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Former anorexic needing advice on getting through the psychological struggles of eating enough


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Shannon beat me to the punch. I was going to say I can usually eat a sweet potato if I'm having a funny tummy or feeling ill. And poached eggs, too.


I dealt with some headaches and fatigue and tummy stuff during the first half of my Whole30. It was definitely a transition for my system. I also try to have raw veggies with only one meal a day, and cooked for the other two.


Great job on getting in three meals a day!

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Salt stands out to me as something you're probably missing. If you're missing electrolytes that brain fog can definitely kick in along with headaches. When I feel that way, I will actually add a small bit of salt to the water I'm drinking - not enough to taste it, but my tongue can actually 'feel' the difference. Because most of your food looks plain/raw, salt is probably what your body is looking for. Salt your food too, but adding the salt to water is actually the best way for me to keep myself hydrated but not overly washed out inside...and it keeps me drinking water, which is always a good thing.

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Thanks MrsStick.  Do you add salt to every glass of water or just one or two? I do drink a lot of water...always have. My average daily consumption is between 96 and 140 oz.  I do add salt to some foods, but I guess I have forgotten just how much salt is actually in the processed crap I used to eat. 


Any salt advise on how much to get per day and add to water would be appreciated. Thank you for the suggestion.

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I add it to my 1L bottle in the morning before going to work, then when I get home from work add it to my reusable cup at least once, but up to 2-3. I don't bother walking it up to my office (I walk to work mostly, my car has been in the shop more than it's been out).


To start off with, try adding it to every other glass and judge if you feel any better after a day or two of that. If you feel the same you can increase the amount until it's a little bit in every glass. If that still doesn't help, then at least you've eliminated that as a possible cause for the way you're feeling.

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