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Full Tilt Boogie


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“Refuse to complain about your problems. Keep them to yourself. As speaker-humorist Ed Foreman says, "You should never share your problems with others because 80 percent of people don't care about them anyway, and the other 20 percent are kind of glad that you've got them in the first place.” 




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Loved the Jimmy Buffet video--and since I've moved to Oregon, I kind of miss those Nevada earthquakes that came with such regularity. There is nothing that invites humility like Mother Earth reminding you that you are just a speck of dust on her. ;-) Oh, and Garth Brooks: In 1995, my daughter requested to go to Garth's concert in Reno for her 18th birthday. We put our other daughter to work on the telephone to try and snag some tickets, and I think we got the last 4. We were up in the nosebleed section on the top row. I wasn't really a Garth fan until then, but you can't go to one of his concerts and not love it. So fun.

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Loved the Jimmy Buffet video--and since I've moved to Oregon, I kind of miss those Nevada earthquakes that came with such regularity. There is nothing that invites humility like Mother Earth reminding you that you are just a speck of dust on her. ;-)

Humans are made out of dirt and stardust.   Shine on and Post on, Marjanill.  Let's not slip back into those dark holes in space.   I come from a long line of pinecones and dirt. 


I used to eat dirt sandwiches...multi-crap.  I feel so much better without all of those grains. 

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Last hour,  they're getting bigger.  Welp.   I'm ready.   I lurve all y'alls.  I always have, I always will.  I'll be the first one to go, the first one to know and I'm glad I met you.  But really,  it's alright.  I always have one eye open, regardless.  Human nature. 

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Pop a Top


Pop a top again
I've just got time for one more round
Set 'em up my friend then I'll be gone
And you can let some other fool sit down
I'd like for you to listen to a joke I heard today
From a woman who said she was through and calmly walked away
I tried to smile and did awhile but it felt so out of place
Did you ever hear of a clown with teardrops streamin' down his face?
And pop a top again
I think I'll have another round
Set 'em up my friend then I'll be gone


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There's major quackage out there in the intertubes.  I like keeping it simple. 


Grizz is wandering around. His higher melatonin levels and lower dopamine sensitivity at the end of summer didn't carry him through as long as it usually does.  It's true. He does like all of those white pinebark nuts. 


People with the similar dopamine level sensitivity of hibernating animals may relate to higher insulin resistance.  People tend to hibernate through the winter months.  Grizz stores his fat for survival. We can learn alot from the Grizz. 


It's good to get out of your cave and walk around, catch some natural sunlight. Difficult to duplicate the real thing. Grizz is out there.  He's hungry and looking for sustenance. Maybe his alarm clock went off because of the shaking.  I don't know but I've got my eye on him.


Animals have always known things..long, long before people do. 

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I believe in reverse engineering for weight releasing.   For almost two years I have not been on the scale in the normal sense of those action words. 


There are thousands of dieting programs and they all have a hook.  That hook in the jaw and results may vary but there's always a hook. I know the tricks of the trade.  


The dieters keep long logs of their weights and carry those over...month by month and year by year.  Some may have 10 years of daily weights.   They're a heavy burden to carry and they wear them like a badge. They are the warriors of dieting. 


When you look back through the logs, the weights swing wildly UP and down.  Some are exactly where they started 10 or more years ago and yet,  they keep dieting.  Weighing. Counting their steps and measuring.


Marching to the tune of the dieting drum in their head.


There are before photos of the belly.  I will never understand those.  The bellies shrink and expand. They lose 80-100 lbs and rebound back with every pound within 6 months to a year. It requires starting all over again. 


Most doctors don't give two hoots what you weigh on the scale.  Really, they don't.  So when I see concerns about "what will they tell the doctor about not getting on the the scale"....Houston, I know you're pulling our leg.   You want to get on that scale.


There's no doctor visit.   It's a lifelong habit and it's hard to break.  Many are far too busy to even be bothered with your weights.  They're in the breakroom with staffers grabbing donuts and coffee on the fly, too.  They're rushed and pushed and stressed. 


So don't pull the wool over our eyes.  YOU want to get on the scale and see how the Whole 30 is going.  I know.  I know. 


I know  some who've released as much weight as I did with W30. They've gained most of it back. They didn't believe a reinto of any kind was really necessary.  They were happy to reach that pinnacle and then came the descent off the mountaintop with rebound weight gain. They were still stuck in a dieting mentality.


Weight releasing is not only a physical challenge, it is a mental one. 


I believe in reverse engineering for weight releasing.   Everything dieting warriors did and continue to do,  I no longer do.


I've maintained for almost a year now.  It is the first time in my life that I have been able to do this.   I did it without dieting and 'pretend' visits to the doctor to get on the scale. Houston,  I've been around, you know.


I had a digital scale that never told the truth.  You could hop on and get a different number every single time.  That thing is his-tor-eeee.  But there's the large scale that we have with counterweights. Industrial. It is used to weigh meat and anything else.   Bear never hops on it to see what he weighs.


It sits for months and months without use.  I was tempted so this is what I did.  It's my secret and part of my weight releasing reverse engineering tactical strategy.   I set the counterweights to a reasonable optimum weight.  I left them there and did not touch them.


Months and months and months went by.  When temptation was getting the best of me,  I knew that no matter what...I would be at my optimum setpoint.   The counterweights were where I always wanted to be and guess what....one day it happened.  I did get on and that bubble level calibrated right in the middle.


I was on the level but what really mattered,  I was level-headed.   


Those counterweights are still right there.   


I believe you should try reverse engineering for weight releasing.  I did not snap any before belly photos.  I threw away all photos that made me feel bad about myself.   Why do I want to go back there.   There's no need to keep living in the past.


I believe the way to find weight stability is keep looking towards your future.   Don't look back over your shoulder and quit reminding yourself how miserable you once were.  The past is gone.   Live for today.


There are dieters everywhere, logging their weights with devices and marching in place. They are prisoners of their own design.  If you're exactly where you were a year ago...it's time for reverse engineering. 


Start thinking today where you want to be 10 years from now.  That's going to require getting that dieting hook out of your jaw.  No more belly befores.   Do they bring you Happy Awareness or do they make you feel all SAD sad.   


Get rid of everything that makes you feel less than and SAD sad.  


I'm still here because I'm dancing with the one who brought me to the dance.  Houston,  I'm off the launch pad. I'm not dealing with those old dieting problems.   I'm not really standing at the door but I like visiting.


I'm floating by the Whole 30 capsule, knocking on windows and saying...Hey you in there,  I see that you were about ready to get on the scale.  You're trying to pull the wool over our eyes and yours.  Don't go there. 


Belly selfies and scales will never be a part of my Happy Awareness and battle tactical strategy. Reverse engineer yourself.  Think waaay ahead into your future. 






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Give your clothes to goodwill.   Load 'em up and give them away.  If they're ratty, throw all of it out in the yard.   Go ahead.  Toss out the old and in with the new.   Don't give yourself a permission slip to go back to the SAD sad.


Make preparations for your future.   You would do that if you were having a baby.  Fix your room and closet up.  Let the child start dancing through your life.  Boot out the sad sack who's been smothering out your Happy Awareness.   Like the wolf at the door,  that body bully wants back in. Don't let him back in your house.


Go take a shower and get the stink blown off.   Stinkin' thinkin'.


Who ya gonna call?  Belly Body Bully Buster.




I threw out the photos and reminders of my past that made me SAD sad.   


I don't live there anymore.   Address unknown.   

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I remember rubber legs and I liked it.  It was first time I'd felt that sensation while I was hiking up a steep mountain trail.  It was about 2 weeks into my Whole 30.  I had no idea what it meant until I read about it on the forum.


I didn't experience the KAT.   Rubber legs meant I was moving out of sugar burner into fat burner. Now, I'm a Bunsen Peak burner.   


4.2 Miles ... Peak: It is named for Robert Bunsen, inventor of the Bunsen burner.



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