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nuts overdose

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I am on day 10. Prior to this whole 30 experiment I have been eating super clean for close to a month. Lastnight I lost control and ate a ton of mixed nuts. Which may be a good thing because I'm kind of sick of them now. Woke up with a slight tummy ache. I promise I won't eat before bed anymore I'll just chug water and go to sleep. Get my 8 hours in pure darkness. Does this constitute a restart. I've been doing so WELL..

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I would suggest taking a minute to reflect on why you went to town on the nuts....are you eating enough? enough fat?

Consider going without nuts if they are problematic food for you (i.e. can't stop, won't stop). I personally try to stay away from nuts (unless they are like condiment on a dish). Because if there are roasted and salted almonds within arms reach...i just keep eating.

Take this as a learning lesson.

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