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Day 4 - nausea and vomiting...

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I am on day 4 of whole 30 and woke up this morning feeling nauseated.  the thought of any food at all was unbearable. Spent most of morning lying in bed between bouts of diarrhea and vomiting (dry heaving as nothing actually came up). Rest of day feels as if i have been hit by a truck - headache, joint pain, still nauseous, cold, exhausted. Up till now, first three days were awesome. Only thing i could stomach today has been about 15 red grapes, one boiled egg, and green tea.  i'm hoping this is normal? Just wanted to hear if anyone else had experienced this. Thanks!

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The headache, joint pain, and exhausted I felt as well. I didn't have nausea but the occasional diarrhea i did have. I'm on day 17 right now but I felt like day 4 and 5 were worst days for me. I still have some days where I am exhausted but its usually when I haven't eaten enough that day or am late with eating the meals.

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Tara, bouts of vomiting and diarrhea are not normal symptoms of the Whole30... sounds like maybe you got hit with a stomach bug of some sort... make sure you're drinking a lot of liquids... water, tea, bone broth! I hope you feel better!

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Don't be afraid to get an over the counter anti diarrhoea med to ease things a bit for you...!

If you can eat stick to bland foods like scrambled egg, mashed potato, and bone broth as Sugarcube has suggested.

Hope you're feeling better soon.

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