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I need some encouragement today. I am on day 8 - and am very excited about that. But since the evening of day 6 through to today, I am craving bread or pizza. Oddly, I am not craving anything sweet - just bread-type stuff. I don't have any plans of cheating - just looking for "you can do it!" I guess.....

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Up the fat content of your meals to stave off cravings, and if one does come try a distraction technique - run a bath, make yourself a cup of tea, go for a walk, paint your nails..... anything non food related you can think of until the craving passes - and it will!


You got this!!  :)

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I'm on day 8 today. Last night as I was cleaning up the kitchen I kept getting these "flash" cravings for sweets. Each would last briefly. I would acknowledge it and move on. Then a minute later, I'd get another one for something else. I felt like some kind of cyborg with a software malfunction! They were short but intense. I could almost taste the food I was craving. I think I had about 5 of them. I found that reading logs from folks at or near the end of the Whole 30 to be a very powerful way of keeping my eyes on the prize. Slaying the Sugar Dragon is within reach. We can do this!

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You can do it!

Remember that your cravings, while annoying, can't actually make you do anything. I think sometimes we feel a craving arise and kind of freak out: "OMG, I want bread! What now?!" Acknowledge that you want bread—it's okay to want something—and then get on with your Whole30.

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You can do it!

Remember that your cravings, while annoying, can't actually make you do anything. I think sometimes we feel a craving arise and kind of freak out: "OMG, I want bread! What now?!" Acknowledge that you want bread—it's okay to want something—and then get on with your Whole30.

That is some solid advice that I will hereby adopt forever-more!

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Day 6 here....I was feeling pretty dang good up until last night/this morning. My brain is having a party and wants me to attend. Lots of sweet/bread cravings last night and first thing this morning. Yep, I have the necessary fat/vegetable carb intake. I think it's particularly rough if you're the only person in the household committing to this program. Recognizing that the cravings are a temporary feeling has really helped. However, having my partner make toast and filling the house with the delicious smells of baked goods does not. I'm just going to keep on keeping on.....also, the thought of another egg breakfast has me feeling a bit queasy.

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I'm just going to keep on keeping on.....also, the thought of another egg breakfast has me feeling a bit queasy.

So don't have eggs for breakfast. :-)

Google Whole30 non-egg breakfast to get links to past discussions and ideas on this topic.

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