for your time and support!♡♡

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Are they compliant? Yes.

Would I recommend you try them given the back-history you've shared? No.

Compliant ingredients are fine when used as an ingredient, but you're looking to replace chocolate with them - substituting one crutch for another. Break the habit. That's what whole30 is about.

If you're still having cravings try upping the fat content of your meals, and use distraction techniques until the cravings pass - go for a walk, wash the dishes, paint your nails.... the craving is temporary & will pass.

Whoop whoop re the bra thing!! 

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Nice bra victory!

The nibs are a context-compliant thing. If you are going to snack on them or add them to ANYTHING that's sweet (banana, applesauce, coconut milk) they are a no go. If you are going to sprinkle them on a big pot roast and put it in the slow cooker then go crazy. :)

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"All my life there have been standards and rules about how a bra is supposed to fit. The straps shouldn't dig, the band should be supporting the booby weight, the under wire should sit flat against your rib cage from between "the girls" to under your underarms. Well, I have found that I have reached the bra fit mecca! No double boob less back fat, the under wire doesn't poke or dig, and lays comfortably against my rib cage."


I didn't know any of those things. Thank you.  

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One thing to keep in mind about the cacao nibs (or any chocolate product): if you are eating smallish amounts throughout the day, you are probably reaching for something to sustain your energy throughout the day. Women often do this, because we are instructed by mainstream media to underfeed ourselves quite severely, and then we keep ourselves amped up on sugar and caffeine so that we can simply keep functioning. As you proceed through your Whole30, notice the relationship between eating enough food to sustain your body and your life, and the energy you feel throughout the day. Over time, your body will be able to sustain enough energy throughout the day that you won't find yourself needing the energy boost of the chocolate/caffeine/sugar boost. It will take more time to rid yourself of the habit, but the physical need for that quick energy throughout the day will subside fairly soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I actually put the cacao nibs in the back of the pantry and haven't thought about them since! Victory over the Chocolate Craving! I can honestly say I don't miss it. I realized it was me not getting enough starchy veggies and fats. I've followed some advice from a few of the articles and I don't want the chocolate or the sugar.

The true test of this is; I went in to Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory with a friend yesterday, while I was tempted, I didn't buy or want anything. I jokingly told my friend I'd buy some strawberries if they weren't covered in chocolate. Joking aside, I realized I was telling the truth, I didn't want the chocolate, I wanted the strawberries. Just one, and I'd be done.

I'm coming up on day 30 and while I plan on doing a reintroduction, I'm scared to wake the sugar dragon. I'm nervous bread will bring back the mood swings, and that milk may be the reason I had such awful allergies.(beans and peas aren't a big deal because I've ALWAYS hated their texture) I won't know until I reintroduce them, and that's part of the problem. the unknown. It's always either inspired fear or curiosity in most humans. In my case the unknown is causing fear, well, a mild case of anxiety is more accurate.

Any advice on reintroduction? I've read a bunch of the forum posts, and the reintroduction articles, and they help, still anxious though.

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Don't sweat it too much.


Do the reintros just so you know how things affect you. I didn't after my first Whole30 (feeling so good I was convinced I would eat this way forever). Think of it as prep in case you are somewhere where your only food choices are beans or peas or bread. If you know what affects you worse, you could make the better choice.


In regards to the Sugar Dragon, he will probably return at some point. With each successive victory on your part, he will become less and less powerful. Melissa's great posts on Riding Your Own Bike and her 3-part Dear Melissa, How Do You Eat series has some great suggestions on how to manage your life after Whole30.

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I'm on day 2 of reintroduction. It's a great feeling knowing I can have what I want then realizing, really I don't want it. Like this afternoon I thought I could stop for ice cream, but I didn't because while it sounds good, I don't NEED it. Ice cream, chocolate covered strawberries, and chocolate milk, I want them, but don't NEED them. Feeling the food freedom!

I can't say it enough, this was the best thing I've ever done for myself!

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I'm about a week post-w30.  The train station I use to get to and from work every day is above an ice cream parlor.  I just realized that, most days, I see it and think, "Ooh, now that I'm done with Whole30, I should go there and get a huge sundae" or something like that.  By the time I'm half a block away, I've completely forgotten about it.  It's become just one of many fleeting signals that pass through my brain and keep going.  




On the topic of chocolate, that's probably where I was sloppiest with the Whole30.  Near the end, I often had a makeshift Crio Bru (unsweetend cocoa powder and hot water) or two as a treat in the evenings.  That's how I figured out that cocoa has a strong laxative effect on me in large doses.  Ew. 

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Yikes! That's a HORRIBLE side affect of chocolate!

I'm on day 8 of reintro, (milk/dairy today, so far no ill affects) I know sugar in my coffee gives me the most awful headache, so I'll keep drinking it black. And bread is my nemesis, i get almost instant stomach cramps and am bloated for about two days after. I was chatting with a friend the other day she asked if I could have cake(her wedding is the 13th), I said I didn't know cause I haven't tried cake yet.

I have a million #nonscalevictories! My most favorite is trying on dresses for the wedding. Depending on the dress I can wear a 12 to 16! Dress shopping has never been so fun!

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