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Confused about sugar


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Sorry if this has been asked before...

I am new to whole30 and still trying to work out the kinks in my planning phase. I've read the book and refer back to it often. As far sugar is concerned I'm a bit confused and I'm hoping someone can help. When reading the ingredient list I'm not finding any sugars added, but under the nutritional information it lists 1 or 2 grams (for example). Which do I pay attention to, the Ingredients or the nutritional information?

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Ingredients list is where to focus. If every single ingredient is compliant, you're good.

Some products may have zero sugar or sweeteners in the ingredients and have grams of sugar on the nutritional label. That would mean there is naturally occuring sugar in the product, which is ok on a Whole30.

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  • 1 month later...

I have a question, I think I know the answer, but I want to ask anyway....today is my start date. I made egg muffins with veggies and eggs and turkey sausage. I searched high and low for bacon or sausage without sugar. Thought I found it in Jennie O turkey sausage..then I was re reading the sneaky sugars and saw dextrose. I saw that was in the ingredients list. So technically I can't have the sausage, correct? Since it is day 1 and my first meal, I figured I would just keep going and extra day, but wanted to double check. 

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I have a question, I think I know the answer, but I want to ask anyway....today is my start date. I made egg muffins with veggies and eggs and turkey sausage. I searched high and low for bacon or sausage without sugar. Thought I found it in Jennie O turkey sausage..then I was re reading the sneaky sugars and saw dextrose. I saw that was in the ingredients list. So technically I can't have the sausage, correct? Since it is day 1 and my first meal, I figured I would just keep going and extra day, but wanted to double check. 

That sausage would be off-limits on a Whole30.  No added sugar or any sweetener of any kind, period. Sorry.

It's a good lesson learned to read the ingredient label on every single item, every time (as ingredients can change).

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