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Seafarer: looking for input on re-intro choices


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I would appreciate any input or better ideas for my re-intro choices, and the order of things. I will keep to Whole30 rules & recommendations throughout, so the foods I list are in addition to my regular meals. I also want to re-introduce soy separately from legumes, and would appreciate some alternate suggestions on my options.


I have also added a few things that aren't on a recommended schedule anywhere, but I know they'll come up, so I want to decide ahead of time (without the mixture of other things that might come with them) whether they are worth it.


I will allow a minimum of 2 compliant days between each re-introduction, possibly more, depending on what other things are going on. Don't want to do a re-intro on a day that I am going to a concert & have to excuse myself (or fall asleep)!  :)


Any thoughts? Input? Ideas?


M1: Peanut Butter (sugar-free)
M2: Peas
M3: Chili with Beans

Non-Gluten Grain
M1: Oatmeal (gluten free)
M2: Rice
M3: Quinoa spaghetti


M1: Greek yogurt
M2: cheese
M3: milk


M1: Toast
M2: Cereal
M3: Dinner roll


M1: soy milk (depending on other ingredients; need to check carton)
M2: edame
M3: stir fry with soy sauce


M1: Small fruit smoothie (+ regular breakfast)
M2: Honey (spoonful... maybe in water or with tea)
M3: sugar on blueberries


M3: glass of wine


Chocolate (80% bar)
M1: 2 squares
M2: 2 squares
M3: 2 squares


Ice Cream
M2: equivalent to one small cone, but no cone


It's interesting.... there isn't anything that I am currently missing, and I am very tempted to just keep going on as I have been, but at some point in time there will be a reintroduction of some kind which is driven by other people or events, and the likelihood of my not being able to keep it to one non-compliant item (for example, peanut butter with sugar) is quite high... this is what happened after my first Whole30.... so I am going to do a planned re-introduction schedule at a time when I have all the control. Then I'll know for sure which things I can let slide, and which ones are worth being That Person over.

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I noticed corn is missing on your non-gluten grain day. You may want to find a way to test this due to how ubiquitous it is as an additive. Personally I'd test it over quinoa.


One other thought is with dairy. You could split it into high lactose and low lactose so you can identify lactose -v- casein interaction. But that's just something to consider, not a hard core recommendation.


Also on Dairy, for me, I avoided yogurt or other active culture dairy because the active cultures help your body break down the lactose. I wanted to know how I did on my own with lactose, so I specifically left dairy with live cultures out. I literally couldn't find a yogurt that didn't have live cultures that also didn't have non-compliant ingredients. So, I had to skip it.


Final thought, brown rice may be significantly different from white rice. One has the bran, difficult to digest with lots of anti-nutrients designed to protect the seed, the other is branless and essentially just carbohydrate (much easier to digest).


Just sharing all the things that led me to my own plan :)

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Good advice, thank you! And since corn grows in my garden, and quinoa does not (  :) ) it makes much more sense to just have corn on that day. 


I had not thought about the yogurt having an effect of the rest of the dairy day, so will re-work that day as well. Thanks.


A question about dairy.... I have never been aware of a problem with dairy except for one thing that I always thought was odd. If I was dieting, and steadily dropping weight, the smallest hint of dairy passing my lips and I could forget about weight loss. For me, milk could stop a weight loss program cold. Any idea why that might be?

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A question about dairy.... I have never been aware of a problem with dairy except for one thing that I always thought was odd. If I was dieting, and steadily dropping weight, the smallest hint of dairy passing my lips and I could forget about weight loss. For me, milk could stop a weight loss program cold. Any idea why that might be?

An intolerance? A casein or lactose intolerance can cause inflammation & interfere with appetite controlling hormones preventing weightloss. Plus some forms of dairy are known to produce an insulin response depending on the level of milk proteins - generally the higher the fat content the less of the milk proteins (think ghee - all fat, no proteins). Hence your milk stopping your weight loss cold.


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An intolerance? A casein or lactose intolerance can cause inflammation & interfere with appetite controlling hormones preventing weightloss. Plus some forms of dairy are known to produce an insulin response depending on the level of milk proteins - generally the higher the fat content the less of the milk proteins (think ghee - all fat, no proteins). Hence your milk stopping your weight loss cold.



The things you don't know.....   


Remember our parents saying "what you don't know can't hurt you"? So wrong.


Thanks for the info jmcbn!

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Good advice, thank you! And since corn grows in my garden, and quinoa does not (  :) ) it makes much more sense to just have corn on that day. 


I had not thought about the yogurt having an effect of the rest of the dairy day, so will re-work that day as well. Thanks.


A question about dairy.... I have never been aware of a problem with dairy except for one thing that I always thought was odd. If I was dieting, and steadily dropping weight, the smallest hint of dairy passing my lips and I could forget about weight loss. For me, milk could stop a weight loss program cold. Any idea why that might be?


Yep! Think about milk's purpose. It is meant to make a tiny animal into a bigger animal. It's meant to promote growth. It's meant to be easy to digest, to hit your body fast and hard, rather then being dealt with and releasing it's power slowly into your bloodstream. It's literally designed to make animals gain weight. :)


I suspect milk has been a significant factor in my weight as well. I also discovered, on my recent dairy days, that it replaces water for me. So, where I already don't drink enough fluids, I drink even less of them when I'm drinking milk. Awesome, right?

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I also discovered, on my recent dairy days, that it replaces water for me. So, where I already don't drink enough fluids, I drink even less of them when I'm drinking milk. Awesome, right?


I can just see that coming for me as well. And I really like milk!  :( I guess I'll just have to find something I like better, right? 


I found that with coffee too, which is why it was a frequent visitor on my log early in the W30, but sort of dropped out of sight later. I just didn't have room for it.

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