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Day 1 - July 12th :)


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Started on July 12th; today is day 34. Feel pretty proud of myself for sticking to it! Extra days due to bit of stomach flu and didn't feel like starting reintroduction with a weak tummy. Tomorrow will be legumes. I lost 5 pounds overall and feel some definite shift in my body although my overall measurements are about the same. Belly seems less flabby. My biggest obstacle was giving up honey and cream in my coffee. Drinking black coffee has not been so bad!

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Small tangible milestone today for me:  I pulled my (6 sizes larger than I want them to be) jeans out of the dryer and put them on this morning.  I didn't have to hop, tug or stretch - they fit just right!  For the first time ever, I was excited to just be wearing a pair of jeans that fit just right, regardless of how darned big they were.  I've only seen 11 pounds off on the scale, and the only place that looks skinnier is my face/neck, but these jeans fit!
It's not time for new pants yet, and I've always measured weight loss success by going down a size - this time, I'm just glad they fit and I'll wear this size until they're so big that the next size down fits just like this!  No more squeezing for me.

Day 33 without soda, and seltzer with a splash of fruit juice is just starting to not taste nasty to me.  I find myself smelling my family's food longingly - pizza last night was killer - which may sound weird, but I found that if I just let myself smell it for about 30 seconds, I'm good.  I remember that I love the flavor, and once I get through the "I want this now" phase, I can appreciate the aroma and decide that I don't want it.  Goofy, I know, but it's working for me.

I made a discovery yesterday that bothered me - the infused balsamic vinegar I used 3 times during my first 30 had SULFITES!  It didn't appear in the ingredients, so I bought it.  Yesterday I saw a line about an inch below the ingred list that said contains sulfites.  I was so bummed.  No more of that, and I'll even read table salt labels henceforth.

I hope you all are having a good day and that your weekends are fantastic.  Teachkk....I hope that wine was delicious!


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Small tangible milestone today for me:  I pulled my (6 sizes larger than I want them to be) jeans out of the dryer and put them on this morning.  I didn't have to hop, tug or stretch - they fit just right!  For the first time ever, I was excited to just be wearing a pair of jeans that fit just right, regardless of how darned big they were.  I've only seen 11 pounds off on the scale, and the only place that looks skinnier is my face/neck, but these jeans fit!

It's not time for new pants yet, and I've always measured weight loss success by going down a size - this time, I'm just glad they fit and I'll wear this size until they're so big that the next size down fits just like this!  No more squeezing for me.

Day 33 without soda, and seltzer with a splash of fruit juice is just starting to not taste nasty to me.  I find myself smelling my family's food longingly - pizza last night was killer - which may sound weird, but I found that if I just let myself smell it for about 30 seconds, I'm good.  I remember that I love the flavor, and once I get through the "I want this now" phase, I can appreciate the aroma and decide that I don't want it.  Goofy, I know, but it's working for me.

I made a discovery yesterday that bothered me - the infused balsamic vinegar I used 3 times during my first 30 had SULFITES!  It didn't appear in the ingredients, so I bought it.  Yesterday I saw a line about an inch below the ingred list that said contains sulfites.  I was so bummed.  No more of that, and I'll even read table salt labels henceforth.


I hope you all are having a good day and that your weekends are fantastic.  Teachkk....I hope that wine was delicious!



All vinegars contain sulfites (or at least grape-based ones do) -- the ones you can't have on a Whole30 are the ones with added sulfites, which would be in the ingredient list. If it just says "contains sulfites" somewhere on the label, they're naturally occurring.


Congrats on the pants fitting!

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Small tangible milestone today for me:  I pulled my (6 sizes larger than I want them to be) jeans out of the dryer and put them on this morning.  I didn't have to hop, tug or stretch - they fit just right!  For the first time ever, I was excited to just be wearing a pair of jeans that fit just right, regardless of how darned big they were.  I've only seen 11 pounds off on the scale, and the only place that looks skinnier is my face/neck, but these jeans fit!

It's not time for new pants yet, and I've always measured weight loss success by going down a size - this time, I'm just glad they fit and I'll wear this size until they're so big that the next size down fits just like this!  No more squeezing for me.

Day 33 without soda, and seltzer with a splash of fruit juice is just starting to not taste nasty to me.  I find myself smelling my family's food longingly - pizza last night was killer - which may sound weird, but I found that if I just let myself smell it for about 30 seconds, I'm good.  I remember that I love the flavor, and once I get through the "I want this now" phase, I can appreciate the aroma and decide that I don't want it.  Goofy, I know, but it's working for me.

I made a discovery yesterday that bothered me - the infused balsamic vinegar I used 3 times during my first 30 had SULFITES!  It didn't appear in the ingredients, so I bought it.  Yesterday I saw a line about an inch below the ingred list that said contains sulfites.  I was so bummed.  No more of that, and I'll even read table salt labels henceforth.


I hope you all are having a good day and that your weekends are fantastic.  Teachkk....I hope that wine was delicious!

Great accomplishment! It's SO nice when clothes begin to fit better...gives you motivation and pride :). I'm glad about the vinegar. I was pretty discouraged when that fish oil I bought was not compliant. It almost made me give up, so I'm glad you are still on the right track.

We've decided to save the celebration bottle for the 23rd...that's the anniversary of the pathology report (2 years ago, stage 1 isolated tumour), and exactly 6 months since my hip surgery. I feel amazing! Finally starting to feel like my old self and really have the Whole30 and you guys supporting to thank for that :)

Have a great day!

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Nice job JustJoan!!!

Nedelkma that's awesome! I think non scale victories like smaller clothes are better than seeing the scale number go down.

Teacherkk that's amazing! You must feel so relieved. I think it's a great idea to wait and celebrate that day. You both deserve it! How's your mom by the way?

I have been MIA lately but still going strong. I've had a few moments where I've almost eaten something not compliant and then felt so guilty that I'm just eating it out of convenience and not because I want it. So then I don't eat it. I have to be honest though, it is exhausting doing this around my family. We spend every single day talking about my diet. Like I would just like to eat and not have to defend why I'm eating an egg at lunch or a baked potato. I just want to eat and talk about life and yes I am obsessed with the Whole 9 and I want to talk about it but not every minute of every day. My grandmother is nutty and has a very warped sense of nutrition. She is a very mentally ill woman with munchausens (I can't spell that) and pretends to be chronically ill. She actually got caught with five inhalers for five different diseases she didn't have, given to her by five different pulmonologists. She doesn't move, and when she does she thinks she's having heart palpitations or bronchitis or an asthma attack. Walking down the sidewalk with her is a joke. She goes from walking normally to heavy exaggerated breathing anytime a person passes by her. (And I swear I'm not being insensitive. My mother is her DIL and takes her to the emergency room and is a physician and hears what the doctors are really saying and she's not actually sick. She has mild asthma and post nasal drip and had my mom take her to the ER.)

Anyways, every morning I have three eggs and veggies and she comments. Always. Why so many eggs? Potatoes are fattening. Why can't you have ice cream? Why is corn bad? You're allergic to it? What how you've never been before I've seen you eat it. Like all day long. Every time I eat. We went to a restaurant for lunch and I got "another egg?" Sometimes I just want to scream "you're eating a pan of brownies for dinner you don't have a nutritional leg to stand on!" It's exhausting. And my dad is just as bad. He just watches what I'm eating and makes condescending comments. A burger, again? Yes dad. Again. You missed the part where I ate spaghetti squash and eggs or chicken and salad, all you see is the burger juice lol. It's overwhelming and frustrating. And then there's my brother who is a marine biologist and knows nothing about nutrition. He has IBS and always eats crap. He's always sick. The only time he's less sick is when he's home in Amsterdam and they have less preservatives in their food. But he still thinks it's okay to talk about how I eat with everyone and tell me I'm basically crazy. Today his friend sent him an article called "sorry paleo people" or something and it was about tubers and how including them in your diet is good and blah blah. So we started talking about it again and my mom went ballistic. His boyfriend was over and she started explaining every aspect of my PCOS and what an autoimmune disorder is and why it's so hard for me to lose weight and how well this stuff is working. She went into complete mama bear mode and protected me. Which is always nice to see no matter how old I am.

My friend and I went to a religious Shabbat dinner and I couldn't eat anything. We left at 11pm and I made her stop at Denny's (gross). They have gluten free stuff and I went safe and got a burger and salad. I got a little bit of food poisoning and was up all night paranoid someone was coming in to kill me and I was going to get sick on the pull out couch. On the plus side I'm getting really good at smuggling food into the movie theater. My mom and I went to see ricki and the flash and I brought a sweet potato and some chicken sausage and it was so good.

Lol that was a lot of venting. Thanks for listening! Don't know what I'd do without you!!!

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Alex - you are such a sweetie.  She's good - in the hospital for 3 days this week having blood transfusions for low iron, but in the grand scheme of things, that's small compared to what they originally thought she had (aneurysm).  Thanks for asking.


Willpower, girl!!  Wow!!  Thank god your mom is sticking by you during this - gotta have one ally!!!


I've had a quiet day - went to the gym this morning, but now my hubby is golfing, one son took the train back to his university town 2 hours away, as he had a meeting this weekend, and one in the basement just hanging out.  Waiting for my daughter to come home and chill with me :)  


Spent my day cooking again though - so far we have roasted sweet potato chunks mixed with onion, pork tenderloin and bacon pieces for breakfast, a beet salad with fresh peppers, tomatoes and brisket for lunches, and quinoa salad for the family to munch on when they are hungry.  Making spiralized zucchini with salmon for my daughter and I, and pasta with garlic, chick peas, chicken, and mushrooms for the guys tonight.  I always make too much so my daughter can take home healthy meals for the week - her Sundays are busy coming home to visit me, so I make up for it cooking for her.  She got married last September and I still miss her like crazy.  She is one of those girls that is uber healthy, but has been a size 0-2 (ugh, I know, right??!!) since she was a kid...definitely didn't get her mother's genes!!!!!  Makes me happy to help her though :)


Happy Sunday, all!

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Wow, Alex - so much to handle!  Have you tried telling them that discussing your meals is now completely off limits? I have a family member who almost accuses me of losing weight every time I see her (1-2 x per year) and it's weird - she's morbidly obese and lives in denial, but she demands to know exactly how much weight I've lost.  It's extraordinarily uncomfortable.  I have decided that the next time she does this, I'm going to ask her when she last had sex.  I have told her that it's none of her business enough times that I think it's okay for me to ask her something equally personal, inappropriate, and none of her darned business.
How much longer are you with your family?

Hang in there ladies, we've made it so far!


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Wow, Alex - so much to handle!  Have you tried telling them that discussing your meals is now completely off limits? I have a family member who almost accuses me of losing weight every time I see her (1-2 x per year) and it's weird - she's morbidly obese and lives in denial, but she demands to know exactly how much weight I've lost.  It's extraordinarily uncomfortable.  I have decided that the next time she does this, I'm going to ask her when she last had sex.  I have told her that it's none of her business enough times that I think it's okay for me to ask her something equally personal, inappropriate, and none of her darned business.

How much longer are you with your family?

Hang in there ladies, we've made it so far!


OMG - that's hilarious!!!  You HAVE to do that - and then share with us her reaction ;)  Too funny.

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Just had to share - I ordered "Well Fed" (book 1) on the weekend and it just delivered.  Oh my...I'm drooling!!!  I wish I bought this at the beginning of my Whole30!!!!!!!!!  I'm going to love cooking even more now :)

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Hi group, staying pretty much with the plan, did however introduce xylitol in my one cup of coffee. Decided last night to have a glass of wine with my friend with dinner (best chicken ever recipe ) and cauliflower with pesto and all was well but the wine tasted so good we finished the bottle and when he went home I went after the pint of vanilla ice cream that he brought over a month ago when I first started and ate the whole pint!!!!! The wine contributed to my lack of discretion but I knew what I was doing was compulsive and did it anyway . The two inflamation markers in my blood came back the same elevated numbers as before I started! I thought for sure they would fall back into the normal range, not sure what to do about that. Going to see my nutritionist today and talk about the results. Feeling abit deflated about it.

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Congrats on finishing, group!  


If you guys want to keep posting and chatting while you do reintroductions, that's awesome!  We would just ask that you go create a thread in "Reintroductions" or "Off Track/Staying On Track" so as not to confuse the issue of listing non compliant foods here in the main Whole30 area.  


Let me know if you need help with that!  :)

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Sadieminx - I'm sorry that happened - both the bingeing and the markers rising!!  Ugh - it's so hard to stay on track.


Ladyshanny - thanks for the info.  I think most of us on here are continuing with the program :)  I am loving my 'new' life and can't go off program now...I cannot believe how much different I feel and how easy this is.  I think that others on here feel the same as me.  I appreciate all your support and guidance!

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Teacherkk - yay oh I'm so glad she's doing well! And I'm so excited my mom is on my side. Yesterday she told me that she's started to tell my brother and dad to knock it off. She explained that she can talk to me about it because she genuinely wants to learn, but if anyone else does it she thinks I'm being attacked and she will always stick up for me. So that was an awesome thing to hear, especially because I never hear stuff like that from her.

Nedelkma - that is by far the best thing I've ever heard! I read it to my mom and she laughed so hard and then went a little farther with the explicative questions she'd ask.

Sadieminx - sorry to hear you didn't feel well!

Today is my day 38 and still going strong. I only "crave" old habits when I don't have enough food throughout the day or have to watch people eating them all day. But the feeling is fleeting and I haven't acted on it at all so that's huge for me. Usually I dwell until I give in and then I feel horrible.

I'm still dealing with a crazy grandmother and having to defend myself every day. Which is still exhausting. Today I yelled at my cousin (I'm a loving sibling way) that I was done explaining myself and if he had questions he could go on whole 30 and read about it. This was after watching him and my brother roam pastry shops and not partaking. He actually stopped and hugged me and then moved on to teasing me about being nervous about snorkeling.

Oh! We went snorkeling! Five miles from shore over a coral reef. It was awesome and normally I wouldn't force myself to do anything like that, but my mom encouraged me to go and my brother was like worse case you had a nice boat ride lol. So I went and thank go I do not get motion sick ever. I have better sea legs than land legs haha. My brother gave us a quick lesson and then it was out into the ocean. It was amazing and I realized that when I eat good, sleep good, and get sun, I push myself to step outside my comfort zone. I challenge my safety net. Whereas when I'm eating junk I just hide.

I got a sunburn blah. I'm going to write an angry letter to the sunscreen company cause I would have been better off without any on. But I took aspirin so hopefully that'll help. I have a tickle in my throat and a little cough so I made a huge vat of bone broth. I have made four consecutive terrible bone broths at home but this time I decided to steep the chicken bones for 24 hours and it was amazing. It was actually 27 hours and just what I needed. I also saw that one of the moderators had suggested a tea called throat coat, I got it an hour ago, I'm on my second cup and it's awesome.

I hope you're all still well! I'm glad we're all still continuing on together.

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Glad to hear that some of you are staying on for your own reasons!  You guys all sound pretty happy and settled into Whole30!  Nice to see!


I'm jealous of the snorkeling, I wanna go!!!!!!

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Hey ladies! Hope all is well :). I've had a busy last couple days. Started setting up my classroom yesterday - felt nice to be back at work. In Canada, school starts September 8th, so we still have a couple weeks. I LOVE my job and the people I work with, so my school is a happy place for me. My daughters birthday was yesterday, so we went to a trendy little place in Toronto that she'd been wanting to try. There was nothing I could eat except liver and onions :(. The food looked amazing, but it was an Israeli place and everything had grains, chickpeas, or dairy. The liver was amazing, and he brought me cucumbers in lieu of bread, but it was still kind of sad and I sometimes feel like such a pain in the *## when we go out!

Alex, snorkeling sounds great, but I'm terrified of open bodies of water...I will live vicariously through others!!

Glad all is well everyone!

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Uh oh - I'm really starting to waffle today.
I am no longer losing any weight and actually gained a couple of pounds since I last weighed on day 30.  I felt like clothes were tighter, so I checked, and sure enough - up 3.5 pounds. Some is water, for sure, but I don't want to gain weight while eating healthy! Not until I hit a reasonable target, at least, which is 60 pounds away :( 
I've gone through everything - I'm eating right. I'm eating enough.  I'm not eating too much.  I did have one piece of SF gum this weekend because I realized I had horrid breath and was at a gymnastics meet and couldn't continue to offend people, but other than that, I've been letter of the law.
I have not been exercising much, which clearly has an impact, but I never really get much activity in.  I'm getting a little more activity now than before Whole 30, but not enough to think that any muscle bulk is adding to this.
It's been hard, but today is really bad.  I've started thinking I should just go get a pizza at lunch and call it over.  It just seems stupid to keep doing something that is not easy while I'm going backwards!
I can avoid the scale again - I really only stepped on it because I was noticing such a difference in my clothes (tighter) that I wanted to make sure I hadn't gained back everything, in which case I would need to do something different.
Thanks for reading.

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Ladyshanny it was so fun you must do it sometime! Teacherkk it was awesome and that was my biggest fear but after a minute it was amazing.

I'm currently sitting in my mothers hospital room. She has a bacterial infection in her blood and was admitted Saturday. Hopefully she'll be going home today or tomorrow morning. She's doing well though and isn't too upset. I've been doing whole 90 and am on day 43 but I've had a couple mishaps. I haven't eaten anything non compliant but I've missed a meal a few days this week. Which never happens. On the snorkeling trip I thought we were having lunch after. I even checked with my brother the day before to make sure it was on the agenda. He said yes. I brought two of these vegan bars as emergency food and ended up having to eat both - 3 hours apart - because I was starving and we hit traffic and never went to lunch (they stopped for milkshakes ). I vowed not to do that again but Friday I had such bad period cramps I was nauseous and missed lunch again. In the late afternoon we got stuck in traffic again and I ended up eating a bar. And Saturday and Sunday it happened again because of being in the ER for hours and stuck in the hospital. I don't like to leave my mom alone cause she hates hospitals after being admitted for months at a time as a child and in her early twenties. So that sucks. Like seriously sucks I've fudged up so badly but I'm not upset with myself cause I could have easily eaten pizza or crap from the cafeteria but I ate an emergency bar instead. Today I got up and made her and I breakfast. I made sure to get a salad from the cafeteria and pick out the non compliant cheese and tomatoes (autoimmune protocol - I'm weeding out things that are on that that'll help when I finally do it after my ninety days) and the lettuce they touched and made sure to eat. Tonight I'm going home when my dad gets here and make dinner. I got wicked sick at the hospital yesterday because I got mashed potatoes made with olive oil at my aunts restaurant except they gave me the wrong order and I got the fake milk kosher ones with margarine. Super sick. I almost asked for a bed. But I'm hoping this is the end of the crap and I'll be back to being perfect. PS I lost 17 + pounds in forty days. So now no more weighing till the end of the ninety days.

Also nedelkma and Sadieminx please keep going! You can do this! I read the book and have read other books and I think that your body does this thing where it unconsciously tries to sabotage your work, but if you just keep going and trust the process it will be alright and everything will go bad to normal. You've got this! Don't give up. ❤❤❤

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First off - Alex, I hope your Mom is okay!  You are a good daughter staying with her - I'm glad you have each other xo.


Girls, please don't give up!!  I've noticed the weight loss slowing down and have felt bloated some days more than others.  I do notice it when I've had more fruit or things like coconut milk.  It could also be cyclical.  I do think our bodies plateau at a certain point when they get used to something, so now it's time to toss it up a bit.  Start committing to walking 30 min 3-4 x weekly, or join a class!  I joined pilates and am loving it.  It's very slow and not strenuous at all, but I'm learning about my body and working muscles I didn't know I had.  There are 6 girls in my class of various ages and weights and no one is any 'different'...we all push through the class and feel safe and challenged.  


I really hope everyone got through their day :)  I spent mine unpacking my class again.  Lots of teachers in today, so it was fun to catch up with everyone.  Okay...I'm off to my 5:45 pilates class - have a great night, all!!!


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Thanks Teacherkk she's doing so much better and we got to take her home Tuesday. She's been doing mini walks down the street and eating well so I think she's going to heal quickly. They decided to send her home with lots of antibiotics instead of aspirating her abscess cause it's so small it might just die off with the antibiotics.

Sadieminx and Nedelkma let us know how you're doing! We're here for you. That's what this thread is all about!

I went to my moms hair dresser to have my hair color fixed yesterday. It's a private little spot in the guys home and he was asking what law I might want to practice and I was telling how I don't know but I'm very interested in food and the way kid lunches in America (the ones you buy at school) are set up. So he asked how I would change it and I said well I'd basically do a Whole 30 template. I didn't say W30 cause I figured he didn't know. Omg it snowballed and we spent two hours talking about paleo and bulletproof coffee and W30 and all the ways that doctors fail us and these podcasts we listen to. It was so awesome. I'm going home in two days and other than being able to talk to my mom about what I think, this was the first time I was really able to be wicked passionate with someone who is also passionate about this stuff. And then I spent the traffic ridden car ride home listening to Extreme Health Podcasts and a discussion about autoimmune disorders and it opened my mind to so much more and really affirmed my inner feelings for why I'm doing this. And also made me realize this is probably going to turn into a W120 or 150 because that would bring me to after finals and I could see how this regime affects my brain in school and my test taking abilities. Like a real experiment. I'm also drooling over doing a W30 approved thanksgiving and making all compliant things and no SwYPO dishes and feeling awesome after lunch and dinner rather than terribly uncomfortable.

School starts Tuesday and I get home Saturday which means Sunday and Monday will be filled with meal prep for Tuesday thru Friday morning. And also finding out if I'm having my wisdom teeth extracted Friday morning. I scoured the forums and a lot of people don't do this when they're in the middle off their W30 but I need this done and I have four rotting teeth in my mouth and I need braces or Invisalign cause my wisdom teeth have caused a ton of crooked teeth. So I think that there will be many drinks the first day but I'm hoping cause I'm just getting them pulled and no surgery that by day two ill be able to have scrambled eggs. But my drinks the first day will be bone broth and avocado green smoothies which isn't allowed but better than milkshakes and crappy smoothies. Lots of mashed tubers and hopefully it'll be okay.

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First off - Alex, I hope your Mom is okay!  You are a good daughter staying with her - I'm glad you have each other xo.


Girls, please don't give up!!  I've noticed the weight loss slowing down and have felt bloated some days more than others.  I do notice it when I've had more fruit or things like coconut milk.  It could also be cyclical.  I do think our bodies plateau at a certain point when they get used to something, so now it's time to toss it up a bit.  Start committing to walking 30 min 3-4 x weekly, or join a class!  I joined pilates and am loving it.  It's very slow and not strenuous at all, but I'm learning about my body and working muscles I didn't know I had.  There are 6 girls in my class of various ages and weights and no one is any 'different'...we all push through the class and feel safe and challenged.  


I really hope everyone got through their day :)  I spent mine unpacking my class again.  Lots of teachers in today, so it was fun to catch up with everyone.  Okay...I'm off to my 5:45 pilates class - have a great night, all!!!


That's so cool! Pilates sounds like so much fun. I think I'm rejoining a crossfit place near my house. Even if I do it once a week to start and more gentle cardio and light weights to supplement it'll be great! I'm glad you're getting out there it sounds like fun!! And getting back to school must be so fun! How's teacher life?

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Great that your Mom is on the mend :)  It's hard when our mommies are sick - who takes care of us then? ;)


I LOVE finding someone who can understand this and is passionate too!!  I sometimes wonder if I sound ridiculous when I am explaining to people...I'm so passionate about it!! 


Glad you are getting your teeth done - tooth pain is awful and you don't want that in the middle of your schooling.  Good luck with it.


Law school - so awesome!!  My daughter wrote the LSATs, but wasn't successful, so she took a year off and worked and then went back to do her Master in global affairs.  She did a 4 month internship at the EU in Belgium in the middle of the two years and loved it.  She now works for RBC head office and is really happy.  My two boys go back to university in the next 2 weeks (yay re the youngest...he's driving me nuts!!! hehe).  My house will be nice and quiet again :)  My older son lives at home - tried being away for school and didn't enjoy it.  He's my easiest child though and he works 3-4 nights a week serving, so he's not home much.  I sound like an awful Mom - I love my kids to pieces, but I think because I started so young (20), I'm ready for a break and am enjoying my own life so much now.


I'm sitting at my desk at work - my classroom looks beautiful!!!  I'm so pleased :)  Looking forward to students arriving on the 8th!!  It's also nice to see sine of my work friends again.


Have a great day! 

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Thank you teacherkk! She's doing great! And I know, I'm excited about my teeth so hopefully that happens this week! So cool about your daughter. The LSATs are really hard, but it sounds like she's doing something even better! Lmao about your boys. My mom was saying the same thing about us. I'm glad your classroom came together! 


I'm finally home in Boston! It's so quiet in my little apartment. So serene. Thank gd, because that vacation was a lot of high stress just from dealing with my grandmother. I'm glad I'm home and I'm excited to not eat out again ever. I keep getting sick when I eat out so I'm happy to not do it for a while. School starts Tuesday and I'm a little excited. 

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