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Hi, I started the whole 30 on monday, yesterday Day 3 I had a massive flare up of gastric pain, nausea etc. Would this have been caused by whole 30 or a coincidence? I have been off meds for quite a while and was taking slippery elm but ran out about a month ago, I have been fine though. It started after breakfast but I had eaten the same thing the day before. I did have a fruit tea that may have been out of date (no idea how long its been in the cupboard), Is it normal to have a flareup?


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It would be helpful to give you directed input if you could give us a rundown of what you've eaten (including portion sizes) for the last three days... It's hard to say if it's coincidence or not but we can take a look and see if there's anything that could use some tweaking :)

Sorry to hear about your tummy trouble... that's never fun!

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Oh hi sugarcubeOD thanks for replying.

Monday I had lots of water an apple at lunchtime and vegetable soup for tea (I also do intermittent fasting so was a fast day)

Tuesday I had grain free porridge (made with nuts Apple, coconut milk) for breakfast, a tomato omelette for lunch and vegetable bolognaise for dinner (made with walnuts, tomatoes and cauliflower mainly) water to drink and coconut water in the evening

Wednesday I had the porridge again with the fruit tea then I felt the pain start, veg Bol for lunch and nuts and coconut chips for snack. Water to drink and strawberry infused water. Didn't have tea as I wasn't feeling very well with pain and nausea and went to bed early.

Yesterdat i treated it with mylanta, nexium and slippery elm. Feels better today just tender. Lots of slippery elm glutamine and probiotics today to help. Today managed to eat the porridge again without problems, tomato and kale omelette for lunch and apple for snack so far with wTer and strawberry infused water

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Oh Varny, what you are eating is not nearly what we want you to eat during a Whole30. And intermittent fasting is not consistent with a Whole30. Technically what you are doing is acceptable for a vegetarian Whole30, but it just makes me sad. You need more food in general. Your gastric pain may be hunger. You need less nuts and fruit and more root veggies. And you need more protein. Legumes are not ideal, but as a vegetarian, you could be soaking beans for 24-hours and eating them to improve your protein levels. 


Nuts and coconut chips are hard on the gut and should be minimized by anyone who has gut issues. 

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Hi Tom, thanks for replying. I wondered if it was the nuts, I normally don't have any problems with them but I suppose with the change in my eating they are probably normally buffered by other things. its not hunger pain as I have been following IF for a few years now for the health benefits and I'm doing the whole30 to compliment that not vice versa and this had been discussed with my nutritionist. But I can stop the fasting until the end as I want to concentrate on doing this well to stop my sugar cravings. I have upped veggies and having more eggs. I have been managing the pain as above and only have some residual tenderness now and then. I'll also try some legumes, thanks. I was trying to find things compliant and thought I was doing well (I also hadn't had chance to go shopping, I'd done weeks of meal planning but time ran out to shop, I now have a fridge full of lovely veggies :-) )

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