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There are always a number of people on the forums having trouble with constipation, and as ladyshanny has mentioned in a number of these threads humans are actually meant to squat to eliminate. I've obviously read the same sort of articles as her where the recommendation is to raise your ankles so you're on your tippy toes, and to place your elbows on your knees, but I vaguely remembered also reading somewhere that there is a stool available to purchase to help get your knees/pelvis into the correct position for effective elimination.

Anyway, long story short, the stool is called the squatty potty - watch the short video to see the science behind it, then if you're having issues maybe find yourself a little toddler toilet training step which will probably do the same thing for a lot less cash!

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I was just reading about this subject today! IFLS posted a link on facebook to an article, which basically said that humans can't effectively eliminate in the sitting position. I was actually contemplating getting a step stool (ha... stool....) to put in the bathroom for this purpose. Though I think if I did this my husband would finally be convinced I've gone off the deep end...

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