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Full Tilt Boogie


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Trust your intuition.  It's just like goin' fishin'. 


Your knower knows.  Follow your intuition.  Be brave.  Be smart. 


You can't follow the herd, graze with the sheep or travel with the pack if they're hacking their lives to pieces.


Don't out-smart your initial gut reaction.  Don't be easily led.  Be brave enough to take a chance on yourself. Don't let someone else help you make your life weird.


Give your intuition the credit it deserves. 


Run.  Forest.  Run. 

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I eat fruit with a meal.  Thrown on top or mixed with vege or proteins.  I use fresh fruit in balsamic reductions eaten with proteins and vege.  I don't eat fruit inbetween meals (drive-by fruitings) or at every meal. Reasonable restriction and not over-restriction. 

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Writing down "drive-by fruitings" in my notebook now. Fruit looks so beautiful piled in a bowl on the table, but I just don't do that anymore... for this reason. It keeps very well in the refrigerator.

Fruit may be a trigger for some but it's not my body bully.   I can't recall a time when I've ever been overwhelmed by the love of fruit.  


Is fruit the first thing I used to think of for a bender?  No way.  Nuh huh.  Nope.  It was refined carbs.  If folks dived into the fruit bowl and ate 12 pieces would it be the same as going to the fudge factory or candy company.   No.


I cannot eat more than one piece at a time and usually,  1/2 of an apple is more than enough. I don't find my thrills on blueberry hill.   The twenty-something me got my kicks on Route 66 with Twix. That changed.  Then it was falling back into bowls of pasta, pizza and bread.  


Fruit does not move me to become out of control.  I can take it or leave it.   But I like to add berries to meals.   What that ole grizz does, I do.   I'm not going to dig through slide rock and eat moths or millers but I would in a pinch. 


I would eat the bark off of trees if I had to.   A mountainbilly can survive.   


All my rowdy city folk relatives say they want to come live with us if multi-crap ever hits the fan.  ;) We'd take them in.  


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Nice grizzly pictures - I did not know they were rock climbers and moth eaters. Quantity fruit eating is not the problem, but those "drive-fruitings" spoil my appetite. And I love sitting down to a meal hungry. It's one of the great pleasures of life.

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Nice grizzly pictures - I did not know they were rock climbers and moth eaters. Quantity fruit eating is not the problem, but those "drive-fruitings" spoil my appetite. And I love sitting down to a meal hungry. It's one of the great pleasures of life.

Grizz goes for the millers - like moths to the flame.   Tasty treats for the Grizz who's at the top of his food chain, 2nd to me.  Grizz is protected by endangered species act.  It doesn't matter where he roams, he has free rein of all domains and cannot be touched in any way. Carte blanche liberty...good way to be.


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I love sitting down to a meal hungry. It's one of the great pleasures of life.


Grizz and I agree with you.  We're having prime rib today.  Baked potatoes, salad, asparagus, au jus and other tiddlywinks.  We make an extra special Sunday dinner every week.  Bear cooks all proteins to perfection.  My sis tried to make a prime rib like a chuck roast with water.  She ruined it.  :P  :P  :P 

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Self-medicating with dieting books.  Don't go there. 


There's always another slew of dieting books coming around the corner. Written by one person. One person's idea of what you should do with your life.  One person.


One person helping you put yourself into another slot,  a box or deep dark hole of more dieting.


Liberty = throwing all of them out into the front yard and do not look back over your shoulder. Don't.


Keep looking back in the rearview mirror to the land of dieting books that brought you here in the first place and you'll be right back where you started.  Don't go there, you'll turn into a pillar of salt.


The further away I move from those piles of unhappy horsesheet books...the happier I am.  








Whole 30 is a food reset.  The mind reset will take you waaaay down the road if you'll quit reading roadmaps how to get back to your original starting point.   


Self-medicating with diet books and self-help books will turn your brain into a bag of fighting cats.  


Whole 30 = food reset.


Mind reset = return all dieting books to sender.  Sit down face to face with an actual person. Look them in the eye and seek help that is taylored to your life.  


If you're where you were 2-4 years ago,  a year ago, 6 months ago....time for a mind reset. You won't find it in dieting books. 


Life reset = the last time in your life you were not fettered and shackled in chains.   Maybe you were 12  or 18 years old.   You were not incarerated in constant food thought Shawshank prison.


Dieting is a lifelong sentence.   Once you start it doesn't end.  It starts the cycles of messing up your relationship with food, family, friends and life. 


The further away I am from dieting and someone suggesting I should read this or do that, read this or do that....the happier I am.   You belong in this box or that box.  Take another test and see where you fit.  I don't want to and I won't do it. 


Stick a fork in me.  I'm done with dieting and self-medicating with another diet book.   I had an attic full of boxes with dieting books.  


Liberty and freedom came when I pitched all of them out into the yard.  Wild horses can't drag me back there.  Read this and do that.   Talk to the hand because I'm not listening or reading another book with a hook.  A hook in my jaw that will take away my freedom.


I actually believed I could find freedom.  It wasn't just another catchphrase or empty promise.  I believed it with everything within my being.   


You can't have freedom when you're secretly counting steps, calories,  measuring your food, micros, macros and your nose is stuck in an app and diet hacking book.   It's talking out of both sides of your mouth when you're still doing all of these things and pretending you're really free.  You're not.


Not letting the right hand know what the left hand is doing....pretending your free and still dieting.  It's oil and water and it does not mix.  The truth comes out a little at a time.   Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.   


It's like trying to lead a band of paleoamericans anywhere when you're secretly so confused with mixed smoke signals.   Changing with every wind of doctrine and being tossed wildly to and fro.


A dab of this and another dab of that will not fix you.   Throw your dieting books out and don't buy anymore.  A double-minded dieter will avail more heartache and confusion.   A double-minded dieter will avail all or nothing.  Mostly nothing.


Food freedom.  Food reset and a mind reset = clearing your mind out so you make room for your freedom.


Don't fear, it's not a vacuum.  You don't need to clutter your head back up with confusion.  Keep it simple, simply because it works.

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Don't get too full, you'll sink to the bottom.  


De-clutter your mind.  A house is a reflection of the mind.   Fill your house up with piles of newspapers and magazines, empty milk cartons, boxes,  dieting articles and the mind becomes a hoarder of quack.


Don't stare directly into the sun or you might burn your retinas.  Mountainbillies who live at high elevations have experienced this.  It's called snow blindness.   

Natural sunshine is good but alot is not.  Use wisdom to know the difference.  There are many living at high elevations who've had sun cancers/melanomas being cut off their faces and legs and arms and necks. I know them.


More is not always better.   There are people who've worked outside all of their lives who have the consequences of too much sun exposure.  On the other hand are cubicle dwellers who receive little.    


Reasonable restriction and over-restriction.  Reasonable exposure and over-exposure. 


De-clutter and hoarding.   All or nothing.   Can't bear to throw away even the most useless junk.  Hoarders accumulate more to insulate themselves from the world.   The thought of discarding, throwing out junk causes them anxiety and discomfort.  There are extreme hoarders and pack rats.  In the extreme, there is little social interaction with others and isolation.  They are walled off with newspapers, magazines and junk mail. 


Excellent reading materials.  Wonderful.  Piles of junk mail, not.


Reasonable restriction de-clutters the mind and house without being all Jacked UP on quack.   Over-restriction, over-exposure is falling over-board for every new diet or power drink or miracle cure for everything.  Micro-managing every morsel of food that goes into your mouth.   All jacked UP on quack. 


There is a difference between being alive and living.  



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