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Digestion going CRAZY!


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Hi whole30 community!

So to start, I know I'm impatient. I'm on day 14, and I started the "Help, my pants don't fit!" right on time - the problem is, the phase just hasn't gone away! Of the last 6 days, I've been incredibly gassy (sorry for the TMI) for 4. One night was so bad and mixed with cramping, and the next day I come to find that it's also "that time of the month" - perhaps they're correlated?

I'm panicking because I did Whole30 to find out what my body is reacting to when my digestion is bad, which is often, but it seems to be just the same on Whole30. So maybe tiger blood is mythical, or just not for me? Or maybe whatever throws my body so off is something that I'm still eating?

Let me know your thoughts, words of advice, support, anything - I feel so helpless (and bloated).

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Are you eating a lot of any of: raw veggies, cruciferous veggies (cauliflower, brocoli etc), seltzer water, nuts or their butters, onions, peppers, garlic, coconut products? All of these are notorious for causing excess bloating. Having your period at the same time would probably also contribute.

Feel free to post a few days of typical food consumption (include portion sizes as they relate to your palm/thumbs), fluids, sleep, stress and exercise and we can take a look and see if anything stands out?

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This is a 30 day program, not a 14 day one. Especially when hormones are in play...let's just say that you need to give yourself more time. Aunt Flo can definitely bring on bloating so it could just be that causing your bloat even though the W30's 'timeline' (which isn't the same for everyone so don't think that something's wrong if you don't go to the day on that) says that should have passed.


That said, have you eaten anything new or more of something you don't usually eat much of?

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  • 1 month later...

Onions, peppers, garlic, coconut oil, and veggies like broccoli and cauliflower are main ingredients in the recipes in the book.. So if those cause gas and we're eating them all the time. Doesn't that make you feel defeated? It sure does for me. I'm also battling gas.

Mine might be red meats. I'm eating more than I usually do.

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Onions, peppers, garlic, coconut oil, and veggies like broccoli and cauliflower are main ingredients in the recipes in the book.. So if those cause gas and we're eating them all the time. Doesn't that make you feel defeated? It sure does for me. I'm also battling gas.

Mine might be red meats. I'm eating more than I usually do.

If eating a lot of animal protein is a new thing for you then you may well benefit from taking a digestive enzyme or including some fermented foods like sauerkraut, or kombucha if you're sensitive to FODMAPS.


Also, you don't have to follow the recipes in the book - many recipes can be adapted to suit Whole30 once you start to think outside the box. Alternatively you can do what a lot of folk do and prepare separate proteins, & a variety of veggie sides then mix & match to make meals each day adding in a complaint fat. If you have a good supply of salad veg, eggs, & tinned fish (if you like them obviously) then you can mix it up quite a bit and still avod those foods that irritate the gut...

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I wouldn't say it's a new thing, but eating more beef is not what I normally do because it's more expensive. We just bought a portion of a grass-fed cow so I can't just not eat it. I cook it for my family, I eat it too. Plus it's expensive. Anyway, I'm not at the point in this journey to think much outside the box. I follow the rules :) one day I'll get there. For now I will just make some water kefir and see if that helps any.

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eating more beef is not what I normally do because it's more expensive. We just bought a portion of a grass-fed cow so I can't just not eat it. I cook it for my family, I eat it too. Plus it's expensive. Anyway, I'm not at the point in this journey to think much outside the box. I follow the rules :) ... 

Can you freeze some of the beef?

Also, you might find this article helpful regarding Whole30 rules and recommendations. 

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I agree with the "gassy foods" comments above, but want to add this:


I went through a tough digestion phase - took a week or more, when I want from gas to, umm, running to the bathroom.  Now my daughter is going through the same thing, but she's later in the month than me.  I think because I have a healthier baseline than she does.  My assumption is that after our bodies get used to the new food we're eating it's starting to release the built up toxins in our body, and that's contributing to the digestive confusion.



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