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Newbie reintro question


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Finished my first Whole30 last week and have been reintroducing without issue.  So far it's dairy and legumes.  I think I'm having some gassiness with the peanut butter (is that a typical symptom?), but otherwise it's been fine.  I don't miss the dairy so with have that infrequently or not at all.  Today I started non-gluten grains, and had a slice of Prairie bread with breakfast.  I'll wait and see.  My question is that I woke up a little more mucousy than usual (sorry!), postnasal drip, etc.  I've been completely Whole30 between reintros, except for sugar (not any added), and yesterday there was some in the chicken stock I used.  Can the sugar be causing this symptom?




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Thanks so much.  This is very enlightening!  For non-gluten grain intro, I've had gluten-free bread this morning and some tortilla chips with lunch, and feeling a bit foggy and tired.  Do you think it's too soon for me to be having a reaction to these foods?

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Thanks so much.  This is very enlightening!  For non-gluten grain intro, I've had gluten-free bread this morning and some tortilla chips with lunch, and feeling a bit foggy and tired.  Do you think it's too soon for me to be having a reaction to these foods?


No, not at all.  The foggy and tired feeling is a direct result of eating these things.  Our bodies do much better without them.  :)

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Thanks!!  I think I'll forego introducing the gluten grains - make sense?


I think if you ever, ever, see yourself consuming gluten again -- ever -- it's a good idea to do it intentionally now (in your re-intro schedule), so that you can get a clear picture of how it really affects you.


It is much easier to pass up the Christmas cookies (or whatever) if you know for a fact that they are going to make you tired, grumpy, bloated and gassy, give you a headache, make you want more, etc.


Some people are sensitive to the smallest amount in sauces, breading, etc.  It's really best to know for sure.

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Thanks!!  I think I'll forego introducing the gluten grains - make sense?


Hi!  I am in the reintroduction phase too as I completed Whole30 on Tuesday.  Tried legumes on Wednesday and my tummy was not happy with me on Thursday.  Yesterday and today back on Whole30 and tummy much happier today!  I am still going to reintroduce all of the groups, except gluten, to see how I Ifeel.  I have an autoimmune disease and gluten is bad and I won't go back to it ever.  Also, I gave up dairy about a month before doing Whole30...my nose cleared right up and its been the best allergy season for me in years!  Good luck with the rest of your reintroduction. :)

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Brewer5, thanks for the advice.  I'll go for the gluten and then know for sure (but I already suspect!).  Kimberly, sounds like it's been a successful reintro with what you're learning - that's what's so cool about this!!  Good luck as well!

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dwerder - as everyone has commented above, it's entirely possible that the small amount of dairy butter caused your nasal congestion.  However, I wanted to pipe up that refined sugar absolutely causes an inflammatory response for me that is most evident as a sore throat and post-nasal drip - so it COULD be the sugar (or the combo of dairy and sugar).  Keep us posted on an your official sugar re-intro, too!


I'm starting to get excited about my own reintro, just for the learning experience of it all!




-Lauren (GGG)

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Brewer5, thanks for the advice.  I'll go for the gluten and then know for sure (but I already suspect!).  Kimberly, sounds like it's been a successful reintro with what you're learning - that's what's so cool about this!!  Good luck as well!


Legumes affected my tummy but not the autoimmune stuff.  Dairy was Wednesday and yesterday I felt like poop (autoimmune and tummy) and still don't feel quite right today.  Gluten free grains...I didn't feel anything different!  Good luck to you too!

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