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Full Tilt Boogie


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At Carlin, in 1889, at the homestead of Fish Whiskers, the band of
Brown Thunder and Maspegnaka gathered. There were no wagons.

From there, Father, Mother, Grandfather and Grandmother, with three
travois went on a 'tateyape' (hunting trip). At that time, my father was
young, 33 years of age, my mother 22, and my sister 2 years. She is the
only girl they had.

The term 'tateya' means the hunting of all kinds of wild game. For
two years, 1888-1889, they went on their hunting trip, their last.

Traveling northward up the 'hinhan wakpa' (Owl Creek), now the
Moreau River, and through the 'Paha zizipela' (Slim Buttes) and on to
Montana. They camped at the Little Missouri, 'Wakpa Cunsoke', meaning
the Draw of Heavy Forest.

This is where I was born. I was born in the mid-summer, the Moon of
Black Cherries, which is the month of July.

A lot of wild game was killed during this time; deer of all kinds,
big chickens, antelope, elk, moose and mountain sheep. This is when a
buffalo was last seen, so they killed it and ate it. The last time they
had buffalo meat.

My mother having no milk for breast feeding, I was fed soup from
animals killed, with help of a buffalo horn spoon. They poured the soup
in my mouth, I was told. For ten days this went on. They told me nobody
could cry louder than me, then.

I was born in a tipi, carried on a backsack among the wild animals
that still roamed the wilderness on the border of Montana. Because they
have a lot of meat, coming home was difficult. Meat was carried in a
travois. Horses were led on foot. Traveling only half of a day at a
time, camped at nights, they arrived at Carlin.

Upon arriving at Carlin, they found only the remains of the Brown
Thunder Camp. My grandmother was heartbroken for not seeing her brother.
The very next day, they followed the trails of the horse drawn travois
eastward on the 'Wakpa Waste' meaning river of good or the good river,
now the Cheyenne River. Arriving at the mouth of the river, they came to
an army camp, Fort Bennett, where the 'Hoh woju' people camped.

Because of the closeness, respect and love among these people, they
cried as they saw their relatives. At this gathering, Three Stars
(General Crook) came to ask for land and (the touching of the pencil)
'wicazo yutanpi' took place, I was told.


There's more.  That's just a glimpse.



If you can imagine long winters with nothing but a tipi, harsh elements, babies and children.  

Very little to eat.    I'm glad I'm here. 

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Bone Broth is one of the oldest human foods.   French cookbooks will tell you that it must be cooked for at least 12 hours for the rich minerals, collagen-to-gelatin content.  We say 36-48 hours is even better. 


We roast our bones for hours before we add them to the stockpot.  Bones, sinew, meat scraps, a tad of vinegar, vegetables, good water.  Lifegiving and renewing.  Aids your digestion, strong bones and teeth.

Add it to your vegetables or make your other side dishes with it.  We use in sickness and in health.  It's even kept babies alive back in the day when there was nothing else. 


Make yourself some.  French or Paleoamerican, it's not going anywhere.  Bone broth has been around for a very long time.

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Cross-pollination.  Trading in one addiction for another. 


Counting crows and calories, logging food for months on end.  You only need to log your food for troubleshooting purposes.   If you continue for months on end,  it's tracking and dieting and Groundhog Day.


Addictions can begin for one reason and can continue for another reason.  Neuroscience.  The brain will take you back to the roots of dieting and the body is a bully.  The body screams for former favorites and needles and badgers you until you cave in.  The brain falls victim to the body bully.


Flesh.  Skin and bones.   The rest is water.


You can turn the tides of dieting addiction.  You can recover.


Face to face counsel for breaking free if you cannot do it on your own.  Neuroscience is strong. The roots run deep.  If you do what you've always done you'll  get what you've always gotten.


If you're exactly where you were a year ago,  time for new strategies.


Stop tracking and snap out of it.  That's a good beginning.   You're not in love with counting calories.








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Whole 30.  


Why it worked/works for me. 


Many people have thrown around the zero carb metabolic advantage.  But it doesn't have the lasting results as many would think.   As I've read through all of the Whole 30 blog, articles, veteran/moderator posts over the last two years and my own observations -


When you eliminate all carbs the stress hormones come out to fight back.  The body will find and use alternative methods of fuel/resources to handle the zero carb conditions you've set up.  In the beginning, the body pulls more fat out of the fat cells.  Somewhere along the line, few months the body becomes adept at figuring out how many ketones, fatty acids, glucose needed to keep everything in line.


Metabolic advantage drops off.   The body always finds a way to adapt.  There's ASP and LPL, chylomicrons.... you can research the dynamics.   Throw massive amounts of cardio into the mix and that metabolic advantage drops off further.


Eat nothing but high fat you make more chylomicrons to transport triglycerides. More ASP stimulates fat storage.  Some people have real problems digesting nothing but fats every day and this doesn't work for them at all.


Those who limit foods down to a handful, mostly fats, notice that the body begins to look/feel softer in muscle tone. When they up their protein and real food carbs the body composition comes back.  It's all about balance.   Really.


If you follow the template, you don't have to worry about figuring any of these things out.  It's all in there and I follow it.  Simply because it works.

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Over restriction, under nourishing - eventually it all takes it's toll.

Balance in all things.

The misconceptions of zero carb "dieting" and that high insulin levels are necessary in order to store body fat.  The theory that if your insulin stays low,  you can basically eat as much as you want and not store fat.


But the body has an alternative fat metabolism pathway.

Fat cells secrete ASP (acylation stimulating protein) that increases the activity of lipoprotein lipase to break down dietary fat. Eat nothing but fats and body makes more chylomicrons in order to transport triglycerides.  This results in more ASP which stimulates fat storage.  


Balance is everything.  Proteins.  Vegetables and fats. 

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Groundhog Day cycling.  That may happen for years or decades.   If you chart the history of a cycler, the numbers rise over time.  There are cycles of tremendous effort and then falling off the mountaintop.


A counselor can help you identify the core struggle and why you get caught in the cycles.  An outside party can see the rationalizations and help you confront the patterns that are connected to the core struggle.  The root of diet/weight cycling. 


Maybe you're unable to say NO or set boundaries. If you continue to cycle, something is still wrong and you will have to continue to dig deeper.  The success of any positive food management plan has nothing to do with cabbage soup.  It has to do with if you've figured out how to set yourself free from dieting.  That requires making a plan taylored just for you.


You'll know when you've confronted the roots of the core struggle.  You'll quit cycling.



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