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Please help: Trouble planning meal times


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My husband and I are starting whole 30 tomorrow, yay!

I would love to give you a rundown of our days and see if you can help guide me where to fit our meals in.

Husbands day:

Wake up: 4:30am

Starts work: 6am

Breakfast break: 9am (15 mins)

Lunch break: 12pm (30 mins)

Finishes work: 2pm

Bed: 8:30pm

I was thinking he would have to have 4 meals: 4:45am, 9am, 2pm, 6:30pm

My day:

Up: 4:30

Start work 8:30

Morning tea break: 11:00 (10 mins)

Lunch break: 1:30 (15 mins)

Finish work: 4:30

Bed: 8:30

It's trickier for me...

But this is what I was thinking for my meals:

4:45, 8:30 (small meal), 1:30, 6:30

I really want to stick to eating 3 meals a day, but I don't know how it's possible with the times of day we have to work with.

I would really appreciate your advice :)

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When you have particularly long days, it's okay to have more than three meals. Your plans seem okay, other than I'd go ahead and pack a full meal for your 8:30 am, at least at first, so if you are hungry, you have enough food. If you aren't hungry for all of it, you can always put it back in the fridge and save it for another time. 


The main point of the three meals a day is really not to graze all day, and not to snack mindlessly. You're going to want to eat every 4-5 hours, your days just happen to be long enough that that means more than three meals.

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When your body gets used to getting lots of nutrition, it settles down a bit. Don't worry so much about "too much", especially in the beginning when you're finding your balance :)


I find (depending on what I ate before starting) I'm often eating more my first week, then I'm a lot less hungry.


Everyone in different, but you may find a starchy veg meal before bed helps with sleep (sweet potato, pumpkin, etc).

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Your plan looks great. You have a busy day. If the cooking gets you overwhelmed, or even if it doesn't, I like to follow Melissa Joulwan's batch cooking. It's not menus where you eat specific foods at specific times, but cooking enough food to last a week with plenty of tips on how to make meals out of it. The website is http://meljoulwan.com/2013/12/29/whole30-2014-week-1-meal-plan/.

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