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preparing to face some difficult times = perfect time for a whole 30!


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good morning! today is DAY ONE of my umteenth attempt at a whole30. The first one I did at the beginning of the summer was a really cool experience... I had all sorts of mistakes, bumps and misunderstandings, but stuck with it for the most part. I was able to reap enough benefits to know that there really is something awesomely positive and powerful about eating really good real food!

for the next couple months I trudged along eating well most of the time but then would have intermittent screeching halts going completely off road with screw-it attitudes that looked something like this: "well, at least I'm doing better than I was 6 mths ago, life is getting hard and a twix bar (or fill-in-the-blank noncompliant food item) will surely make me feel better," or some such nonsense... and of course I'd pay for it with stomach aches, headaches, inflammation etc.

meanwhile... my parents (especially my dad), who live in the same town as me, both 78, are dealing with some major health issues. my mom is on week 9 (!!!) of shingles, and this week my dad was diagnosed with early stage alzheimer's. my siblings & I have been made more aware of my dad's condition due to my mom's increasing inability to compensate for him because of her own health deficiencies.

I've been doing my best to help my mom get some good nutrition to get stronger and as of a couple days ago she is beginning to feel a LITTLE better though she's still in an enormous amount of pain. My dad's deal is more of a long term journey.

It may seem nutty to some, but honestly NOW feels like the perfect time to do a whole30. My family and I have a marathon ahead of us and it just feels intuitively like I need to be taking good care of myself right now in order to be strong physically, emotionally and spiritually, so that I can better deal with the difficult road ahead.

I'm so grateful to have the whole30 as a tool in my wellness toolbox.

Hell, I'm so grateful that I even drank my coffee black today! ;)

will be back later to log my food for the day...


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today's food... probably relied too much on fruit & nuts, but overall felt good about day one...

3 eggs scrambled 

guacamole from whole foods

6 oz chix bone broth

apple w almond butter


beef stew over spinach

6 oz chix bone broth

1/3 pecan Larabar

chix breast

mixed fruit & pecans

water 75oz or so over the day

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I just wanted to chime in and add my encouragement to what's already here - I think that the boost in physical energy is going to be really helpful for you during this challenging time, but the psychological/mental strength is going to be even more important. The Whole30 is so empowering in ways that I didn't expect. I know everyone's experiences will be different, but on Day 28 I feel more self-confident and less anxious than I have in 5+ years. I'm sure that some of this is because my body's rewiring itself to run on Good Food, but I also think that some of it is definitely an "ego boost" that comes along with saying "no" to food that's going to make my body sick.

I think that your decision to do a Whole30 during this difficult time in your life is an amazing way to take care of your body AND your mind. Keep up the good work (and check in here when you need to)...you can do it!

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Good Luck on you whole30 journey. I'm on day 2. So far so good ! We can do anything for 30days as long as we keep our head in it! I'm doing this journey for so many reason! I know In 28 days more days I'm good to feel so much better then I do today! Looking forward to checking into your log :) I think I will start a log myself to keep me accountable :)

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thanks so much for all the encouragement, much appreciated.

yesterday's food:


small avacado

1 egg fried in coconut oil

4 oz diced chic & onion

2 c black coffee


6 oz bone broth

apple & almond butter

early D

leftover stew 

apple & almond butter

100 oz water

in morning: vitamin D3, B complex, fish oil 

at night: magnesium (natural calm)

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I just read my Day 3 Whole30 Daily email and found this awesome article!!! So very helpful to know I'm not alone. I laughed, I cried, I identified...

I've been stuck somewhere in the land between the anger and the sadness phase for the past month floundering all over the place... With the new W30 start, I'm recognizing these phases as normal and am fiercely holding on to the idea that "this too shall pass." As long as I keep doing what I should regarding the food, I will eventually get to the acceptance phase... eventually... (btw, reading from the success stories forum has me convinced of that... or at least it has convinced me to shelve away my doubts until I've been at this a while... reminding me how true the idea is that contempt prior to investigation is a pathway paved with ignorance...)

on a side note, I've been working on my website the last couple days and am (obviously!) totally digging the link function!

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here's another article that got my attention... from the resources section here:

Give Your Sugar Tantrums a Time Out

a quote that rang true:

Tough it out, because changing this pattern and breaking this pattern will prove to be one of the healthiest, most rewarding, most freeing experience of your life.

I hope so!!! I'm counting on it... I've had a really rough time of it, with the sugar demon >this< close behind me while I'm running fast.

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You are so, so right...this shall too pass! I was addicted to my weekly treat time, I swear I would fantasize about what I was going to have, how much, and more times than not it turned into a crazy sugar binge. Isn't that terrible? I just felt so awefully and out of control. I feel that my relationship with food is in recovery mode. You will feel so accomplished when you complete this journey. There may be times when you are just on that edge but just hold on, don't give in to the lies of starting again the next day. When you take control over your choices you feel so good about your accomplishment the next morning;)

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Hi HMT -

"ahhh, what a journey, yes?"

Oh Yes. I feel a kindred spirit :)

Sorry to hear about your folks. Alzheimer's is a tough one, been on that trip too. Thanks for the links, I'm feeding my enthusiasm by reading everything.

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t i r e d t o d a y .

here's yesterday's food:

3 eggs fried in avacado oil

over spinach leaves, avacodo & tomatoes

1 banana

2 C black coffee

apple & almond butter

handful of mac nuts

1 C bone broth

about 5 oz grilled steak, 1 shrimp

over greens with 1/2 avocado

and then... a few too many mac nuts too late at night...

but better than the sugary option I was considering...

60 oz water,

with breakfast: vitamin D3, B complex, fish oil

at night: magnesium (natural calm)


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Glad you are doing well. Stressful and difficult times are the BEST time to spend just a few moments taking care of YOURSELF every day. I find it super helpful not only physically, but mentally/emotionally to take time to say that my health is still important and a priority regardless of what is going on around me.

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