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In need of a pep talk!


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Hi guys!


I did my first Whole30 a few months ago in September. I kept it going for another month after that, but not as strict as the first  round. I had great results and since then, people have been telling me I look great and that they can see a difference in me!


I still have things I want to achieve: especially trimming down on the belly fat! I mainly want to do it so I can feel comfortable in my clothes and feel confident, but I also know that belly fat is tied to lots of other health issues.


I've gotten off track with the holidays and having my cousin visiting from Greece. We had so much fun, but I stopped exercising completely while she was here and I consumed a good amount of wine and sweets!


I want to do another Whole30 but I feel overwhelmed, even though I know how good the outcome will be.


I also have issues with depression. I was diagnosed many years ago and I've been handling it in my own ways for a long time. But recently it hasn't been that easy to deal with! I think cleaning up my diet and exercising regularly again will give me a boost. I also want to look into supplements and other things I can do that will help with the depression.


Doing the Whole30 helped me get through a rough time, and I need to gather up the courage to do it again!

I just need some encouragement :)

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You know what you need to do, now you just need to do it!


We all want you to succeed, but the motivation has to come from you.  My tipping point was my face was getting fat.  I realized that the moments of pleasure I received from eating non nutritive junk food did not equal the self loathing I felt daily over my increasing weight and decreasing health.  Read It Starts with Food, that's what motivated me.  I'm D8 and feeling amazing.

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This is my second whole30, and while the process of the actual whole30 is easier than the first time around....making the commitment to doing it was harder, so I totally get your need for encouragement. I did a series of 10-day to two week "resets" which helped to get some of my bad sugar and snacking habits back in check. You'll know when you're ready to commit to it, but if you're not ready for the full 30 days right now, commit to a week, two weeks, whatever. You might find that you decide to finish off the full 30 days!

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Remember to keep in mind all of the positive, NSVs that came from your first W30. That feeling of accomplishment, healthy, glowing.


One thing I know for myself is that if I start to workout again after a hiatus, then my eating begins to be cleaner as well. Chicken or the egg situation for everyone though :) 

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I started January 12th for all the reasons you've mentioned. This is also my second W30. I also include exercise as part of my program. I take a 1-a-day type vitamin, an iron tablet, niacin, and D-3. The latter two to curb depression. I believe exercise (for me running, and twice a week gym class) is the best for mental health. I've been wanting to get back to healthy living, but was just not motivated enough until I stood on the scale after the Holidays and saw a 10 pound increase from six weeks earlier. My body really wanted to be clean, and I noticed how relieved I felt within the first couple of days of Whole 30.

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The SAD makes everyone sad.  Then there's the SAD from the Ides of January or  Winter Blues, short days and reduced sunlight.  We all perk up in the Spring.


Get back UP on the sweet potato truck.  We've all fallen off the turnip truck a time or two.   Just dance with the one who brought you here.   Your Whole 30 feel good plan. 

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Hi guys!


I did my first Whole30 a few months ago in September. I kept it going for another month after that, but not as strict as the first  round. I had great results and since then, people have been telling me I look great and that they can see a difference in me!


I still have things I want to achieve: especially trimming down on the belly fat! I mainly want to do it so I can feel comfortable in my clothes and feel confident, but I also know that belly fat is tied to lots of other health issues.


I've gotten off track with the holidays and having my cousin visiting from Greece. We had so much fun, but I stopped exercising completely while she was here and I consumed a good amount of wine and sweets!


I want to do another Whole30 but I feel overwhelmed, even though I know how good the outcome will be.


I also have issues with depression. I was diagnosed many years ago and I've been handling it in my own ways for a long time. But recently it hasn't been that easy to deal with! I think cleaning up my diet and exercising regularly again will give me a boost. I also want to look into supplements and other things I can do that will help with the depression.


Doing the Whole30 helped me get through a rough time, and I need to gather up the courage to do it again!

I just need some encouragement :)

Why not commit to a Whole 7 or 14 if 30 days feels like too much, that could be enough to keep you going through the 30 days. 

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Thank you guys so much for these awesome replies! Every reply was very helpful and very appreciated!


I also feel inspired to reread the posts I made back in September and October where I got lots of inspiration.


And I also like the idea of one Whole 30 meal at a time, which was helpful in the past.


Thank you again!

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I'm on day 22 of my second whole30, and I am shocked that my sugar cravings are no longer obsessions!  I, too have struggled with depression for a few years, and I can tell you with certainty that my hormones have been all out of whack.  Doing a whole30 is a HUGE piece of getting your hormones back on track, you are doing a wonderful thing for your health!!!  My tips are to stock up on avocados and olives, and eat them at each meal of the day.  I shop at Aldi for the best prices, sometimes they have coconut oil too.  I was struggling with the idea of taking on a whole30 this time around because I knew the amount of effort that would be involved (I have small kids, hubby to pack lunches and snacks for, we just moved, dealing with lots of stress).  My hubby and I were literally desperate for some positive change, and we made the commitment together.  There have been some rough days, but now three weeks in, we are sleeping better, no longer snacking, and we have both noticed that food tastes better.  It's a miracle that my sugar cravings are gone.  


A couple of non-diet related things we are doing is writing down things we are thankful for/things that make us happy.  We are putting them in a jar and planning to read them on New Year's Eve this year  ;)


Also, we have been watching Ted Talks on Netflix.  There is one series called Life Hack, and I think it's the first talk about body language that is super-encouraging.  The one about playing games is so good too.  There is another one about being happy.  They are all so interesting and helpful.


Of course exercising too!  You GO girl!  You can do this!


PS:  Also, try eating more tuna and salmon for the brain-boosting omega oils.  I also periodically take cod liver oil.  I buy Garden of Life brand off the Vitacost website.  It's inexpensive and tastes decent, with no aftertaste.  Hope that helps!

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