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Metabolic Syndrome X


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Hello, I am just familiarizing myself with this program, and am reading "It Starts With Food" right now. They briefly touch on Metabolic Syndrome, but never say if that is reversible. I was told by my doctor I have this syndrome, and all she could tell me was to eat low glycemic index food....not if I would have this forever, or anything else I can do.....so I am wondering, will Whole30 help me, or am I stuck with this? I hope someone out there can help me....Many Thanks!


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I just googled 'is metabolic syndrome reversible' and the results indicate that in many cases, it is. No one here is a doctor. Eating Whole30 will certainly not hurt with metabolic syndrome and will quite likely help with the symptoms. Whether YOU specifically have it forever or can reverse it is not something that the Whole30 or anyone here can comment on because, again, not doctors.

I would definitely do some research into the diagnosis as well as seek either your doctor or another doctor to talk more indepth about what causes it and what besides 'low glycemic foods' can help you.

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All of the pointers for metabolic syndrome (high blood pressure, abdominal obesity, high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol levels - ie. good cholesterol - and high blood sugar) are entirely reversible with diet so I don't see why metabolic syndrome wouldn't be. As I understand it metabolic syndrome is a term/label used when a person exhibits each of these pointers which increase your risk of cardio vascular disease, T2 diabetes and stroke.

Here's a good place to start your research:

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