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Am I sleeping too much?

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I am a teacher with summer's off and am treating a bad vitamin D deficiency, so I am home and tired all the time, even before Whole 30. I try to wake myself up after 8-9 hours of sleeping but could easily sleep 12 hours.

I'm only on Day 3, but I've noticed after breakfast I'm feeling so tired I lay on the couch and nap. This isn't entirely unique to the program and I feel like napping most of the day, but is it hurting my results at all? Should I allow my body the sleep it's wanting or fight it while I'm on the program?

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I think sleeping 12 hours sounds wonderful. :)


Many people feel tired as they begin a Whole30. The body is withdrawing from sugar and the effect is often increased tiredness. Some tiredness is unavoidable, but make sure you are not making things worse by failing to eat starchy veggies. Starchy veggies like potatoes, parsnips, rutabagas, plantains, etc are energy foods. 

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Your body is in a healing mode.  I felt like I was being knocked for a surgery for the first 2 weeks or so.  I would fall asleep on the couch about 6:00 PM and wake up the next morning right there.  Then things really improved.   Enjoy your sleep and good things are yet to come. 

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