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Day 66 update - just because I can!


Asian-style stir-fry for brekkie (added shrimp paste, compliant fish sauce, coriander (cilantro) leaves), leftover chicken curry and salad for lunch. I am bouncing off the walls I feel so ridiculously good. Going to try to hit the pool this afternoon - drinks cancelled so that gives me a bit of time I didn't think I had.


Received more positive body comments this morning. Bring it!! :)

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Day 67 - dodged the pool again yesterday afternoon, what a woos! :) Too cold to be running around in a pair of Speedos! The wind chill was bad. But that just gave me the chance to test drive my new trainers in a run so out I went with plenty of layers and Skins on. The trainers were excellent and I felt good except for my asthma. I didn't have a puff on my inhaler before I left and so got breathless after the first k. Had to stop and start far more than my legs wanted. Through breathing techniques I managed to get through my 5 k's but it was slow. Bummed about it but it was my own fault - a bit tired from the travel the day before, freezing cold air - should have thought about it more. Anyways, I did it which is the main thing.


Food yesterday was stir-fry, chicken curry & salad, tin of sardines, and a small roast - pork, veggies, greens. Today will be much the same without the run. Might try again for a swim but I don't like my chances!!

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I like to run first thing in the morning, but in the winter it really gets my throat so I tend to use the treadmill...

How are you liking the Asics? I'm a toe striker with very little rotation on my ankle which is pretty rare and was ill advised to get the Asics when I had my gait analysis* done and really struggled to run in them as really they're built for heel strikers. I love them for walking/training in though!

*A few weeks prior I'd been recommended the Nike Free, which are pretty close to bare foot running, following a gait analysis by a different guy, and they are a dream for me. Too bad I listened to a friend who said the 2nd guy really knew his stuff and forked out for the Asics too. He didn't even watch me run, he just looked at my wet foot prints on some paper. I know that when I walk I'm a heel striker because that's where my shoes get worn, but he said he didn't need to see me run..... More fool him - and me!!

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I'm instantly liking them - I'm a heel striker (although as I get fitter I'm trying not to be). Walking was good but running in them was great - felt very "together". They also have very good support for my (still) sore left heel. I probably should have my gait analysis done but being the spontaneous guy I am, I saw them on Catch of the Day and nabbed them for a great price :)

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Day 68 -  Friday, is there any better day? Well maybe Sunday but...


Straight up day yesterday - stir-fry, last of the delicious-if-I-say-so-myself minestrone, pan-fried flathead with roast spicy pumpkin, baked corn and cabbage salad. Ate too much cabbage salad before I served dinner but if it's that or half a block of cheese, I'll take the cabbage any day!


No exercise yesterday although I managed a record on my Apple Watch - 8 days of over my 500 calorie daily activity target. At work I installed a standup desk extender thing on my desk which worked well. Spent a portion of the day standing and working rather than sitting. Got a laugh from my colleagues but it instantly made me more active. I can now get excited and wave my arms around without the restriction of sitting in a chair lol.


Drinks out tonight with friends - I'm hoping to put in another run beforehand so will work my pre & post workout routine around that and I should be right when presented with a plate of non-compliant finger food.


I still have Moroccan goat in the freezer so probably don't need to prep this weekend for lunches. But I will need to think about different meals and mix it up a bit. It's all a bit standard at nights with protein, baked carb-dense veggie and greens/salad. Looking forward to spring where I can start prepping more mixed salads with in-season ingredients such as asparagus.

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Day 69 - what a messy day yesterday. Worked too late for a Friday, had a few bits and pieces before going out where I had two prawns. Finished off leftovers about 10pm. Goat for lunch, last of my supplies for a stir-fry for brekkie.


So now I'm out of food this morning - going up the road for breakfast, hoping I can get something compliant. Planning on a run a bit later (it's -2 and foggy at the moment) and market shopping. And some reading. And some lazing around.

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Day 70 - celebration day! 10 weeks, and a Whole30 away from a Whole100. What a journey! Yesterday morning I found a sensational cafe called 80/20 close to home that serves a wide selection of compliant meals. Had a "green bowl" with raw cauliflower, kale, broad beans, tomato, a poached egg, seeds - unbelievably delicious. And fantastic coffee!


After a couple of hours I cracked out a 8k run - intended to do 7k's but ended up with 8 after I ventured a little wider than I expected. Talk about exhilaration. I probably ran 90% of the way. Pretty stiff this morning but not damaged. Stretched a heap before and after.


Recovered with a bowl of potato, tuna and salad and then later in the day attacked a pork hock. Finished off last night with a Vietnamese Pho soup without the noodles.

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Day 71 - great day yesterday - met up with friends for brunch and had a full-on salad with grilled salmon with home made tahini. This was after a bacon and egg breakfast. Last night I made a Thai pork salad - pan fried pork fillet with coconut aminos, garlic, fish sauce, chilli, mint, coriander, Thai basil, lettuce mix, tomatoes, cucumbers and shallots.


Went out again for a 5k run - feeling sore and tight this morning and it affected my sleep last night - twitchy, kept drinking water and going to the toilet. I've signed up for a community 10k fun run on Sunday 6 Sep, so I have 4 weeks to build up to running that far. The furthest I've run to date in one burst is 3.6k's before having to walk for a couple of hundred metres and then starting again.


I'm feeling incredibly "clean" as I continue this journey. My general health and wellbeing has increased enormously, my major organ function feels a lot better. So many symptoms have gone (swelling & inflammation, dull thinking, sinus problems, pounding heart, puffed & out of breath) and I find I'm smiling and laughing more. It's having a "positive whirlpool" effect - the more it creates positive outcomes, the more successful it becomes.

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...I find I'm smiling and laughing more. It's having a "positive whirlpool" effect - the more it creates positive outcomes, the more successful it becomes.

Brilliant  :) 

There are a few C210k training apps in the app store which might be of use to you to improve your distance. You could probably skip the first few weeks of the program 'cos it definitely sounds like you're on the right path...!

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Day 72 - struggled yesterday with hunger. Stir-fry was normal then I had leftover Thai pork salad for lunch, a can of sardines in the afternoon, and a very quick piece of kingfish, potato and zucchini before I went out to a football match last night. Not enough carb-dense veggies I'm sure...


My mood was a bit all over the place too - struggled with Monday at work after a great weekend and it was a complex day. Felt pretty flat by the end of it. The good news is that my body has recovered well from my two runs on the weekend - ready for another one today if I can fit it in.

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Day 73 - ate a horse and his cousin last night - finally sated my hunger - pork spare ribs, roast sweet potato, brocollini, plus some assorted bits of lettuce, celery and olives for entree while I was cooking. Lunch was last of the delicious chicken curry and a salad. No exercise again as I didn't get home until late.


Today will also be full-on. Hoping to get a run or swim in at some point although it's going to get cold and windy again so we'll see about that!

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Day 74 - a little out of control at the moment - too much going on at work which is affecting my ability to focus on the important things! Couldn't get to sleep last night and then slept in this morning - now a rushed meal of just eggs and some pre-cooked chicken breast. Not the ideal. Had a good meal of steak and veggies last night after Moroccan goat and salad for lunch.


I'm really missing my air, sun, run and space - won't have an opportunity again today so that leaves tomorrow and the weekend to pick up my exercise.


Today I have a lunch with clients and then a staff movie night tonight - a pain from a Whole program perspective. I'll try to eat beforehand both times.

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Day 75 - sounds important - 75% of a Whole100!


Survived the crazy day yesterday - mad rush meal one was 3 eggs fried with a handful of cooked chicken (what tha?), lunch was a can of sardines before a salad out with clients. Then dinner was a very hastily put together pork mince, sweet potato and sauerkraut concoction before seeing a movie at a work function, followed by a boiled egg for supper. Crazy sh*t :)


Amongst all that I managed a 5k run in 37 minutes, coast to coast, no stopping, nada, zip, zero. First time in three years. Rockin!

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Day 76 - and so ends a tough, messy week. My eating has been poorly planned and rushed and yet I've still managed to stay on track. Last night was a pork belly roll from a Peruvian street food vendor around the corner from my new place (this is Canberra, capital of Australia!) - sans roll, lunch was Mexican lamb and salad (are there lambs in Mexico?), breakfast was 3 fried eggs. There was a can of tuna in there somewhere, I don't think a vegetable raised it's head (although I do remember an orange being eaten standing, talking and waving my arms at some point but that's clearly not a vegetable) and my water consumption was down generally. I did however have a soda water and fresh lime at a bar called Hopscotch last night. Watching scores of people post-work getting hammered has become my idea of non-fun.


Soooo, Saturday morning will start with a normal veggie-rich stir-fry. I'm planning a market trip and a big-ass run at some point. My aspiration is way ahead of my physical ability (as per normal) so I will simply follow that bright light and run as far as I can. I will however prep with pre and post workouts. I'm super impressed with my recovery when I wolf down a pile of sweet potato and some protein post workout. Feels like it goes straight to my fuel centre, says thanks very much and pushes me back out the door ready for whatever else is coming my way.

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Day 77 - 11 weeks. Yesterday was a cracking day - 5k run, markets, delicious steak for dinner, a platter of prawns and salad for lunch, the infamous veggie stir fry for brekky. Oh, and boiled chestnuts for dessert. How good were they for a treat??


Today will be the run-as-far-as-I-can-run - going to attempt 10ks and see how much I get through without stopping and walking. 3 weeks to go until the 10k Canberra fun run so I need to get the k's into the legs. Reality is that I don't care how much of it I run - the fact I'm doing it will be success enough. That said, I do want to run the whole thing if I can.

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Day 78 - finally hit the road my my longest run yet - 10.5k's in 1:21 hours. I ran the first 8 k's and then walked and staggered the final 2.5 k's home :) This morning my heel is sore but other than that I'm feeling pretty good.


Food yesterday was solid - bacon, eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes and asparagus for breakfast. Lunch was mince and salad. Post workout was leftover steak, potatoes, olives, and dinner was roast lamb, sweet potato and brocollini.


I'm expecting today will be a relatively high food day given the run yesterday.

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Day 79 - finally hit the pool yesterday after work - what a shock to the system. Different effort, muscles and outcomes. Feeling like I've been run over by one of those road maintenance rollers this morning. I did 1k in a cut down 25 metre pool which is fine for a first effort - I'll build up to my usual 1.5k's over time. It's not that hard with flippers and hand paddles as they help to get me smooth and zen through the water.


Cooked my veggie stir-fry for meal one with only eggs and no meat, had a tuna salad for lunch. After the swim I had a mini meal of left over mince and veggies. Dinner was cevapis, potatoes and various salads including a delicious cabbage salad.


Slept well, probably could do with a day off at some point. Planning some travel at the end of the year which is exciting. Might also have a chance to go to Kuala Lumpur at the end of September, and Tokyo in October with work. I wanted to travel, so be careful what you wish for!!

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Day 80 - into the 80s and within sight of my Whole92 (all of winter). Yesterday was a tough day - complex work day, and I was meant to have dinner with my daughter last night but she cancelled on me at the last minute which upset me. Vaguely managed to keep my sh&t together, stood around eating leftovers (mainly meat) and went to bed early. Lunch was a salad and tuna and breakfast was a veggie stir fry.


Today I'll lift my head and focus on my mindfulness - hopefully I can build a run into my after work schedule.

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Day 81 - another blur. Great chicken stir-fry last night - the first one I've had for dinner while I've been predominantly eating stir-fry for breakfast. But with different ingredients and flavours it was yum! Lunch was sardines and salad, breakfast a veggie stir-fry. After much stuffing around I didn't go for a run last night.


Heading down the coast this weekend for the first time in quite a while - hanging for my surf, sun, air and national park!

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Day 82 - another challenging day foodwise - 3 eggs with a handful of fresh tomatoes and mushrooms for breakfast, last of the Moroccan goat plus salad for lunch, a can of sardines, a noodle-less laksa for dinner. Left me wanting - carb-dense veggies I'm sure! No exercise, again :(


Today will be much the same - will try to pack the veggies in and focus on drinking more water. Plus I'm having lunch with my daughter which will be awesome - think I will hunt down a steak.


Meanwhile it's meant to be 18 (64) degrees today. First time since before Winter. Time to break out the shorts and t-shirts on the weekend!

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Day 83 - finally made it to the coast. Spent the day running (6 k's), swimming (well: in out, in out, too cold for anything else!) and an hour of tennis. Can hardly walk tonight!! Great breakfast of bacon, eggs, piperki, mushrooms & tomatoes. Lunch of leftovers, and I'm about to fire up a steak and roast pumpkin. My treat today has been nuts (first time in 83 days!) and mineral water with fresh lime. Of course I gutsed myself with the nuts, hence why I don't eat them! However after the 914 active calories today, I'm not particularly fussed!


Yesterday was sausages & a simple potato salad with a green salad, duck larb (a Lao dish) out with my daughter, and veggie stir fry.

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Day 84 & 85 - a little out of whack with my updates. Yesterday I came back from the coast early after a breakfast of sausages, bacon, eggs and mushrooms on the barbie. Went to the pool in the afternoon and did 24 laps. Followed that up with some leftover roast pumpkin, salmon and salad. Last night was a feast with baked chicken (marinated with olive oil, fresh thyme, lots of garlic, s&p), baby carrots, baked bok choy (how good is that!!), roast potatoes, parsnip and eshallots (little onions) with some fresh tomatoes and shallots on the side. Wow oh wow!


There's been a massive debate in Australia over the past two weeks on a TV show called Sunday Night as one of our most famous journalists, Mike Willesee, took a 10 week paleo challenge from Pete Evans, the host of our highest rating TV show and a paleo chef. Mike Willesee, as a skeptical investigative journalist, discovered that he felt and looked so much better, with blood results to match. He is continuing with his paleo journey.


Talk about vitriol from the ignorant! The twitterverse went mad and I weighed into the debate (@davidmmathews) and got into a stoush with the Dietician's Association of Australia who are part funded by large food companies such as Nestle. In the face of an absolute conflict of interest, the conversation was completely illogical, proving they are completely out of touch with research, and clearly conflicted by the significant support they receive.


As my own journey continues, I want others to know the significant health and wellbeing benefits of a Whole30 lifestyle. I'm cautious about speaking out too soon, but after 12 weeks, I think I have some evidence that warrants sharing.

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