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Pickled Jalapenos

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I've never tried it, but this recipe would be compliant. Or you could ferment them like this and add extra probiotics to your peppers.


You might google Whole30 forum pickled jalapenos, I'm sure this has been discussed before -- someone else might have brand recommendations, but always take those recommendations with a grain of salt, sometimes producers change their recipes and what used to be compliant, isn't anymore, so always read the labels.

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Jeff's Naturals is compliant, I find them at Natural Grocers, but they are online as well... Jeff's Naturals is by Jeff Mezzetta, you have probably heard of the Mezzetta line




Ingredients... I'm not a fan of calcium chloride, but it's allowed


Jalapeno peppers, water, organic distilled vinegar, sea salt, calcium chloride, chili pepper extract, turmeric.

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