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nearly there! question about reintro though


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On day 27, so nearly there! 


Just wondering about reintroduction and knowing exactly what is causing problems though, let me give you a hypothetical scenario. 


So, on day 31 we reintroduce legumes. And we are supposed to eat them 3 times during the day so that we eat enough to cause a reaction if there is one to be had. 


So lets say I have some baked beans for breakfast, some hummus at lunch and then some lentil soup with dinner. And I have a reaction. How do I know if it was the haricot beans, the chickpeas or the lentils? Isn't it better to do them all separately on a slow rollout? 




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It is better to test them individually over a slow rollout, but if you have no problems, you can assume that you are okay with all legumes until you discover otherwise. Then you could test each one individually.


Of course, you may be more sensitive to one than another and you may find that you are okay with a modest amount, but not okay with a lot. 

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So what would you recommend I do then? my gut instinct is to go for one thing at a time (so hummus one day, then a few days back to whole30, then lentils a few days later) but I've cut out FODMAPS as well, as I have IBS,  still having 'sloppy poo' (not diarrohea but not a normal poo!) so not entirely normal yet but I am finding the lack of lots of different types of veggies hard as well so I am keen to bring some of them back. 


So I also have to contend with bringing back veggies/ fruit one at a time as well as the other things and I am feeling overwhelmed and discouraged by it all :'(

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If you've cut out FODMAPS, are still having some bowel issues, and are concerned that you may be more sensitive to some types of legumes over others then I'd definitely slow roll it. Actually I'd be inclined to wait until your BMs have settled completely before reintro-ing anything but that's just me (although in my defence I'm the mother of a son with multiple food allergies so I've been through this many times) It may take a little longer, but at the end of it you'll know exactly where you are, and what you can & can't eat without issue going forward.

If you go the standard route you could very quickly undo the progress you've made so far.

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I know, I am so very fed up though. I feel like there is nothing I can eat at the minute and want to get back to 'normal' (mostly that is just missing the fruit and veg and beans/ non-animal protein) I thought about extending to a whole40 or whole50 but I think at the minute I want to reintroduce some stuff (slowly) and see how it goes. I'm very disheartened as I have cut out all this stuff for (nearly) 30 days and still it hasn't made much difference so feeling like I should just stop eating everything now! (joking, don't worry!) 

I think....I have given it my best shot (well, I will have once I get to 30 days..NOT 27, I know!) and I need a break from the strictness of it all and I will bring things back one at a time and then maybe come back and do another one in a few months. I just hope I have learned something from all this and wont just go head first into a chocolate cake, which is what is tempting me at the minute! when will that sugar dragon sod off?! 


Anyway, so it's fine to do hummus one day then a few days later do some different legumes? I dont have to do the 3 meals in one day thing?

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I'd maybe go with two servings of hummus if you're going down that route.

The thing to remember that food intolerances can be cucmulative so there has to be enough of a build up of it in your system for your body to register it's presence. You could be fine with hummus every once in a while but if you starting eating it every day (like a good friend of mine) you may see some issues.

Don't rush it. You've removed the FODMAPS for a reason, so it may take the inflammation in your gut a little longer to heal than the 30 days. How far in to Whole30 were you when removed them?

How you reintro is entirely up to you, but my advice would be to list the items you would like to reintro in the order you believe will be least likely to cause you issues. That way you will (hopefully) have a few extra foods back into your food rotation to take away those feelings of frustration you very obviously have now, and then really take your time and focus on how your body reacts to those foods you think might be problematic.

The more stressed you are about it all the more likely you are to nose dive into that chocolate cake, and I can guarantee you it won't taste nearly as good as you imagine.

Breathe. And plan your strategy.

Good luck!

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I would definitely do soy and peanuts each alone on their own reintro days since they're notoriously problematic. Red lentils and split mung beans tend to be easier to digest than larger beans.


Yes, you can do hummus one day if you like and then some other type of legume a few days later.


And yes, diving into a chocolate cake won't help anything. :wacko: And if the sugar dragon is still breathing fire at the moment, legumes might fan those flames, I'm sorry to tell you. . . . 

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Gah! shoo, sugar dragon! 

I was on day 20 when I cut out FODMAPS, there have been some improvements (no bloating or wind, no gurgling tummy) but still the sloppy poo to contend with.  It has made me wonder/ notice that watermelon, apple, avocado, beetroot might be problems for me and I already knew about cabbage. Oh, and I got some acidophilus today so hopefully that might help too (dairy and sugar free) 


So I am thinking of bringing back mushrooms (really missing them), lentils, rice and onions (cooked, small amounts to start with) and seeing how I go, obviously with a few days in between. 

I don't want to just eat a ton of lentils/ mushrooms/ whatever for the sake of it so I will eat as much as I want at the time and look for any symptoms that day and the morning after, leave it a couple of days and then try something else. And if I subsequently have a lot of one of those things I'll see if that makes a difference too. 

I guess it's just going to be a looooong process of trial and error. 

Thanks for the answers. 

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