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5th times a charm?


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i am on day 32 of my 5th Whole30 since 2014.  I don't have much of a problem getting through the 30 days as i love strict structure and thrive on it.  however, i have never successfully made it through a reintroduction period.  Here is how it usually goes...i do 30 or 40 I've even done 60 days of whole 30 and then on some random unplanned ahead of time day, i get together with my friends and drink like I'm trying to make up for every day that i didn't drink.  Naturally i feel like poo the next day and then zucchini and mushrooms with some poached eggs just doesn't cut it...and try as i might the big salad with avocado and chicken and all of my favorite veggies just leaves me feeling depleted, so i end up eating a big bowl of ramen (gluten & legumes) a quesadilla and who knows what else, doesn't matter, the point is i can't tell what is causing what and there ya have it...time goes by i do another Whole30 because it makes me feel so good and i like the structure and blammo!  so, day 32 here and i am feeling like i am in that dangerous zone again.  i want to reintroduce correctly but honestly I'm not craving anything but wine, i don't want any dairy or grains or anything like that..am I'm afraid if i have a glass of wine ill want another and the slippery slope will slide...any suggestions thoughts or insights or maybe you've experienced this as well?

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Have you tried a wine glass full of kombucha?  I love the gingerberry and it really satisfies me like wine.  I know after whole 30 that I really cannot drink ever, not even for a reintro try (my husband is pretty strong about not wanting to drink anymore and that helps).  I never used to drink too much but I couldn't miss my glass of wine.  Do you have the flow chart about off plan foods that Melissa made?  I will see if I can find it if you don't.  Every time I go to the refrigerator, I look at it before I get out the bottle of wine.  Wine is always a no-brakes food for me like nothing else, even if I just cook with it.  

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I've been in the same place of thinking, "I slid down that hill before, how do I keep from doing it again?"

So after my 4th round that ended Jan 31, here's what I'm doing: I'm eating Whole30, but the only difference is if I eat an ingredient off plan, I don't need to hit a reset button. Eating one item off plan doesn't mean I reset, but it doesn't give me permission to eat/drink like I used to either. I eat this way now, all the time, every day, so that's my usual.

I went to a dinner party the other night with some wine drinkers. Gave myself permission to have one glass of wine and had to make it last the whole evening. Here's what I did. They served wine with cheese & crackers before dinner. I accepted the glass, took one sip and set it down. Said no thanks to cheese & crackers. Took one more sip of wine before dinner. Left my glass full all through dinner so they wouldn't refill it. Drank water instead. Then at the end of the meal, I finished my wine while everyone had dessert (brownies & sugar-free ice cream, they have diabetics in the family and this is what they eat :o ).

So that's how I got through a social event without running off the rails. It wasn't particularly difficult, it just took a liittle bit of planning.

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What do you think makes the difference between your success at doing a Whole60 vs. doing a Whole30+14ish days of reintros?

When i do a Whole60 there area no deviations what so ever, so i stay strict and have no problems, as soon as i decide i am going to reintroduce = have a glass of wine thats when everything goes to poo.. i realize my relationship with alcohol may not be the healthiest and its one of the reasons that i keep coming back to whole30, a self imposed ban on drinking which gives me ultimate focus on eating healthy which i already do and have most of my life.  alcohol impairs judgement, and leads to poor choices at times especially with food and i really struggle with it.  I love wine, good wine especially, but even after 2 glasses, watch out! it is a food without breaks for me.  i think i should reintroduce all the other foods before wine, but i just don't want any of them...We raise our own pigs and the bacon we get made has a tiny amount of sugar so i am going to eat some of that, but legumes, gluten, grains, dairy, not interested

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Have you tried a wine glass full of kombucha?  I love the gingerberry and it really satisfies me like wine.  I know after whole 30 that I really cannot drink ever, not even for a reintro try (my husband is pretty strong about not wanting to drink anymore and that helps).  I never used to drink too much but I couldn't miss my glass of wine.  Do you have the flow chart about off plan foods that Melissa made?  I will see if I can find it if you don't.  Every time I go to the refrigerator, I look at it before I get out the bottle of wine.  Wine is always a no-brakes food for me like nothing else, even if I just cook with it.  

I love kombucha, i drink one a few times a week and have used it many times in social settings to offset the desire or craving for alcohol.  I was reading the flow chart last night, reading everything i could get my hands on to help me navigate this next step.  I am leaving for vacation in 22 days and want to get through reintroduction before then, not so i can go cray cray on vacay but so i can find if any of these foods are problematic for me because I've never gotten through this stage before.  i will definitely drink on my vacay and am not going to until then, but at least i want to know ABOUT THE FOOD, but i don't want to reintroduce just because I'm suppose to, i really don't want anything thats not whole30 right now

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xandra, it takes more than just planning, you clearly have the willpower of a thousand humans!  one glass of wine for me makes my willpower dissolve and yes for that reason, i probably shouldn't drink anymore, but sheesh...does it really have to be that cut and dry and harsh...

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I wasn't using willpower for this. I was using all my past experiences of waking up with a hangover and saying, "How can I do this so I don't feel like garbage tomorrow?" I wasn't fighting myself about anything, it was more like playing a game. I wanted this success more than I wanted the wine (or the cheese, crackers, brownies, or ice cream).

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Once upon a time, I thought all or nothing was for me.  It's not.   I tried that method for years. It all began and ended with dieting.  Diets are about eliminating this or that for rapid weight loss. They mess with your head.


With dieting, there's alot of baggage that keeps following your around.   And guilt.  Willpower will only carry you so far.  It gives out.  Perfect eating and willpower are not the recipe for life that's centered without constant food thoughts and denial.


I'm not an abstainer or a moderator.  I don't fit into boxes.  I've made a clean get-away from dieting, categories and classifications.   I broke out of dieting prison.


It only takes 30 compliant days for a reintro.  After that you can create your plan based on your life.  To break free of my dieting cycles I asked for help.  I'm going to live without looking back in the rearview mirror at those endless loops and cycles of UP days, down days of dieting.  All in/all out or nothing.


Thirty days.  Then you can plan for your life and vacays.

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