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Be Chillin' like Matt Dill'on


I tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve. I've had my share of mood swings, believe me. But it's a powerful thing when you realize that you have dominion over your behavior and your passions. Matt Dillon

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We get caught up in all the stress - 'Got to do this, is this the right thing for me to do?' - but what about the thing you want to do? That's what'll keep you young. It's empowering, not becoming a prisoner of some other person's idea of what you should be. Matt Dillon

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I've been watching Gunsmoke with Paw.  Matt Dillon and Miss Kitty.  You can learn alot from Marshal Dillon.


Looks aren't a big thing to me. I keep reading these articles in fan magazines about me, and I don't even know who they're talking about. It's boring. Matt Dillon

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The scientists concluded that a ‘sweet tooth’ is just a response to the brain’s craving for calories, rather than an addiction to sweetness.


Scientists have revealed that we aren’t actually craving sweet foods. Brain is merely craving calories – not reacting to an addiction to sweetness, experts found.


Different circuits in the same brain region are invoked by calories and sweetness, but pleasure is only derived from calories - not sweetness, scientists discovered.


That’s because the brain prioritizes energy over taste to ensure survival.


The study was published in the journal Nature Neuroscience.

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"It's a powerful thing when you realize that you have dominion over your behavior and your passions."


You really can flip the switch on sugar cravings.  Let your brain know that it really is craving quality calories and not from sweet foods and sugar.   Your brain and body want the trifecta of health.


Proteins, vegetables and fats.  Give it that and tell your brain to just shut-up already.  It will listen.   Don't let the brain bully you around this weekend or any weekend.  You're in charge. 

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You can make big changes.  Lasting changes.  You do not have to be a creature and held prisoner by old habits.  Stand your ground.


Go to the kitchen and Man the Pan!  Throw yourself a great meal together and enjoy every bite. Drink your Bone Broth and let it soothe your soul.



Stinkin' thinkin' comes knockin' on your door.  Tell it go!  Don't come around here no more!



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We're cooking Easter Dinner.  I'm swilling some Bone Broth and eating some of my homemade kale chips with fresh black pepper, Himalayan salt,  red pepper flakes and celery seed while we're preparing the dishes.  Roasted turkey with homemade mayo everywhere with lemons, celery, mayo inside, too. Homemade sweet and white potato salad.  Fresh greens and roasted vege of every kind. Fresh berry balsamic reduction. Assortment of tiddlywinks, fancy olives and fermented vege/asparagus.  Hooch Booch later on. Nah, only Booch.



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Holiday dinners and every food situation under the sun. There may not be anyone in your inner circle who's left in suspense about what we're having for dinner or lunch.   Coworkers really have too many other pressing things in their lives to think about it either.


Flying solo.  Encouraging yourself when there's not a soul around.  It will make you stronger.


Start a journal.  It will keep your hands busy during the inevitable rough patches.  You can read over what was written a few days or months ago and see the lightbulbs or flaws in your thinking.  Go back a couple of years and you can howl with laughter or cover your eyes.


People are not watching every bite you take, not unless you're purposely drawing attention to it or making a big production out of it.  The world is full of breakrooms populated with people who don't and won't eat like you eat.  


I knew I needed to get used to it if I wanted to make my overall health and well being a priority.  We cannot control others with our discoveries about food and health.  People will begin to run every time they see you coming.   


They'll make huge rationalizations about why they need to fall back into pizza, bread bowls, bread bread and generally eating all the things.  Conventional dieting can't begin to address eating for emotional reasons.


It was on the news last night, that maladapted eating behaviors that begin in college can stay with you for an entire lifetime.    The brain is becoming fully formed and 'adult'.   I already knew that leaving home is the time when many of us start dieting and fasting and thrill eating.  


The brain will take you back to those old cycles.  If we only knew then what we know now, we would've never started dieting in the first place.  It was the pathway to messing up our relationship with food.


Immerse yourself in breaking out of those old cycles.   Lean into it.  


Don't rationalize why you have to revert backwards.  In a nutshell or the whole bushel...you may have to ask for help if you've been falling back into those old cycles you created when you left home.   No more denial.   Lean into it and break free.

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Teach your children well.   Teach your children how to be well.




"Teach Your Children"

You, who are on the road must have a code that you can live by.
And so become yourself because the past is just a good bye.
Teach your children well, their father's hell did slowly go by,
And feed them on your dreams, the one they fix, the one you'll know by.
Don't you ever ask them why, if they told you, you would cry,
So just look at them and sigh and know they love you.

And you, of the tender years can't know the fears that your elders grew by,
And so please help them with your youth, they seek the truth before they can die.
Teach your parents well, their children's hell will slowly go by,
And feed them on your dreams, the one they fix,the one you'll know by.
Don't you ever ask them why, if they told you, you would cry,
So just look at them and sigh and know they love you.
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"I want to promote healthy kids who can have babies and raise them well —  he said "Maybe it will change the much broader population."


"The things you engage in at 18 will stay with you for the next 60 or 70 years — that's why it's so powerful." 



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"The things you engage in at 18 will stay with you for the next 60 or 70 years — that's why it's so powerful." 


How many dieting lifers do you know..been at it for decades and they're  seniors now.   How many do you know that been able to break free from those old cycles.


Teaching children how to diet and fast and go on thrill eating benders before they ever leave home is a huge mistake. 


It's so true.  Things we engage in at 18 can last until the day we leave this earth.   I'm not going out like that. 

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Perfection doesn't lead to growth.  Flaws and mistakes do.


Repeat Whole 30's lead to growth.  


Too much self-help can pressure you to strive for perfection.  All or nothing.  Black and White Thinking. When you fall short of 'All'  or perfection, we can become over analytical with ourselves.  Not everything in life requires delving deeply within ourselves. 


When we over-think a Whole 30 or overanalyze food chemistry, macros, micros, mackerels...it makes everything over-complicated.  


When we over-whelm ourselves with an abundance of self-help food hacking information, it can prevent us from taking action.   We procrastinate instead of making positive changes.  We become frozen with choices.


Tiny steps for Tiny Feet.  This is why I threw all of my dieting books in the dumpster.  I don't need them anymore.   Whole 30, because one size does not fit all.


Make sure you're listening to your own individual wants and needs and not listening to others tell you what you need.   Only you can decide what makes you happy about you.


Are you happy?   If so, then you don't need to self-interrogate yourself every minute of the day or have others do it for you.


If you're not happy, then turn around and take a good hard look at what's making you unhappy.  Don't be afraid or have too much pride to ask for help either.  Face to face time. Not more self-help books.

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Spending too much time in your head.  When introspection becomes rumination.  Digging yourself into a rumination hole.   Post Hole Digger or Post Whole Digger.    Digging big deep dark holes of unproductive rumination.  Becoming totally frozen by too much information.  


Introspection is productive.


Post Hole Digging Rumination is a major risk factor for depression and anxiety.  This is a circular cycle of negative thinking.  Self-critical and self-denying.  Deny.  Deny.  Deny.   'Nothing'.  


"Why can't I stop binge eating or thrill eating?"   Rumination doesn't think about buying whole foods around the perimeters of the grocery store, food prep for Happy Awareness....rumination dwells on the comments that other people have made or how you look in the mirror.


Rumination gets stuck.  The wheels are turning but you're not getting anywhere.  There may be frustration or even ticked off.  If some of your favorite words are so and so really ticks me off...or that ticks me off,  everything ticks you off,  you're stuck.


Rumination runs around in circles, maybe even physically pacing around in circles - digging yourself into further distressed feelings.


Introspection gets their arse out of the chair, runs to the store and buys everything for Whole 30, taking the book along for ideas.  Introspection makes a plan, a positive food management plan.


With introspection there is a sense of exploring and adventure.  You're not rehashing your old problems or over-thinking.   Time to move!   Your Happy Awareness will follow.

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Dieting = Self-Sabotage.  


Getting lost in the shuffle.   Can no longer see the forest for the trees.  Dieting does that.


Dieting is a tiny focus.  Dieting for an entire lifetime and still unable to see the bigger picture.  Dieting is laser focus on calories, measuring food and self, weighing self and food, logging food - small details.


I know dieters who've been logging their food details for 50 years.  They're still lost.


If a tree falls in the forest does anyone hear it?  Of course, they hear it.   The forest is loaded to the gills with creatures and they hear it.  It definitely makes a sound.   


Throw open the shades and let the light in.  Let the light scrub every dark corner of dieting residues out of your life.   Dieting is a constant stress and it lowers your hormones.  Dieting anxiety exhausts the adrenal glands.  


After periods of dieting, there's more self-sabotage with rebound weight gain.  Rebound weight gain fat cells produce compounds that magnify sleepiness.  Then you want to take a nap and doze off in the forest to forget everything like an old Grizz.  


Balanced hormones.   Do a tension inspection.  Is your jaw clenched tight?  Ditch the pot of coffee in the morning and eat your best Whole 30 breakfast within one hour waking.   This is part of the magic that changes everything.   


If you're in the forest wandering around,  the creatures can hear and see you.   Sadness elevates stress hormones, too.   Don't fall asleep on the pineneedles.   Grizz is awake and he's pretty hungry.

Get back up on your feet.     Start moving.


Find your way back to the trailhead.  Get back on the trail.  You know the way.   It's a way without weigh and whey.   Roll your hunched shoulders down away from your ears with your chest up.  Slumped shoulders suck up extra energy.  


Don't look back over your shoulder to see who's tracking you.   Stop tracking everything.  Look towards the bigger picture.    Stride Right.  Lean into it.   Put away your measuring devices.  No more dieting, openly or in secret.  Grizz is hungry.  You need all of your muscle mass to stay at least 300 paces ahead.



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